Records, 1967-1994 - Series 3:  Publication files.


Scope and Content Note

Series 3: Publication Files contains copies of published works, for which Glenmary holds the copyright. These materials are divided into two subseries. Subseries 1, Numbered Publications, is arranged by project number. Subseries 2, Unnumbered Publications, is arranged alphabetically. Like Series 2, this series contains some missing project numbers.

Box	Folder		Description/Dates

			Series 2: Publication Files
			Subseries 1: Numbered Publications
1	1		P-001:  Understanding the Small Community: Some Informational Resources 
			for the Town & Country Apostolate. Bernard Quinn. August, 1967. 

1	2		P-001A:  The Protestant Approach to Town and Country: A Study-Guide for 
			Catholics. Bernard Quinn. July, 1967.

1	3		P-003:  The Small Rural Parish. Bernard Quinn. January 1980.

1	4		P-006A: Planning for Action: Aid for Leaders in Church Planning. National 
			Consultation on the Church in Community Life, 1967.

1	5		P-021:  "Mission, Missions and the Creative Planning Process". Bernard 
			Quinn. Resonance, Winter, 1968/No. 5. pp. 81-111.

1	6		P-029	"Suggested Readings in Literature for Christian Workers in the 
			Small Town South". Sister M. Aquinas Healy, R.S.M. August, 1967.

1	7		P-032A	"Non-Metropolitan Informational Resources: Selections from Recent 
			Acquisitions of CARA's Town & Country Library. 21 October 1969.

1	8		P-035:  Readings for Town and Country Church Workers: An Annotated 
			Bibliography. David M. Byers & Bernard Quinn. April, 1974.

1	9		P-036:  "Population Trends". Ronald Green & Arleon Kelley. Appalachian 
			Trends, No. 1. July, 1972.

Map Case		P-058:  Families Below Low Income Levels, 1969: By Counties of the 
			United States. Map. Prepared by Geography Division in cooperation with 
			Population Division, Bureau of the Census, Social and Economic Statistics 
			Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce.

1	10		P-063:  Town & Country Workshop. Glenmary Home Missioners; 
			Cincinnati, Ohio. 18-20 November 1969.

1	11		P-083:  Town & Country Idea Book: Twenty Creative Ministries. Edited by 
			James Romer & Bernard Quinn. 1972.

1	12		P-086:  The Changing Context of Town & Country Ministry. Bernard Quinn. 
			January, 1970.

1	13		P-089:  Churches & Church Membership in the United States. Douglas W. 
			Johnson, Paul R. Picard, & Bernard Quinn. 1974.

2	1		P-112:  Reflective Ministry Handbook. A Planning Process for Small Town 
			Parishes. April 1978.

2	2		P-119:  Distribution of Catholic Priests in the United States: 1971. Bernard 
			Quinn. September, 1975.

2	3		P-119:  Religious Population of the United States: 1971. The number and 
			percent of Catholic church members, Other Christian church members, and 
			the unchurched people in each state and county within the United States. 
			November, 1974.

2	4		P-133:  The Churched and the Unchurched in America: A Comparative 
			Profile. David A. Roozen. Joint project by Hartford Seminary Foundation 
			and Glenmary Research Center. April, 1978.

2	5		P-153:  Categories of the Church's Mission: A Staff Working Document. 
			Bernard Quinn. December, 1971.

2	6		P-160:  The Changing Context of Home Missions: A Colloquium for 
			Glenmary Collegians, Houma, Louisiana. 1972.

2	7		P-161:  Glenmary Sisters' Colloquium: August 13-14, 1973.

2	8		P-167:  Pastoral Planning: The Town & Country Dimension. Bernard Quinn. 

2	9		P-170:  Between Parish and Diocese: An Experiment in Regional 
			Organization. Lebanon Parish, Kentucky Case Study #1.  David M. Byers. 

3	1		P-171:  Changing Context of Rural Ministry. Ht 486. St. Louis University, 
			School of Divinity.  II Semester, 1972-1973.  Bernard Quinn. Working 

3	2		P-173:  Who are the Unchurched?: An Exploratory Study. J. Russell Hale. 
			August, 1977.

