Printer's Device of Pietro Perna

Book Title: [T¯es tou Huiou Theou Kain¯es Diath¯ek¯es hapanta (romanized form)] = Novum Testamentum Jesu Christi filii Dei, ex versione Erasmi innumeris in locis ad Graecam veritatem, genuinumque sensum emendata : Glossa compendiariam Matthiae Flacii Illyrici Albone

Author: Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536

Image Title: Printer's Device of Pietro Perna

Scripture Reference:

Description: Printer's device of Pietro Perna (c. 1520-1582), a publisher based in Basel. Enclosed in an ornamental frame is a woman with a staff in one hand and a lamp held low in the other. The motto is a quotation from Psalm 119:105 (in Psalm 118 of the Vulgate): "Lucerna pedibus meis verbum tuum" ("Your word is a lamp to my feet").

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