The Painter

Book Title: Spiegel van het menselyk bedryf : vertoonende honderd verscheiden ambachten, konstig afgebeeld en met godlyke spreuken en stichtelyke verzen verryke / door Jan en Kasper Luiken

Author: Luiken, Jan, 1649-1712

Image Title: The Painter

Scripture Reference:

Description: Sitting in front of his painting, the painter blends colors on his palette; next to him stands a small chest with supplies. A sketch of two figures in the painting is affixed to the frame of the easel. In the right background there is an apprentice; in the left foreground, a view of the courtyard. The Dutch artist and poet Jan Luiken (1649-1712) was responsible for drawing this emblem and for creating the motto and poem that follow. Jan Luiken and/or his son Casper Luiken (1672-1708) were responsible for its etching. The attendant scripture text is Isaiah 2:16.

All that the eye sees,
Is still not the principal thing.

Art presents us with a semblance,
How things are in essence,
As the large painting
Of the Totality of visible things,
Assigned their place by wisdom,
Reveals the origin of all that is.

(Translation by Els Stronks, from her book Negotiating Differences: Word, Image and Religion in the Dutch Republic, Leiden: Brill 2011 [Page 239])

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