3	3		P-175:  Scarritt 7-1 Evangelism Course. Working materials. 14 November 
			1972. Bernard Quinn. 

3	4		P-204:  Planning for the Future of the Rural Parish. Bernard Quinn. 
			Presentation for class on 25 February 1974. Catholic University of America; 
			Washington, D.C. II Semester 1972-1973.

3	5		P-208:  Seminar on Rural Dynamics. Catholic University of America; 
			Washington, D.C. II Semester 1974-1975. Glenmary Research Center.

3	6		P-216:  Workshop on the Theology of Mission. Sponsored by the Town and 
			Country apostolic Council in Cooperation with the Commission on Councils 
			of the Archdiocese of Louisville. 1974.

Map case		P-217	Catholic Percent of Total Population by Counties of the United 
			States, 1971. Map. 1973. Glenmary Research Center.

3	7		P-218:  Workshop On Evangelization: Diocese of Wheeling. Bernard Quinn. 

Map case		P-223:  Percent of Reported Church Membership. Glenmary Research 
			Center. 1974. [See project file for additional publication]

3	8		P-224:  "Needs Perceived by Southern Rural Priests: A Report on a Survey". 
			Will Steinbacher. 7 April 1977.

3	9		P-225:   "Sacred Heart Parish/Big Stone Gap, Virginia: Suggestions for 
			Reorganization and Reorientation/May, 1974". David M. Byers & Bernard Quinn.

3	10		P-225:   Evangelists to the Poor: A Catholic Ministry in Appalachia. David 
			M. Byers & Bernard Quinn. January, 1975.

3	11		P-227:   Rural Dynamics. Working Materials for a course on the changing 
			context of small town/rural ministry. Bernard Quinn. 1973-1974.

4	1		P-230:  Guidelines for Developing Glenmary Mission Parishes. 13 
			November 1979.  Glenmary Home Missioners; Cincinnati, Ohio.

Map case		P-231	Percent of Population Unchurched by Countries of the United States: 
			1971. Map. 1974. Glenmary Research Center.

4	2		P-231A:  Percent of Population Unchurched by Countries of the United 
			States: 1971. Small map. 1974. Glenmary Research Center.

4	3		P-233:   Churches & Church Membership in the United States: 1971. 
			Douglas W. Johnson, Paul R. Picard & Bernard Quinn. 1974.

Map case		P-234	Home Mission Fields of the United States. Glenmary Research 
			Center. 1976.

4	4		P-246:  Three Rivers Regional Ministry: An Evaluation. December, 1974.

4	5-6		P-250:  Churches and Church Membership in the United States 1980: An 
			Enumeration by Region, State and County Based on Data Reported by 111 
			Church Bodies. Bernard Quinn, Herman Anderson, Martin Bradley, Paul 
			Goetting, Peggy Shriver. 1982.

4	7		P-260:  New Directions for the Rural Church: Case Studies in Area Ministry. 
			David M. Byers and Bernard Quinn. 1978. Paulist Press; New York/Ramsey/ 

5	1		P-267:  Ministry in Rural Context. Vanceburg, Kentucky. 2 June 1975. 
			Glenmary Research Center.

5	2		P-272:   The Pastoral Ministry Program in the Diocese of Grand Island: An 
			Analysis of Challenges, Opportunities and Issues. 1 May 1976. David M. 

5	3		P-291:  National Catholic Rural Life Conference Idea Book for Small Town 
			Churches. Kathleen Rother & Carol Ann Gosse. May, 1976.

5	4		P-297:  Ministry in Rural Context. Vanceburg, Kentucky. 15 June 1976. 
			Glenmary Research Center.

5	5		P-301:  Parishes of the Diocese of Gallup: Accomplishments and Challenges. 
			A Digest of Reports based on consultations held in 56 parishes during the 
			Summer of 1977. November, 1978.  Glenmary Research Center.

