Portrait of Richard Baxter

Book Title: The catechizing of families: a teacher of housholders how to teach their households : useful also to school-masters and tutors of youth. For those that are past the common small chatechisms, and would grow to a more rooted faith, and to the fuller understanding of all that is commonly needful to a safe, holy, comfortable and profitable life written by Richard Baxter, in hope that family and school-diligence, may do much to keep up true religion

Author: Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691

Image Title: Portrait of Richard Baxter

Scripture Reference:

Description: A portrait of Richard Baxter (1615 – 1691 C.E.), an English Puritan church leader, theologian, controversialist, poet, and hymn-writer deemed “the chief of English Protestant Schoolmen” by church historian Dean Stanley (1815 – 1881 C.E.). Written on an unfurled ribbon across the top of the frame is a line from TRISTIA, translated “Sorrows” or “Lamentations,” written by Roman poet Ovid (43 B.C.E – 17/18 C.E.). It reads, NOS QUOQUE FLORUIMUS, SED FLOS ERAT ILLE CADUCUS, FLAMMAQUE DE STIPULA NOSTRA BREVISQUE, which translates, “I too had my day, but that day was fleeting; my fire was but a straw and short-lived.” A small, unfurled page beside Baxter reads “Thy benignity is better than life” from Psalm 63:3. Beneath the portrait is a reproduction of Baxter’s famous epitaph, “Farewell Vaine World, as thou hast bin to me, Dust and a Shadow, those I leave with thee; The unseen, Vitall Substance I commit, To him that’s Substance, Life, Light, Love, to it. The Leavs & Fruit are dropt for Soyle & Seed, Heavens heirs to generate to heale and feed; Them also thou wilt flatter and molest; But Shalt not keep from Everlasting Rest.” Baxter’s title and the book’s publication information appear in Latin around the circular frame.

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