Rebuilding of Jerusalem

Book Title: Historiæ Biblicæ Veteris et Novi Testamenti : junioribus ad faciliorem eruditionem, senioribus ad vivaciorem memoriam, divini verbi præconibus ad celeriorem reminiscentiam, omnibus ad utilem sanctámque in curiositatem in centum frugiferis foliis exhibitæ / à Josepho & Joanne Klauber

Author: Klauber, Joseph Sebastian, ca. 1700-1768

Image Title: Rebuilding of Jerusalem

Scripture Reference:

Description: This image depicts the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem under the supervision of Joshua the High Priest and the governor Zerubbabel. To the right riches are brought to Jerusalem for the Temple in accordance with the decree of King Artexerxes I of Persia. At the top the Passover is celebrated under King Josiah of Judah after the finding of the law. In the bottom-right corner work takes place on the walls of the city.

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