Lewis Frederick Havermale Collection (MSS 351)

Lewis Frederick Havermale (b. June 1886) was an American Methodist pastor from Canton, Illinois. He and his wife Clara (b. ca. 1888) served as missionaries in West China from October 1916- Spring 1922, and again from October 1923-March 1927. From 1929-1931, Havermale worked on the Religion faculty at West China Union University in Chengdu, China. Over the span of these fifteen years, the Havermales and their son Jerrold (b. May 30, 1923 in the U.S.) lived in several locations across the "Chunking district" and elsewhere, including Chengdu (written by Havermale as Chendu), Chongking (Chungking), Linxia City (Hochow), and Tzechow. The primary aspects of their work in West China included the establishment and development of hospitals and schools throughout the Chungking district, as well as fundraising, treasury-keeping, and the organization of social events. Lewis's pastoral role as a self-described "circuit-rider" often took him away from home to preach and work throughout the region. In Chungking, Havermale and his family would experience the first rumblings of an ongoing civil war, as the insurrection and inter-province fighting that characterized China's "Warlord Era" stood constantly in the background of their missionary work.

A small sample of the material contained in this collection:

Correspondence Arranged by Year

For a complete archival record of the Lewis Frederick Havermale Collection, please consult the online finding aid.