Delight in the Law of God

Book Title: Him[m]lische Nachtigall : singend gottseelige Begirden, der büssend- heilig- und verliebten Seel, nach denen drey Weegen der Reinigung, Erleuchtung, und Vereinigung mit Gott / [Herman Hugo]. Jn hoch-teutscher Sprach verfasst, und mit anmuthigen Kupffern gezieret, durch Joan. Christoph. Hainzmann, Med. D.

Author: Hugo, Herman, 1588-1629

Image Title: Delight in the Law of God

Scripture Reference:

Description: This scene of one angel holding the tablets of the Decalog so that others may read is accompanied by a citation of Psalm 119:20, “My soul is consumed with longing for thy ordinances at all times” (RSV). The engraver’s name, Melchior Kusell, is located in the bottom right corner and the monogram of the artist (SL) is at the lower left.

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