Ornamental Title-Page Border with Jesuit Device

Book Title: Disputatio theologica de sacramentali confessione, adversus veteres, & nostrorum temporum haereses : in academia Moguntina anno M.D.LXXXV A.D. ... / à Petro Thyraeo ... publice proposita. Ad quam pro baccalaureatus gradu ... responsorus est ... Magister Petrus Deling Rhotornacensis ...

Author: Thyraeus, Petrus, 1546-1601

Image Title: Ornamental Title-Page Border with Jesuit Device

Scripture Reference:

Description: An ornamental title-page border with Jesuit device. In the Jesuit device is the Latin inscription IN HOC GLORIETUR QUI GLORIATUR SCIRE ET NOSSE ME (but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me), found in Jeremiah 9:24. Around the device is the Latin inscription SIC BENEDICAM TE IN VITA MEA, IN NOMINE TUO LEVABO MANUS MEAS (My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips), found in Psalm 63:5.

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