5	6		P-303:  Level of Development Assessment. St. James Parish. Sulphur 
			Springs, Texas. 13 November 1976. Glenmary Research Center.

5	7		P-304:  Level of Development Assessment. St. Francis Parish. Franklin, 
			North Carolina. 1 January 1977. Glenmary Research Center.
6	1		P-308:  Apostolic Regions of the United States: 1971. Bernard Quinn and 
			John Feister. September, 1978.

6	2		P-308	Apostolic Regions of the United States: 1980. Bernard Quinn and 
			John Bookser-Feister. Revised July 1985.

6	3		P-310:  Holy Redeemer Church; Vanceburg, Kentucky: Present 
			Accomplishments and Future Directions; June, 1978. September 1978.  
			Glenmary Research Center.

6	4		P-310:  Sts John and Elizabeth Church; Grayson, Kentucky: Present 
			Accomplishment and Future Directions June 1978.  September, 1978.  
			Glenmary Research Center.

6	5		P-311:  Challenge of Rural Ministry. West Hartford, Connecticut. 16 October 
			1976. Glenmary Research Center. September, 1976.

6	6		P-316:  Dimensions of Catholic Ministry: The Rural Priest. James F. Krile & 
			Victor J. Klimoski. January, 1977.

6	7		P-317:  Ministry in Rural Context. Clarksville, Georgia; June 12, 1977. 
			Bernard Quinn. 15 May 1977.

6	8		P-322:  Ministry in Rural Context. Vanceburg, Kentucky; June 15, 1977. 1 
			June 1977. Glenmary Research Center. 1 June 1977.

6	9		P-327:  "Middle Range Principles for Glenmary Mission Parish 
			Development". Glenmary Research Center. 14 February 1978.

6	10		P-333:  The Churched and the Unchurched in America: A Comparative 
			Profile. David A. Roozen. April 1978.

6	11		P-334:  "Suggested Readings Relating to Evangelization of the Unchurched". 
			24 June 1977. Glenmary Research Center.

7	1		P-338:   Approaching Rural Ministry: A City Boy Plows through Some 
			Introductory Readings on Town & Country America. William J. Goodwin. 
			March 1978.

7	2		P-341:  Characteristics and Effects of Contemporary Preaching: A National 
			Survey. Marco Montoya. April 1978. Glenmary Research Center.

7	3		P-342:  Atlas of Religious Change in America : 1952-1971. Peter L. 
			Halvorson & William M. Newman. Cartography by Mark C. Nielsen. 
			October 1978. Glenmary Research Center.

7	4		P-347:  Ministry in Rural Context. Vanceburg, Kentucky; June 14, 1978. 
			Glenmary Research Center. June, 1978.

7	5		P-349:  Level of Development Assessment. Immaculate Conception Parish, 
			West Point, Mississippi; November 3, 1978. Glenmary Research.  10 January 
7	6		P-350:  Glenmary Mission Areas: A Profile Based on 1970 Statistics. April 
			1978. Glenmary Research Center.

8	1		P-351:  Why People Join the Church: An Exploratory Study. Edward A. 
			Rauff. Lutheran Council in the U.S.A. November 1979. Pilgrim Press / New 
			York; and Glenmary Research Center / Washington, D.C.

8	2		P-353:  Glenmary Mission Area Level of Development Assessment. St. 
			Anthony Parish; Norton, Virginia; December 12-13, 1978. 1 March 1979.  
			Glenmary Research Center.

Map Case		P-354:  Distribution of Women Religious in the United States: 1978. Map. 
			1979.  U.S. Catholic Mission Council / Washington, D.C., in cooperation 
			with Glenmary Research Center / Washington D.C.

8	3		P-355:  "Notes on my Interviews with Seventeen Unchurched Persons in 
			York County, South Carolina/Summer, 1978". Rev. John Giuliani, CO. 

8	4		P-360:  Level of Development Assessment.  St. James Parish; Sulphur 
			Springs, Texas; July 2-3, 1979. 3 July 1979.  Glenmary Research Center.

