About unclean Thoughts [from Part I]

Book Title: Jezus en de ziel : Een geestelyke spiegel voor 't gemoed : Bestaaende in veertig aangenaame en stichtelyke zinnebeelden : Nevens Het Eeuwige Vaderland en deszelfs vreugde / [Jan Luiken]; in three parts

Author: Luiken, Jan, 1649-1712

Image Title: About unclean Thoughts [from Part I]

Scripture Reference:

Description: Jesus makes a living fountain spring up from the heart of the Soul, portrayed as a young woman in a long dress; while the Soul shows this to the Devil. The Dutch artist and poet, Jan Luiken (1649-1712) was responsible for drawing and etching this emblem and composing the poem that accompanies it.

Poem: The Soul tempted by foul thoughts, appeals to her pure conscience.

O Prince of the eternal dark realm,
Even if thou dost litter me with dung and dirt,
And slime of gross slander,
And a hundred other unclean things,
That does not make me impure to God,
As long as the living fountain,
Springing from a clean conscience,
Washes that dirt, thrown from the outside,
Constantly with its streams,
As long as my Soul feels about this
A painful suffering in her foundation,
We see her faithfully fight
For her God and for his honor;
Since, if she no longer loved her God,
She would become one with her dirt;
And distress would immediately disappear:
That is the sign, from which I infer,
That I am the enemy of sins;
And then mayst thou in thy opinion conclude,
That thy uncleanness cannot touch the mind.
If it believes in God in eternity,
Who frees me from thy cunning.

God’s Answer:
"I will also save you from all your uncleannesses" (Ezekiel 36:29). "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations" (James 1:2).

(Translation by Josephine V. Brown, with editorial assistance from William G. Stryker)

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