About Christ’s poor and suffering life [from Part III]

Book Title: Jezus en de ziel : Een geestelyke spiegel voor 't gemoed : Bestaaende in veertig aangenaame en stichtelyke zinnebeelden : Nevens Het Eeuwige Vaderland en deszelfs vreugde / [Jan Luiken]; in three parts

Author: Luiken, Jan, 1649-1712

Image Title: About Christ’s poor and suffering life [from Part III]

Scripture Reference:

Description: Jesus sits at a table with food in a house while the Soul shows Jesus to the Flesh who carries a cross. Both the Soul and the Flesh are portrayed as young women. The Dutch artist and poet, Jan Luiken (1649-1712) was responsible for drawing and etching this emblem and composing the poem that accompanies it.

Poem: The Soul embraces the poor suffering life of JESUS CHRIST.

The less comfort from all things,
The more comfort from the only good,
That as a fountain of wellness penetrates,
And quenches the thirst of the hot soul.
Away with money, and goods, and earthly treasures,
Away with honor, esteem and leisure,
And all of which the flesh wishes to lay hold,
Thou art a burdensome load.
Oh welcome cross, and bitter suffering,
Contempt, disgrace, mockery and scorn,
Rejection on all sides,
Forget poverty, conflict and hate,
Thou must eat at my table,
And stay the night at my house,
The others I want to forget completely,
And regard as a wicked rabble;
Thy good friendship may certainly endure,
As long as I live in the earthly body:
Thou dost separate me from the creatures,
And dost ensure that I will remain united
With God, my Love, my most beautiful,
With whom I desire to dwell eternally.

God’s Answer:
“… as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings, that, when His glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.” (1 Peter 4:13)

(Translation by Josephine V. Brown, with editorial assistance from William G. Stryker)

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