A Letter from Kaspar Cruciger to Veit Dietrich (MSS 138)

Kasper Cruciger was a reformed scholar who served as Martin Luther's secretary at many of the significant theological discussions in the early to mid sixteenth century. Born in Leipsic on January 1, 1504, Cruciger studied theology with Luther and Philipp Melanchthon. He taught at St. John's School in Magdeburg from 1525 to 1528. Cruciger returned to Wittenberg in 1528 where he was a professor and minister at the Schlosskirche until his death on November 16, 1548. One of the scholar's most notable contributions to the study of Reformation history was his preservation in shorthand of many of Luther's lectures and sermons.

This letter was written by Cruciger on July 8, 1544 to Veit Dietrich, pastor of St. Sebald's Church at Nuremberg. In the letter Cruciger discussed personal matters related to himself, Dietrich, Martin Luther, and Philipp Melanchthon. He also writes about the collection of Luther's sermons he and Dietrich were to publish together in the following year.

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