Records, 1930-2005 - Series VI: Literature and Training Materials, 1930-2000.

RECORD GROUP NUMBER 001 (Formerly Yale Divinity Library MSS 71) 
Series Description

This series consists of three subseries.

Subseries 1: Literature
Includes more than two hundred folders of published and unpublished articles, papers and reports concerning issues and programs of the clinical pastoral education movement. Many of these were written by individuals active in the ACPE or its antecedent bodies and may be of interest to those researching the development of CPE policies and methodology. Additional reports and papers of this kind can be found among the Committee Records of Series II (e.g., Historical Committee and Research Committee) as well as among the conference records of Series IV. Writings by Anton T. Boisen in this section provide valuable documentation of his thoughts.

Arranged alphabetically by the author or publisher of the article, brochure, paper or report. Complete listings of works available by or about Anton T. Boisen and Seward Hiltner are in Appendix A of this finding aid.

Subseries 2: Training Materials
The training materials in the second section of this series include examples of training programs, course schedules and requirements, bibliographies, and case studies. Arranged primarily by format.

Subseries 3: Periodicals
Contains records of the ACPE's Journal of Pastoral Care, which was formerly published jointly by the CCT and IPC. The records include correspondence and minutes of meetings of the Board of Managers and of the Editorial Committee, as well as general correspondence and materials pertaining to special projects undertaken by the Journal. This series also documents a publication entitled Women in CPE which came to life and faded in the 1970s.

Arranged chronologically following 1967. Pre-1967 materials relating to the Journal of Pastoral Care are arranged by format.

Box	Folder		Description			
			Subseries 1: Literature

194	2820		Albea, John M.
194	2820		Albright, John V.
194	2821		Albright, John V.
194	2822		Allport, Gordon W.
194	2823		Allport, Gordon W. and Fairbanks, Rollin J.
194	2824		American Baptist Convention
194	2825		American Protestant Hospital Association
346	11		American Protestant Hospital Association
194	2826		Anderson, George Christian
194	2827		Andrew, William R.
194	2828		Association of Mental Hospital Chaplains
194	2829		Atwood, Barbara

194	2830		Bachman, E. Theodore
346	12		Bain, Homer A.
346	13		Baker, A. Napier
194	2831		Baker, Helen E.
194	2832		Baldwin, Peter A.
346	14		Ballinger, Malcolm
194	2833		Barton, Fred B.
194	2834		Barton, Lane
194	2835		Bates, Sanford
194	2836		Baunbaek, Villy
194	2837		Beaven, Robert H.
194	2838		[Number skipped]
346	15		Belgium, David
194	2839		Bigham, Thomas J., Jr.
194	2840		Blackaller, David William
194	2841		Blakeman, Edward W.
194	2842		Blakemore, W. Barnett
194	2843		Bonacker, Ralph D.
194	2844-2846	Boisen, Anton T.  
195	2847-2857	Boisen, Anton T. 
196	2858-2860	Boisen, Anton T.  
346	16-26		Boisen, Anton T.
196	2861		Booth, Gotthard
196	2862-2864	Brinkman, Robert E.
197	2865		Brown, Homer G.
197	2866		Bruder, Ernest E.
197	2867		Bruder, Ernest E. and Barb, Marian L.
197	2868		Burkhart, Roy A.

197	2869		Cabot, Richard C.
197	2870		Cabot, Richard C., Snow, Sydney B., and Sperry, Willard L.
197	2871		Cannon, W. John
197	2872		Central Seminary Bulletin
197	2873		Chen, James C. M.
197	2874		Chicago Committee of the Council for Clinical Training
197	2875		Chicago Council for Clinical Training
197	2876		Chicago Congregational Union
197	2877		Chicago Theological Seminary
197	2878		Child Welfare League of America, Inc.
197	2879		Christian Social Council of Canada
197	2880		Christian Theological Seminary Bulletin
197	2881		Church of England in Canada
197	2882		Clark, Maurice C.
197	2883		Clemes, William
197	2884		Clippenger, John A.
197	2885		Commission on Ministry in Institutions
346	27		Conference of Teachers, Pastors, and Students of Clinical Work
346	28		Conference on Ministry and Medicine in Human Relationships
197	2886		Council for Clinical Training
198	2887		Council for Clinical Training News Releases
198	2888		Cushing, Richard Cardinal

198	2889		Day, Allen Richmond
198	2890		Dicks, Russell L.
198	2891		Dominick, George P.
198	2892		Dominick, George P. and Schultz, Harold P.
198	2893		Dunbar, H. Flanders

198	2894		Edmonds, Leonard S.
198	2895		Eitzen, David D.

