Initial Letter I

Book Title: Christophorus Froschouerus pio lectori s.d. : en damus tibi Christianissime lector, Commentaria Bibliorum et illa breuia quidem ac catholica / eruditissimi simul & pijssimi uiri Chuonradi Pellicani Rubeaquensis ; qui & Vulgatam commentarijs inseruit aeditionem, sed ad Hebraicam lectionem accurate emendatam ... ; tomus primus in quo continentur V. libri Mosis

Author: Pellicanus, Konrad, 1478-1556

Image Title: Initial Letter I

Scripture Reference:

Description: An initial letter I showing David, with a sword and the head of Goliath, being greeted by women singing his praises. This woodcut is also used in the 1536 "Zurich Bible" and is based on the design of Hans Holbein.

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