Solomon’s Wisdom

Book Title: Figures des histoires de la Saincte Bible, accompagnees de briefs discours : contenans la plus grande partie des histoires sacrées du Vieil & Nouueau Testament, & des oeuures admirables du Dieu viuant, createur de ciel & de la terre, & de Iesu-Christ son fils vnique nostre sauueur & redemteur. : Pour l'exercice ordinaire des ames deuotes & contemplatives. : Le tout dedié au Roy tres-chrestien

Author: Leclerc, Jean, fl. 1573-1627

Image Title: Solomon’s Wisdom

Scripture Reference:

Description: Solomon appears on his throne as two women approach, both claiming custody of a baby. Solomon's servant prepares to draw his sword to divide the child between the two women. One woman pleads with Solomon to spare the child and give him to the other woman, while the other commands the servant to proceed. In this way, Solomon determines which woman is the child’s mother.

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