198	2896		Fahs, Sophia L.
198	2897		Fairbanks, Rollin J.
198	2898		Farnham, Marynia F.
198	2899-2901	Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America
198	2902		Felix, Robert H.
198	2903		Fielding, Charles R.
198	2904		Fletcher, Joseph
199	2905		Galdston, Iago
199	2906		Gardner, Darwin E., Jr.
199	2907		Garinger, Louis
199	2908		Gayle, R. Finley
199	2909		Girdwood, Ronald H. and Ballinger, Malcolm B.
199	2910		Gittelsohn, Roland B.
199	2911		Gordon, J. Berkeley
199	2912		Graham, W. H.
199	2913		Green, John G.
199	2914		Greer, Ina May
199	2915		Gross, George A. and Fritze, Herbert P.
199	2916		Guiles, A. P.
199	2917		Guiles, A. P. and Pierce, Richard Donald

199	2917A		Hall, Charles E., Jr.
346	29-33		Hall, Charles E., Jr.
347	1		Hall, Frances
199	2918		Harbach, Sheldon T
347	2		Harper, James M. III.
199	2919		Heimstra, William L.
199	2920		Hillebrand, Herbert W.
199	2921-2923	Hiltner, Seward
347	3		Hiltner, Seward
199	2924		Hiltner, Seward and Westberg, Granger; _____ and John L. Mixon
347	4		Hiltner, Seward and Ziegler, Jesse H.
200	2925		Holman, Charles T.
200	2926		Howe, Reuel H.
200	2927		Hoyt, Ethel P. S.
200	2928		Humphreys, Edward J.
200	2929		Hunter, Wayne L.

200	2930		Jacobsen, Gotfred C.
200	2931		Jellinek, E. M.
200	2932		Johnson, Paul E.
200	2933		Jorjorian, Armen D.
200	2934		Jones, Granville L. and Pleasants, E. Newton

200	2935		Kagan, Henry Enoch
200	2936		Katz, Robert L.
200	2937		Kempf, Edward J.
200	2938		Kirkpatrick, Milton E.
200	2939		Klink, Thomas W.
200	2940		Kluge, Walter
200	2941		Koons, Robert
200	2942		Kruetzer, Knox
200	2943		Keuther, Frederick C.

200	2944		Ladd, William P.
200	2945		Leinberger, Hugo
200	2946		Low, Frederick C.
347	5-9		Lutheran Hospital Association of America

200	2947		McCabe, Alice R.
200	2948		McPeek, Francis W.
200	2949		Maas, Robert E.
200	2950		Mandenbach, Aaron
200	2951		Martin, C. P.
200	2952		Marx, Johann R.
200	2953		Sister Mary Crown of Thorns
200	2954		Maves, Paul B.
201	2955		Maxfield, Otis A.
201	2956		May, Rollo
201	2957		Mayer, Eve Orlans
201	2958		Miller, Samuel H.
201	2959		Milner, Ethel
201	2960		Morell, Parker
201	2961		Morgan, Leonard, Jr.
201	2962		Morris, Robert D.
201	2963		Muelder, Walter George
201	2964		Murcar, Robert C.

201	2965		Nace, Robert K.
201	2966		National Council on Religion in Higher Education
201	2967		Neil, D. G.
201	2968		New York State Dept. of Mental Hygiene
201	2969		Northrup, Eric
201	2970		Oates, Wayne E.
347	10		Oates, Wayne E.
201	2971		Outler, Albert C.
201	2972		Owen, Joseph Karlton

347	11-12		Parker, Duane
201	2973		Paulsen, Alice E.
201	2974		Pedersen, Paul B.; Plummer, Stuart A.
201	2975		Powell, Robert  Charles
201	2976		Prest, A. P. L.
201	2977		Priest, Benjamin R.
201	2978		Proelss, E. Frederick
202	2979		Purdie, J. A.

347	13		Randall, Martha
202	2980		Raphael, Theophile
202	2981		Rautzenberg, Carl J.
202	2982		Rawson, Lawrence; Reeves, Robert B.
202	2983		Rice, Otis R.
202	2984		Robbins, Howard Chandler
202	2985		Rogers, Carl R.
202	2986		Russell, Mina
202	2987		Rutledge, Aaron L.
202	2988		Ryland, Raymond D.

