Public Computers at Pitts

Pitts Theology Library provides public workstations for accessing digital collections, searching library catalogs, writing papers, and preparing presentations. 

Library Computer Use Policy

The Pitts Theology Library provides computers and internet access in order to facilitate the learning and research needs of our user community. In accordance with this, library computers and internet access should be used for academic purposes. It is the responsibility of all computer users, those affiliated with Emory University and those who are not, to adhere to computer use policies and follow standards of behavior defined in the Emory University Libraries’ Code of Conduct and in the Emory University Information Technology Conditions of Use. Users must take responsibility for ethical and legal use of the computing resources at the library, including the ethical and legal use of materials accessed through these computing resources. The library grants access to computing resources based on the assumption that access to library computing resources is a privilege, not a right, just as is access to physical resources in the library. A priority for library staff is to create an environment that is welcoming and safe for all library patrons, and should a library staff member or other Emory University official determine that a patron’s use of computers or resources access through library computers is in violation of this priority, access to library and computing resources will be revoked, consistent with Emory Libraries’ Code of Conduct. Any member of the Emory community who feels that a computer resource is being misused should report the violation to proper Library or University personnel.

Lookup Terminals

On the first and second floors of the library, there are computer terminals that provide easy access to the library catalogue and other online resources. There are three such machines on the second floor of the library, just as you enter the library by the Circulation Desk. There is one lookup terminal on the first floor, near the elevator. All Pitts lookup terminals are Dell XPS 27" All in Ones, with 8GB DDR RAM.

Desktop Computers in the Information Commons

Click here to see a map of current use of the computers at Pitts.

The library provides 18 public desktop computers for academic use in the Information Commons area of the second floor of the library. These machines are equipped with three different tiers of software packages.


Apple 27" iMacs 

3.2GHz Quad core Intel Core i5, 8GB SDRAM

MacOS 10.11 (El Capitan)


Dell XPS 27" All-in-One Machines

4th Generation Intel Core i5-4440s, 8GB DDR3 RAM

Windows 10 (64Bit)

General Computing

5 Machines with the following software:

5 Machines with the following software:


3 Machines with the Mac "General Computing" software plus the following: 

3 Machines with the Windows "General Computing" software plus the following: 


1 Machine with the Mac "General Computing" software plus the following:

1 Machine with the Windows "General Computing" software plus the following:

Circulating Technology

The library also provides a number of tools that patrons can check out, just like books. These include laptops, tablets, iPods, hard drives, and headphones, along with a range of peripheral devices and cables. To learn about the list of devices, as well as to check the availability of these materials, please visit the Computer Hardware page on the Pitts Website.