8	5		P-364:  Patterns in Pluralism: A Portrait of American Religion 1952-1971. 
			William M. Newman and Peter L. Halvorson. February 1980.

8	6		P-365:  Atlas of Religious Change in America: 1971-1980. Peter L. 
			Halvorson and William M. Newman. September, 1987.

9	1		P-371:  The Small Rural Parish. 1984. Videocassette adaptation of the book 
			by Rev. Bernard Quinn.  Glenmary Research Center; Atlanta, GA.

9	2		P-372:  "Profile of a Parish: A Pastor's Viewpoint". Father Robert Bond. 24 
			September 1979. Glenmary Home Missioners; Cincinnati, OH.

9	3		P-375:  Planning Data for the St. Joseph Province of the Order of Preachers 
			(Dominicans) in the United States. January, 1980. Glenmary Research Center.

9	4		P-376:  Planning Data for the St. Albert the Great Province of the Order of 
			Preachers (Dominicans) in the United States. July 1980.  Glenmary Research 

10	1		P-391:  Level of Development Assessment. St. Luke's Parish; Dahlonega, 
			Georgia; February 23-24, 1981. Official Report/27 February 1981. Glenmary 
			Home Missioners; Cincinnati, OH.

Map Case		P-393	Catholic Percent of Total Population By Counties of the United 
			States: 1980. Map. 1982. Glenmary Research Center.

Map Case		P-406:	Percent of Population Unchurched By Counties of the United States: 
			1980. Map. 1984. Glenmary Research Center.

10	2		P-407:  "The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) in the Rural 
			Mission Setting: Some Important Considerations". William D. Wright. 9 
			April 1982.

10	3		P-411:  Church Planning Data: Diocese of Harrisburg, 1980 Final Edition. 
			September 1983. Glenmary Research Center.

10	4		P-411:  Church Planning Data : Glenmary Mission Territory, 1980 Final 
			Edition. September 1983. Glenmary Research Center.

10	5		P-416:  "Cumming, Georgia and the Dominican Sisters, 1975-1983: A Case 
			Study in Catholic Rural Social Service. Christopher Kuhl. 1983.

Map Case		P-419: United Methodist Percent of Total Population By Counties of the 
			United States: 1980. Map. 1983. Joint project between Center for Religious 
			Research, Candler School of Theology, Emory University; Atlanta, GA. and 
			Glenmary Research Center; Atlanta, GA.

10	6		P-422:  Level of Development Assessment. St. Francis Parish; Franklin, 
			North Carolina; April 19-20, 1983. Official Report / 17 May 1983. Glenmary 
			Home Missioners; Cincinnati, OH.

10	7		P-427:  Church Planning Data 1980: Southern Province Order of Preachers 
			(Dominicans) U.S.A. January 1984. Glenmary Research Center.

10	8		P-434:  What Southern Catholics Need to Know about Evangelical Religion. 
			Richard Tristano. June 1984.

11	1		P-438:  "Prospectus: The Glenmary Research Center and a Catholic Vision 
			for the South". 10 March 1984. Glenmary Research Center.

11	2		P-443:  Level of Development Assessment. Sacred Heart Parish; Big Stone 
			Gap, Virginia; February 27-28, 1984. Official Report/ March 1984. 
			Glenmary Home Missioners; Cincinnati, OH.

Map Case		P-446:  Catholic Percent of Black Population by Dioceses of the United 
			States: 1984. Rev. John Harfmann. Josephite Pastoral Center. 1984.

11	3		P-446:  Statistical Profile of Black Catholics, 1984. Rev. John Harfmann. 

11	4		P-447:  Church Planning Data: Vincentian Southern Province 1980. June 
			1984 / Based on 1980 final Edition CPD. Glenmary Research Center.

11	5		P-448:  Church Planning Data 1980: Southern Province Vicars For Religious 
			1980 Final Edition. October 1984. Based on 1980 Final Edition. Glenmary 
			Research Center. 

