Records, 1930-2005 - Series II: Committee, Task Force, and Network Files, 1933-2005

RECORD GROUP NUMBER 001(Formerly Yale Divinity Library MSS 71) 

Series Description

Committee, task force, and network records consist of minutes, reports, correspondence and other materials. Thorough coverage is available for the Board of Governors of the CCTTS/CCT, for its Administrative Committee (later the Executive Committee) which conducted the regular business of the organization, and for its Accreditation and Standards Committees. Partial coverage is available for the Board of Governors and Executive Committee of the IPC. Post-merger ACPE records include minutes and agendas from ACPE governing bodies, the Certification and Accreditation Committee (later split into two committees), and for numerous other specialized committees. Since the committee records of this series were maintained primarily by the national ACPE office, much of the more recent correspondence in the series is that of the ACPE Executive Director (who is an ex officio member of every ACPE committee).

Series II is divided into four subseries:

Subseries 1: Council for the Clinical Training of Theological Students/ Council for Clinical Training
Records for general administrative bodies – the Board of Directors, the Administrative Committee, and the Executive Committee -- are followed by records for more specialized committees, which are arranged alphabetically. Committees include the accreditation, curriculum, education, finance, research, and seminary relations committees.

Subseries 2: Institute for Pastoral Care
Consists of Board of Governors and Executive Committee records from 1950-1966. Arranged chronologically.

Subseries 3: Joint Committees Moving toward Merger
Records of committees formed in anticipation of the 1967 merger, including the Committee of Twelve, Advisory Committee, Committee on Merger, Joint Structure Committee. Arranged chronologically.

Subseries 4: Association for Clinical Pastoral Education
Records for the primary administrative bodies of ACPE – the House of Delegates (1967-1982), Executive Committee (1967-1982), General Assembly (1977-1991), and Board of Representatives (1977-1996) -- are found at the start of this subseries. These are followed by committee records (arranged alphabetically), task force records (arranged alphabetically), and network records (arranged alphabetically). The amount of material available on each body varies widely. Of particular significance are the Accreditation Committee, the Certification Committee, the Finance Committee, the Historical/History Committee, and the Retired Supervisors Network. Note that the records of the ACPE Historical Coordinator are filed with the records of the History Committee. Book of Remembrance pages for deceased supervisors are also found with the History Committee records.

Box	Folder		Description							Dates
			Subseries 1: Council for Clinical Training

18	262-275		Board of Governors						1933-1949
19	276-289		Board of Governors						1950-1956
310	15		Board of Governors						1965
20	290-299		Board of Governors						1957-1960
21	300-306		Board of Governors						1961-1967
310	16		Board of Governors and Executive Committee			1966-1967
22	307-315		Administrative Committee					1936-1941
310	17		Administrative Committee and related meetings			1936-1941
23	316-325		Executive Committee						1941-1955
24	326-331		Executive Committee						1956-1959
25	332-342		Executive Committee						1960-1963
26	343-349		Executive Committee						1964-1965
27	350-357		Executive Committee						1966-1967
28	358-368		Accreditation Committee						1948-1957
29	369-382		Accreditation Committee						1958-1962
30	383-394		Accreditation Committee						1962-1963
31	395-408		Accreditation Committee						1964-1967, undated
32	409		Advisory Committee (CCT)					1953-1957
32	410-411		Advisory Panel [Committee]					1961-1965
33	412		Committee on Matter of Compensation for Supervisors		1946, undated
33	413-415		Curriculum Committee						1948-1960
33	416		Education Committee						1965-1966
310	18		Education Committee						1966
33	417		Executive Director's Cabinet					1965
33	418		Committee for Exploration of Relations with Denominations	1964
33	419-428		Finance Committee						1935-1940, 1955-1967
34	429		Committee on Honors						1962-1967
34	430		Informational Services Committee				1957-1965
34	431		Committee on Institute Relations				1958
34	432		Investment Committee						1964
34	433		Membership Committee						1962-1965
34	434		Personnel Committee						1961
34	435		CCT Committee on Personnel and Administration			1966-1967
34	436		Joint Committee on Personnel and Administration			1966-1967
34	437		Placement Committee						1962, undated
34	438		Publicity Committee						1950-1956
34	439-440		Research Committee						1955-1966
34	441		Committee on Revision of By-Laws				1958
34	442		Scholarship Committee						1956-1957
34	443-448		Seminary Relations Committee					1949-1954
34 	444		Seminary Relations Committee					1955-1967, undated
310	19		Seminary Relations Committee					1964-1966, undated
35	449		Special Committee, re: Organization				1936
35	450		Special Committee of the Board of Governors, re: Structure and 
			Organization							1954
35	451-457		Special Study Committee						1959-1961
310	20		Special Study Committee						1960-1961
36	458-478		Standards Committee						1945-1960
37	479-491		Standards Committee						1961-1966, undated
37	492-494		Committee on Structure						1965-1966
38	495		Committee on Student-Patient Relations				1946
38	496		Subcommittee to Study the Function and Structure of the CCT	1949-1950
38	497		Committee to Study the Supervisor’s Work as Chaplain		1945-1946, undated
38	498		Committee on Supervisor-Student Relations			1946, undated
38	499		Committee on Training Supervisors				1960-1961
38	500		Voluntary Committee on Council Financing			1959

