Nathan Confronts David

Book Title: The history of the Old and New Testament : extracted out of Sacred Scripture and writings of the Fathers : to which are added the lives, travels and sufferings of the Apostles ... : the whole illustrated with two hundred thirty four sculptures, and three maps, delineated and engraved by good artists / translated from the Sieur de Royaumont, by several hands ; supervised and recommended by Dr. Horneck, and other orthodox divines

Author: Fontaine, Nicolas, 1625-1709

Image Title: Nathan Confronts David

Scripture Reference:

Description: Nathan the prophet confronts David about his affair with Bathsheba and the consequent murder of Uriah the Hittite. The name of the engraver, Johannes Kip (1653-1722), has been set at the lower right, and as the numeral at the head of the page indicates, this is plate #98 in a series of illustrations.

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