Elkanah and his Wives

Book Title: Textus Biblie : hoc in opere hec insunt : concordantie tam ex Veteri & Nouo Testamento, sacrisq[ue] canonibus, q[uam] ex viginti libris Josephi de antiquitatibus & bello Judaico excerpte : additiones in marginibus varietatis diuersorum textuum : summaria perpulchra ad singula apposita capita : indicia seu repertoria quinq[ue] non aspernenda ... : habes candide lector hec omnia ex vetustissimis exemplaribus hac editione castigatiora reddita

Author: Crespin, Jean, fl. 1525-1543, printer

Image Title: Elkanah and his Wives

Scripture Reference:

Description: As Elkanah and his wife Peninnah sit on a bench before a table with two doves, Elkanah's other wife, Hannah, stands weeping before them.

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