The Waggoner

Book Title: Les Images de la mort [de H. Holbein] : avx quelles sont adioustées douze figures ... La medecine de l'ame. La consolation des malades. Vn sermon de mortalité, par sainct Cyprian. Vn sermon de patience, par sainct Iehan Chrysostome ...

Author: Holbein, Hans, 1497-1543. Totentanz

Image Title: The Waggoner

Scripture Reference:

Description: In the form of two skeletons, Death violently takes apart a wagon full of wine barrels while the waggoner looks on in distress. The 54 images of Hans Holbein's "The Dance of Death" (Lyon, 1538) were cut by Hans Luetzelburger and here appear in the 1547 Latin edition of the work.

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