Vision of Four Beasts

Book Title: Summaria vber die gantze Biblia : das Alte vnd Newe Testament, darinn auffs kürtzte angezeygt wirdt, was am nötigsten vnd nützten ist dem jungen Volck, vnd gemeynem Mann, auss allen Capiteln zu wissen vnd zu lernen, darnach sie ihr Leben richten vnd solcher seiner Lehre, zu jrer Seelen Seligkeyt brauchen können / durch Vitum Dieterich. Mit Fleiss von newem vbersehen, vnd mit schönen Figuren gezieret. Vnterschied des Alten vnd Newen Testaments. Fürneme Vnterschied zwischen reyner christlicher Lehre des Euangelij, vnd der abgöttischen Papisten Lehre. Christlicher vnd kurtzer Vnterricht, von Vergebung der Sünde vnd Seligkeyt, durch Philippum Melanthonem. Kurtzer Begriff vnd Innhalt der gantzen heiligen Schrifft, vnd aller biblischen Bücher, des Alten vnd Newen Testaments, durch Iohannem Brentium

Author: Dietrich, Veit, 1506-1549

Image Title: Vision of Four Beasts

Scripture Reference:

Description: As the four winds blow upon the waters, out of the sea emerge four beasts: one with the head of a lion and wings of the eagle; a second was in the form of a bear and had three ribs in its mouth; the third beast had four heads and four wings; and the fourth beast had long teeth, multiple horns, and hooves like those of an ox. The image places these beasts on different continents to represent the four kings that will arise from the earth. The artist, Virgil Solis (1514-1562), has placed his monogram on a stone in the lower right of the woodcut, and in the lower center is the engraver’s knife and his monogram (CS = Conrad Saldoerfer).

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