The Standards of the Inquisitions in Spain and Goa

Book Title: The history of the inquistion / Translated into English by Samuel Chandler. To which is prefixed, a large introd. concerning the rise and progress of persecution, and the real and pretended causes of it.

Author: Limborch, Philippus van, 1633-1712

Image Title: The Standards of the Inquisitions in Spain and Goa

Scripture Reference:

Description: To the left is the Standard of the Inquisition in Spain, which features a cross, an olive branch (representing clemency), and a sword (representing justice). Surrounding the image is the Latin verse EXURGE DOMINE ET JUDICA CAUSAM TUAM (Arise, O God, and defend your cause) from Psalm 74. To the right is the Standard of the Inquisition in Goa, which features a priest holding an olive branch and a sword above a dog setting fire to a globus cruciger. At the top is the Latin phrase MISERICORDIA ET JUSTITIA (on mercy and justice).

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