11	6		P-450:  Churches and Church Membership in the United States: 1990. 
			Bradley, Green, Jones, Lynn, McNeil. Glenmary Research Center: Atlanta 
			Georgia, 1992 (GRC A-86/P-450).

12	1		P-452	Black Religion in the Evangelical South. Richard Tristano. March 
12	2		P-456:  Catholic Pride Week: A Small Rural Parish Reaches Out to the 
			Community at Large. David M. Byers. July 1985.

12	3		P-461:  Location of Congregations 1985: Population and Membership Trends 
			1980-2000. 15 January 1985. North Georgia Conference, United Methodist 
			Church. A joint research and mapping project conducted by the Center for 
			Religious Research, Candler School of Theology, Emory University; Atlanta, 
			GA. and Glenmary Research Center; Atlanta GA.

12	4		P-470:  The Origins of the Restoration Movement: An Intellectual History. 
			Richard M. Tristano. December 1988. Glenmary Research Center.

12	5 		P-474:  The Mission of the Church at Home: William Howard Bishop on 
			Missionary Opportunities in the United States. Date unknown. Glenmary 
			Research Center.

12	6		P-485:  Slippin' Away: The Loss of Black-Owned Farms: Proceedings of the 
			Home Mission Forum; Owensboro, Kentucky, 1987. Proceedings of the Home 
			Mission Forum Co-sponsored by The Catholic Committee of the South and 
			the Catholic Diocese of Owensboro, Kentucky. David Dybiec, Editor. May 
			1988. Glenmary Research Center.

12	7		P-487:  Neglected Regions - Neglected People: A Challenge to the U.S. 
			Catholic Church. Selected Writings of William Howard Bishop. April, 1987.  
			Glenmary Research Center.

12	8		P-492:  Models of Ministry: An Evaluation. A publication of the Catholic 
			committee of Appalachia. May 1989. Glenmary Research Center.

			Subseries 2: Unnumbered publications
13	1		Baptists : Their Theology, History and Polity. Rev. Joseph O'Donnell. 4 May 
			1977. Glenmary Regional Worker; Southern Regional Office, a Catholic 
			agency sponsored by Glenmary serving the town and country church of the 
			south. Glenmary's Southern Regional Office; Newnan, GA.

13	2		[P-350] Book II: Ten Facts for each of the 397 Appalachian 
			Counties. Glenmary Research Center. n.d.

13	3		Book III: Ten Facts for each of the 397 Appalachian Counties. Glenmary 
			Research Center. n.d.

13	4		"Common Witness and Proselytism: A Study Document". From The 
			Ecumenical Review, XXIII:1 (January 1971), pp. 9-20. World Council of 
			Churches; Geneva, Switzerland.

13	5		The Context for Ministry in the South. Glenmary Research Center. n.d.

13	6		"The Deep South: Introductory Readings for Church Workers". 1968. Town 
			& Country Department, Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate 

13	7		Ecumenical Designs: Imperatives for Action in Non-Metropolitan America. 
			1967. The Steering Committee, National Consultation on the Church in 
			Community Life.

13	8		Gospel Proclamation and Communication Theory. Richard R. Greene, STL. 
			Glenmary Research Center. 

13	9		"Introductory Readings on American Protestantism". n.d. Center for Applied 
			Research in the Apostolate (CARA).

13	10		"Reading List on Evangelical Protestantism". September, 1967.

13	11		"Reading Program for Apostolic Workers in Town & Country". Bernard 
			Quinn. n.d.

13	12		"Small Sects--Third Force in American Protestantism". April, 1967.

13	13		"Some Readings on Regionalism". 1968. Town & Country Department, 
			Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA).

13	14		"Southern Appalachia: Introductory Readings for Church Workers". 1967. 
			Town & Country Religious Research Center.

13	15		Symbols of Glenmary. Christ Week 10-16 June. [1982].

13	16		CARA's Town & Country Research Program. n.d. Center for Applied 
			Research in the Apostolate (CARA).

13	17		"The Town in American Literature". Reading list prepared for the Great 
			Lakes Church Leadership School, Michigan State University. Bernard Quinn. 

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