David Captures Jerusalem and Brings the Ark There

Book Title: Historiæ Biblicæ Veteris et Novi Testamenti : junioribus ad faciliorem eruditionem, senioribus ad vivaciorem memoriam, divini verbi præconibus ad celeriorem reminiscentiam, omnibus ad utilem sanctámque in curiositatem in centum frugiferis foliis exhibitæ / à Josepho & Joanne Klauber

Author: Klauber, Joseph Sebastian, ca. 1700-1768

Image Title: David Captures Jerusalem and Brings the Ark There

Scripture Reference:

Description: This image depicts the Ark of the Covenant being brought to Jerusalem by a large procession of rejoicing Israelites, many of whom are playing musical instruments. King David is at the front, dancing and playing his harp. At the top the elders of Israel make David king over Israel at Hebron. In the bottom right-hand corner David leads the Israelites in capturing Jerusalem from the Jebusites. In the bottom-left corner Ishbaal is murdered in his bed by Rechab and his brother Baanah. In the top-left corner the Ark of the Covenant is brought from the house of Abinadab by a large procession of rejoicing Israelites, many of whom are playing musical instruments. King David is at the front playing his harp, when Uzzah reaches out to steady the ark and is struck dead.

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