			Subseries 2: Institute for Pastoral Care		

310	21		Board of Governors and Executive Committee			1950-1966

			Subseries 3: Joint Committees Moving Toward Merger	

310	22		Committee of Twelve						1952
39	501-504		Committee of Twelve						1952-1956
310	23		Committee of Twelve, Charles Hall Notes on Carl Flack Tapes	circa 1953-1958
39	505		Committee of Twelve, incl. re:  reunion, 1974			1957, 1974
310	24		Advisory Committee of National Conference on Clinical Pastoral 
			Education							1957-1959
39	506-509		Advisory Committee of National Conference on Clinical Pastoral 
			Education							1957-1965
310	25		Joint Executive Committee					1960-1964
310	26		Joint Certification and Accreditation Committee			1963-1966
310	27		Committee on Merger						1964
39	510-511		Committee on Merger						1964-1965
310	28		Joint Structure Committee					1965-1966
311	1-2		Joint Structure Committee					1965-1966
311	3		Joint Standards Committee					1965-1967
311	4		Joint Assembly of Supervisors					1966
311	5-6		Joint Executive Committee					1966-1967
39	511A		Other joint committees						1966-1967, undated

			Subseries 4: Association for Clinical Pastoral Education
40	512-532		House of Delegates						1967-1971
311	7		House of Delegates						1967-1976
41	533-550		House of Delegates						1971-1974
311	8		House of Delegates						1975-1976
42	551-566		House of Delegates						1975-1977
43	567-581		House of Delegates						1977-1980
311	9		House of Delegates						1978-1979
44	582-586		House of Delegates						1980
311	10-14		House of Delegates						1981-1982
45	587-604		Executive Committee						1967-1972
311	16		Executive Committee						1967-1976
46	605-619		Executive Committee						1972-1975
47	620-636		Executive Committee						1975-1978
48	637-648		Executive Committee						1979-1980
311	17-28		Executive Committee						1981-1982
312	1-3		Executive Committee						1982
312	4		General Assembly and House of Delegates, Minutes		1977-1983
312	5-24		General Assembly						1983-1991
313	1-2		General Assembly Governance Group				1990-1991
313	3		Board of Representatives and Executive Committee, Minutes	1977-1984
313	4-24		Board of Representatives					1983-1994
314	1-5		Board of Representatives					1994-1996

