Instructional Support

Instruction at Pitts Theology Library equips students and alumni of Candler School of Theology as well as the Emory University community with information literacy and research skills for ministry and theological and religious studies. Our goal is to ensure that all Candler and GDR students, alumni, and Pitts patrons develop a core set of information competencies: finding research materials (including books and articles), accessing significant primary and secondary texts, evaluating credible information sources online, and using information in ethical and efficient ways.

Library instruction happens at Pitts in four primary ways: library workshops, course instruction (facilitated with disciplinary faculty), research and reference consultations between reference librarians and library patrons, and courses offered by Pitts librarians.

Weekly Workshops 

Every semester, Pitts librarians offer workshops. These workshops are open to all members of the Emory University community. Workshops cover library databases, research, citation help, exegesis tools, worship-planning resources, web-based software, alumni access and resources, and more.

This semester’s workshops can be found here.

Past workshop materials can be accessed here.


Course Instruction 

Pitts librarians engage in library instruction collaboratively and are available to offer a wide variety of instructional needs including research and publication, using Emory resources and databases, and operating selected web-based software and citation management systems. If you are teaching at Candler School of Theology, we would love to work with you on course instruction, goals, learning outcomes, and individual assignments that require information literacy tools and approaches. We are also available to partner with you to assess student learning.


To request instructional support at Candler please fill out this form

Please contact Brady Beard or with questions.


Research and Reference Consultations 

Pitts reference librarians provide research consultations for students, faculty, and other patrons. For quick questions, chat with a librarian at For more thorough sessions, schedule a consultation with us to discuss your research question, learn how to use library databases and the catalog, fine tune your argument, and manage citations or style guides.

Need a quick introduction to key resources on a new topic? Check out Pitts' Research Guides, which provide direct links to resources vetted by librarians and subject experts on over 60 subjects! 

Brady Beard
Reference and Instruction Librarian
Book an Appointment

Anne Marie McLean
Reference Librarian and Outreach Coordinator
Book an Appointment



Pitts offers courses at Candler School of Theology that focus on research, technology, and teaching. Many of these courses are listed as RL and cross-listed with other departments at the school of theology. Please direct inquiries about library courses to