A Letter from Johannes Cochlaeus to Julius von Pflug (MSS 116)

Johannes Cochlaeus, a Roman Catholic controversialist, was born near Nuremberg on January 10, 1479. He died on January 10, 1552 at Breslau. Cochlaeus studied at Nuremberg and Cologne where he developed a dislike for scholastic theology. He graduated in 1517 from Ferrara with the degree of doctor of theology and was ordained in Rome. Cochlaeus started out in agreement with many of Martin Luther's ideas but by 1521 he had adopted the position of the Roman church and produced many written pieces refuting Luther's positions. The best known works of Johannes Cochlaeus are Historiae Hussitarum Libri XII and Commentaria de Actis et Scriptis M. Lutheri, 1517-1546.

This letter was written by Cochlaeus on June 6, 1547 to Julius von Pflug, the last Prince Bishop of Naumburg. Cochlaeus congratulates von Pflug on his reinstatement into his office following the defeat and capture of Elector John Frederick of Saxony in the Schmalkald War. The letter also contains a reference by Cochlaeus to the transfer to Bologna of the meetings that became known as the Council of Trent.

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