Author: Klauber, Joseph Sebastian, ca. 1700-1768
Image Title: Daniel in the Lion's Den
Scripture Reference:
Description: This image depicts Daniel being spared in the lion's den as King Darius watches from above. Toward the top some Israelites are brought to Babylon in captivity. At the bottom are the rations of vegetables and water given to Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego). To the right Daniel interprets Nebuchadnezzar's dream of a large statue of gold, silver, iron and clay. In the bottom-right corner Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are shown in the fiery furnace. In the top-left corner is King Nebuchadnezzar after being driven into the wild. He is shown eating grass like oxen, with hair as long as eagles’ feathers, and nails like birds’ claws. Toward the bottom-left is an image of a hand appearing from a cloud and writing on the wall during a banquet held by King Belshazzar. At the top Daniel prays looking out his window toward Jerusalem. At the bottom to the left and to the right are the four beasts from Daniel’s vision. In the top-right corner is Daniel’s vision of an angel. To the left two elders attempt to blackmail a naked Susanna so that they can have sex with her. To the top right is the stoning of the elders who offered false testimony against Susanna after she refused them. In the bottom-left corner Daniel exposes the priests of Bel as the ones who consume the offerings to the God, after which King Cyrus of Persia orders that the idol of Bel and the temple be destroyed. Toward the bottom-right is an image of Daniel slaying the dragon revered by the Babylonians.
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