314	6		Committee Lists	1982

314	7		Accreditation Committee/Commission				1974-1978
49	649-665		Accreditation Committee/Commission				1975-1976
50	666-678		Accreditation Committee/Commission				1976-1978
51	679		Accreditation Committee/Commission				1979
314	8		Accreditation Committee/Commission				1979-1983
295	3894-3909	Accreditation Committee/Commission				1980-1983
314	9-17		Accreditation Committee/Commission				1984-1997
52	685-689		Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Men in CPE			1979-1980
53	690-715		Annual Conference Committee					1968-1975
54	716-741		Annual Conference Committee					1973-1978
55	742-751		Annual Conference Committee					1977-1978
56	752-769		Annual Conference Committee					1979-1980
314	18-24		Annual Conference Committee					1981-1986
57	770		Boisen Memorial Committee					1967
57	771-783		Budget Subcommittee						1968-1972
58	784-795		Budget Subcommittee						1973-1976
314	25		Building Fund and Transitional Budget Subcommittee		1984
315	1-2		By-law Subcommittee						1982
59	796-810		Certification Committee/Commission				1975-1978
315	3-4		Certification Committee/Commission				1975-1979
60	811-824		Certification Committee/Commission				1978-1980
315	5-6		Certification Committee/Commission				1980-1990
315	7		Certification Commission, Evaluation Instrument for Position 
			Paper Writers							1992
61	825-843		Certification and Accreditation Committee			1967-1971
315	8		Certification and Accreditation Committee			1970-1984
62	844-862		Certification and Accreditation Committee			1971-1973
63	863-878		Certification and Accreditation Committee			1973-1974
65	904-906		Constitution and By-Laws Committee				1972, 1978
64	879-893		Consultation to the Executive Director, Committee on		1971-1977
64	894-899		Development of CPE in Other Countries, Committee on		1969-1972
65	907-915		Development Committee						1969-1973
315	9		Development Committee						1969-1982
66	916-936		Development Committee						1974-1980
315	10-15		Development Committee						1981-1991
315	16		Executive Director Search Committee				1994
67	937-950		Finance Committee						1967-1971
315	17		Finance Committee						1968-1984
68	951-967		Finance Committee						1972-1975
69	968-979		Finance Committee						1975-1977
70	980-991		Finance Committee						1978-1979
71	992-994		Finance Committee						1979-1981
315	18-29		Finance Committee						1981-1982
316	1-21		Finance Committee						1982-1991
72	1008		Foundation Committee						1980
316	22-27		Foundation Committee						1981-1988
72	1009-1010	Fund Raising Committee						1967
94	1274-1286	Health Care, Sub-Committee on					1971-1972
95	1287-1292	Health Care, Sub-Committee on					1972-1973
73	1011-1022	Historical Committee						1969-1974
317	1-30		Historical Committee						1969-1990
74	1023-1043	Historical Committee						1975-1979
75	1044-1047	Historical Committee						1980-1981
318	1-22		Historical Committee						1985-2001
75	1047a		Historical Committee, Book of Remembrance pages			1987-1997
318	23-24		International Committee						1983-1992
64	900-902		International Development of CPE, Committee on			1973-1974
76	1048-1062	International Relations Committee				1974-1980
318	25-27		International Relations Committee				1981-1984
77	1063-1077	Investment Committee						1969-1974
78	1078-1082	Investment Committee						1975-1978
79	1083-1090	Judiciary Committee						1968-1974
80	1091-1103	Judiciary Committee						1975-1980
318	28-31		Judiciary Committee/Commission					1968-1991
81	1104		Long-Range Planning Committee					1970
81	1105-1113	Nominating Committee						1967-1974
82	1114-1127	Nominating Committee						1975-1980
318	32-37		Nominating Committee						1980-1990
82	1128-1129	Pension Committee						1978-1979
319	1-12		Personnel Committee						1976-1990
82	1130		Personnel Committee						1977
83	1131-1139	Personnel Committee						1978-1980
319	12		Program Accounting Subcommittee					1982
319	13		Public Issues Committee						1985-1992
319	14		Research Committee						1965-1978
84	1141-1152	Research Committee						1969-1974
85	1153-1173	Research Committee						1974-1979
86	1174-1182	Research Committee						1979-1982, undated 
319	15-22		Research Committee						1979-1989
84	1140		Research and Historical Committee				1967
319	23		Seminary Relations Council					1983
319	24-25		Site Selection Committee					1967, 1982
87	1183-1199	Special Study Committee						1977-1982
88	1200-1208	Special Study Committee, Reports, Surveys, and Data		1977-1979
89	1209-1218	Special Study Committee, Reports, Surveys, and Data		1979-1980
295	3910		Special Study Committee, Review of Material of an Historical 
			Nature								1979 Mar 29
319	26		Special Study Subcommittee					1985, undated
90	1219-1245	Standards Committee						1967-1974
92	1246-1257	Standards Committee						1975-1977
93	1258-1273	Standards Committee						1978-1980
320	1-6		Standards Committee						1981-1984
64	903		Supervisor Emeritus Status, Committee to Study			1978
			Task Forces:
320	7		ACTS Task Force							1993-1995
320	8		AIDS Task Force							1988-1989
96	1293		Blacks in CPE, Task Force on					1980
320	9		Central Governance Task Force					1981
320	10		Certification Task Force					1989-1990
320	11		Clinical Member Task Force					1986-1990
320	12-15		Collegiality Task Force						1980-1984
96	1294-1295	Continuing Education Task Force					1980
320	16		Disaster Response Task Force					1982-1989
320	17		Financial Policy Task Force					1991
320	18		Miscellaneous task forces					1984-1992
320	19		Pastoral Instructor Task Force					1991
320	20-25		Racial and Ethnic Minority Task Force				1981-1988
96	1296		Retirements, Task Force on					1979
320	26		Role and Function of the Regional Director, Task Force on	1970-1974, 
96	1297-1301	Role and Function of the Regional Director, Task Force on	1973-1975
320	27		Supervisory Curriculum Task Force				1990-1992

320	28		Collegiality Network						1985-1987
320	29		Disaster Response Network					1990
320	30-34		Retired Supervisors Network, Newsletters			1990-2005
320	35		Women in CPE							1987

Last Modified: 08/30/2006