
Book Title: `Biblia, ad vetvstissima exemplaria : nvnc recens castigata. In quibus, præter ea quæ subsequens præfatio indicat, capita singula ita versibus distincta sunt, ut numeri præfixi, lectorem non remorentur, & loca quæsita tanquam digito demonstrent ; additis, ubi res postulavit, elegantissimis figuris Hebræa, Chaldæa, Graeca, et Latina nomina virorum, mulierum, populorum ... quæ in Biblijs leguntur restituta cum Latina interpretione, ac lorum à Cosmographis descriptione

Author: Haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni

Image Title: Armageddon

Scripture Reference:

Description: The rider on the white horse achieves the final victory as the beast is cast into the lake of fire.

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