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500 Years
Commemorating the 500th Anniversary of Luther's 95 Theses
Images of Martin Luther
16th Century Woodcuts
16th Century Images of Martin Luther
17th Century Woodcuts
17th Century Images of Martin Luther
18th Century Woodcuts
18th Century Images of Martin Luther
Events in Martin Luther's Career
November 10, 1483
Luther's Birth
April 4, 1507
Luther's Ordination
Johann Tetzel Begins Selling Indulgences
October 31, 1517
Luther Posts the 95 Theses
October 30, 1518
Luther Places Himself under the Protection of Frederick the Wise of Saxony
July 1519
Luther and Johann Eck Debate at Leipzig
June 15, 1520
Pope Leo X Issues a Bull of Excommunication Against Luther
August 1520
Luther Writes Address to the German Nobility
October 6, 1520
Luther Writes The Babylonian Captivity
November 20, 1520
Luther Writes On the Freedom of the Christian, With an Open Letter to Leo X
December 10, 1520
Luther Burns the Papal Bull
January 3, 1521
Luther is Excommunicated by the Bull Decet Romanum Pontificem
April 17-25, 1521
Luther Appears before Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms
May 4, 1521
Luther is "Kidnapped" and Taken to Wartburg, where he Hides for 11 Months
May 25, 1521
The Edict of Worms is Issued
September 21, 1522
Luther Publishes the German New Testament
Luther Writes Hymns and the First Lutheran Hymnal is Printed
May 1525
During the Peasants War (1524-1525), Luther Writes Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes
June 13, 1525
Luther Marries Katherine von Bora. They Would Go on to Have Six Children
December 1525
Luther Writes On the Bondage of the Will, Against Erasmus
March 1528
Luther Writes Confession of the Lord's Supper Against Zwingli
March 1529
Luther Publishes the Small Catechism
May 4, 1529
Luther Publishes the Large Catechism
June 25, 1530
The Augsburg Confession is Presented at the Diet of Augsburg
The Religious Peace of Nuremberg Grants German Protestants Freedom of Religion Until Further Notice
October 1534
Luther Publishes the German Bible
February 9, 1537
Luther Issues the Schmalkaldic Articles
September 20, 1542
Magdalena Luther, Luther's Daughter, Dies at Age 13
January 1543
Luther Writes Against the Jews
February 17, 1546
Martin Luther Dies
Personalities of the Reformation
Early Reformers
Early Reformers
Philipp Melanchthon
Martin Luther's Family
Electors of Saxony
Groups of Lutheran Reformers
Law and Grace
English Reformers
William Tyndale
Henry VIII
Thomas Cranmer
Groups of English Reformers
Reformed Church Leaders
John Knox
Huldrych Zwingli
John Calvin
Reformed Church Life
Groups of Reformers
Groups of Reformers
Catholic Leaders
Emperor Charles V
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Johann Eck
Johann Tetzel
Johann Cochleaus
The Council of Trent
The Four Popes during Luther's Career
Pope Leo X (1513-1521)
Pope Adrian VI (1522-1523)
Pope Clement VII (1523-1534)
Pope Paul III (1534-1549)
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One fine body…