Jesus Bound

Book Title: Hochschätzbarer Seelen Ehren Thron : das ist Ein wahrhafftes Formular, oder allbewerteste Richtschnur ... die Seel ... in allweg sicher zu stellen

Author: Fortunat, F.

Image Title: Jesus Bound

Scripture Reference:

Description: On the left: Saint Carlo Borromeo approaches the center of the altar. Above on the left, King Hanun expels David's ambassadors having stripped off their clothes and cut their beards. Above on the right, Jesus is tied and led away. On the right: Saint Matthias and Saint Barnabas stand on plinths framing the text. Matthias holds an axe, a symbol of his martyrdom, and Simon holds a rake (possibly chaff cutter or scythe?), a symbol of his evangelism.

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