Historiated Title-Page Border

Book Title: De Me Hamarim Ham'ar'rim [microform] : sive aquis amaris maledictionem inferentibus, vulgo dictis zelotypiae, et Num. V. v. ii. usque ad finem cap. descriptis, ex anatolica antiquitate, hoc est: fontibus sacris, eorundemque variis tum orientalibus, tum occidentalibus versionibus, Thalmude utroque, & omnium aetatum Hebraeis exegetis, homiletis, philosophis, kabbalistis, atque Masora, erutum, adeoque Judaeorum in textus sacros commentandi rationem multiplicem ostendens philologema.

Author: Acoluth, Andreas, 1654-1704

Image Title: Historiated Title-Page Border

Scripture Reference:

Description: Centered in the title page is the Latin phrase ANDREAE ACOLUTHI DE AMARIS ZELOTYPIAE PHILOLOGEMA, which roughly translates to “The Teachings of Andreae Acoluthi about the Bitter Water of Marital Jealousy,” in reference to the trial in Numbers 5. In the top and bottom center of the page is the motto PURA CUM VEST VENITE ET PURIS MANIUS SUMITE AQUAM, or “Come with pure clothes and take up the water of the spring fountain with pure hands.” Eight octagon-framed illustrations surrounding the title depict a shared meal, a Caduceus, a receiving room scene, a burning altar, an incense burner topped by a heart, a marriage ceremony, a griffin killing a snake, and a possible trial scene (left to right, top to bottom). The artist’s signature appears on the bottom right-hand corner.

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