202	2989		Saltzgiver, L. B.
202	2990		Sandstadt, Daniel H.
202	2991		Savitz, Harry A.
202	2992		Schuller, David S. and Strommen, Merton P.
347	14		Schuller, David S. and Strommen, Merton P.
202	2993		Schultz, Harold P.
202	2994		Shaw, Don C.
202	2995		Shedron, Mark
202	2996		Smith, Eugene L.
202	2997		Smith, Robert D.
202	2998		Spragg, Howard E.
202	2999		Stern, Edith M.
202	3000		Stretch, Robert N.
347	15		Strunk, Orlo Jr., 1956

202	3001		Terman, Lewis M.
202	3002		Thomas, John R.
347	16-17		Thomas, John R.
202	3003		Thornton, Edward E.
202	3004		Thrasher, Thomas R.
202	3005		Tingue, Arthur M.

202	3006		Villaume, W. John

202	3007		Watson, Marjorie E.
202	3008		Wendel, Lulu
202	3009		Wentz, Abdel Ross
202	3010		Werner, Leslie E., Jr.
203	3011		West, Frank Edward
203	3012		Whitman, Howard
203	3013		Will, Otto Allen
203	3014		Williams, Alberta
203	3015-3016	Wise, Carroll A.

203	3017		Yochelson, Leon

203	3018		Zahniser, Charles L.

203	3019		"Miscellania Literaria"
347	18		Miscellaneous Articles

Box	Folder		Description					Date

			Subseries 2: Training Materials

204	3020		Application Materials				1956-1966, undated
204	3021-3022	Bibliographies					1936-1948, undated
204	3023		Book lists
204	3024		Case Analysis Outline - Correctional 
			Institution					1940
204	3025		Case Analysis Outline - General Hospital	undated
204	3026		Case Analysis Outline - Mental Hospital		1936
204	3027-3036	Case Studies
205	3037-3047	Case Studies
347	19		Case Studies, Anonymous Case Study Notes on 22 
			Interviews					1938-1939
205	3048		Course Outlines					1941-1948
347	20		Foundation for Community Pastoral Education, 
			Student Handbook				1987	
205	3049		Mental Health and Religion course - Robert 
			Preston						undated
205	3050		Outline of Chaplain's Department - Worcester 
			State Hospital (?)				undated
205	3051		Pastor's Clinic - Anton Boisen and Frederick 
			Kuether						1944
206	3052		Patient/Client Evaluation Forms and Formats	undated
206	3053		Prison Service Study Course - Frederick Keuther	undated
206	3054		Reports on Training Programs			1934-1936
206	3055		Reports on Training Programs			1938-1939
206	3056		Student Evaluation Forms			1946, undated
206	3057		Training Manuals				1949, undated
206	3058		Training Program - Boston City Hospital		1945
206	3059		Training Program - Ernest Bruder, Washington, 
			D. C.						1964
206	3060-3063	Training Program - Frederick Keuther, St. 
			Charles, IL					1943-1945
206	3063		Training Program - Frederick Keuther, Waverly, 
			MA						1935
206	3064-3065	Training Program - University Hospital, Ann 
			Arbor, MI					1939, undated

206	3066		Miscellaneous Training Materials		undated
206	3067		Institute of Pastoral Care - Miscellaneous 
			Training Materials	1944-1946, 		undated

			Subseries 3: Periodical Publications

347	21		Journal of Clinical Pastoral Work		1947-1949
			Journal of Pastoral Care:
207	3068		Summary of Journal History			1949-1961
207	3069		Correspondence					1955-1965
207	3070		Reports, memoranda, minutes			1947-1966
207	3071		Survey of readers				undated
207	3072		Procedures Manual				circa 1966
207	3073-3074	Re: fund-raising study				1966-1967
207	3075-3076	(see boxes for file labels)			1967
208	3077-3098	(see boxes for file labels)			1968-1972
209	3099-3116	(see boxes for file labels)			1973-1976
210	3117-3136	(see boxes for file labels)			1976-1978
211	3137-3152	(see boxes for file labels) [3139 - folder 
			empty 05/14/97]					1979-1980
212	3153-3156	(see boxes for file labels)			1980
347	22-32		(see boxes for file labels)			1952-1990
348	1-7		(see boxes for file labels)			1990-1992

			Women in CPE:
212	3157-3158	Correspondence, newsletters			1974-1979
348	8		Miscellaneous					1976

Archives & Manuscripts
Pitts Theology Library
Emory University
Atlanta, GA  30322

Last Modified: 09/01/2006