Records, 1964-1988.
EXTENT: 41 cubic ft. (109 letter archives boxes, 8 half-size
letter boxes, and 3 records center carton)
ACCESS: Unrestricted. [Stored off site. Forty eight hours advance notice required to access collection.]
REPRODUCTION: All requests subject to limitations noted in departmental policies on reproduction.
COPYRIGHT: Information on copyright (literary rights) available from repository.
CITATION: American Association of Pastoral Counselors Records, RG 010, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University.
The American Association of Pastoral Counselors is a professional organization formed in 1964 to bring standards, order and communication to the expanding new phenomenon of pastoral counseling. Responding to the religious community's need for a form of depth ministry, pastoral counseling specialists emerged, drawing together the inspiration of the church and the wisdom of the behavioral sciences.
Formal dialogue among pastoral counseling specialists began at a national
conference held in New York in 1963, and in 1964 the American Association
of Pastoral Counselors was organized and incorporated.
The records of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors consists mainly of material from the Executive Director's Office. These papers by no means cover every aspect and accomplishment of the association. They do, however, provide valuable information on the formation of the organization, its day to day operation, issues of interest and the growing concern for certification of pastoral counselors and counseling centers. The American Association of Pastoral Counselors collection is comprised of three distinct record series. They are Board of Governors, Executive Director, and Administrative Staff.
Series one, Board of Governors, is arranged chronologically and encompasses the years 1964 to 1986. From 1964 thru 1978 the board went by the title of the Board of Directors until it became the Board of Governors about 1979. Included in this series are meeting minutes of the Board, correspondence, lists of officers, and Association Council materials.
Series two contains the records of the Executive Director and comprises the bulk of the collection. This series is arranged alphabetically by subject. It contains papers relating to the annual conferences of AAPC, the various committees of the association, as well as an extensive collection of the executive director's correspondence. Among prominent correspondents are David Bennett, John Hagedorn, H. Terry Kriesel , William B. Oglesby, John Patton and Foster J. Williams.
The third and finally series is Administrative Staff. It consists mainly of General correspondence, the correspondence of the Assistant to the Executive Director (Barbara Gyomory, 1980-1984), Administrative Secretary Subject Files [arranged in original order], and the general correspondence of the Staff Secretaries, 1980-1984.
Folder# Description
Series I: Board of Governors, 1964-1986. [Board of Directors 1964-1978]
1/1 A. 1964.
1. Officers and Board of A.A.P.C., 1964-1965. List.
2. Correspondence.
3. Meeting Minutes.
1/2 B. 1965.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes.
1/3 C. 1966.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes.
1/4 D. 1967.
1. Officers of AAPC, 2 lists.
2. Correspondence.
3. Meeting Minutes.
a. 26-29 April 1967.
b. 10-12 November 1967.
1/5 E. 1968.
1. Correspondence.
2. Recommendations on terms of office of officers and
Board member; Committee on Nominations, 5 January 1968.
3. Meeting Minutes.
a. 24-27 April 1968.
b. 8-10 November 1968.
1/6 F. Association Council, 1971-1973.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes.
1/7 G. Association Council, 1974-1975.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes.
1/8 H. Association Council, 1976-1977.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes.
1/9 I. Association Council, 1977-1978.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes.
J. 1979.
1/10 1. Correspondence and Notes.
1/10 2. Meeting Minutes.
1/11 3. Report of the Ad Hoc Committee established to Study the
Feasibility of a Register of Health Care Providers in
Pastoral Psychotherapy with Recognition by HEW.
6 February 1979.
K. 1980.
1/12 1. Meeting Minutes, April & November 1980.
2/1-2 2. Board of Governors, 1980-1982.
L. 1981.
2/3 1. Correspondence.
2. Meetings.
2/4 a. 29 April - 3 May 1981; Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario,
1. Meeting Minutes.
2. Meeting Resources (reports, notes, etc).
aa. American Association of Pastoral Counselors
bb. Notes: Revisions to the Code of Ethics.
cc. 1981-82 Budget Proposal and Comparisons.
dd. Report: American Association of Pastoral
Counselors Fiscal Management.
ee. Annual Report to Members of AAPC from National
Membership Committee.
ff. Workshop Presentation: "Paid Friend, Soul
Friend: A Community Model for Developing a
Pastoral Counseling Practice". 2 May 1981.
gg. Transparencies.
2/5 b. 20-22 November 1981; St. Louis, Missouri.
1. Communion Service, 22 November 1981.
2. Meeting Minutes, 22 November 1981.
3. Meeting Resources (reports, notes, etc).
aa. Ad Hoc Committee on Ordination: Progress Report
to the Board of Governors, 20-21 November 1981.
bb. Ethics Committee Report, 21 November 1981.
cc. Statement to the Board of Governors, American
Association of Pastoral Counselors by James W.
Ewing, Executive Director. 20-22 November 1981;
St. Louis, Missouri.
dd. Report of Activities of the Communications Task
Force, with Recommendations.
ee. Professional Concerns Committee for Supervisors;
Consultation and Peer Review. Report.
ff. Report of the Vice President; Program Chairperson.
gg. AAPC Nominating Committee; Process and Timetable,
1982 Elections.
hh. Report of the Atlantic Region, AAPC. 20 November 1981.
ii. Report of the Central Region, AAPC.
jj. "A Model for Assessing AAPC Candidates' Ability to
Think Theologically and Religious Resources in
Their Pastoral Counseling and Supervision of
Pastoral Counseling".
M. 1982.
2/6 1. Correspondence, 1981-1982.
2. Meetings.
2/7 a. 29 April - 2 May 1982. Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
1. Meeting Minutes.
2. Brochure/Program.
3. American Association of Pastoral Counselors Handbook:
Under Revision, December 1981.
4. 19th Annual Meeting Agenda and Committee Reports.
5. Meeting Resources (reports, notes, etc).
aa. Guidelines for Developing Funding Goals for the
American Association for Pastoral Counselors,
7 January 1982.
bb. Summary of Suggested Direction Leading to Major
Funding Campaign, 1 May 1982.
cc. Nation Membership Committee.
1. Resolution: Counselors-in-Training, Pastoral
Affiliates, Professional Affiliates & International
Affiliates may not advertise themselves as
members or affiliates of AAPC.
2. Report, 29 April 1982
3. Bylaws Recommended by National Membership
Committee, 28 April 1982.
4. Report of the Constitution/Bylaws Revision and
Interpretation Committee submitted by the Board
of Governors to the AAPC Voting Membership.
dd. Finance Committee: Recommended Raise in Dues, 1982-83.
ee. National Research Committee Resolutions to the AAPC
Board of Governors for Action, 29 April 1982.
ff. 1982-1983 Budget Worksheet.
gg. Ad Hoc Committee; Report 29 April 1982.
hh. Transparency: Memorandum Theological and Social
Concerns Committee to Board of Governors; RE:
Recommendation to Retain the Name AAPC,
28-29 April 1982.
2/8 3. 1982 Convention.
3/1 4. Regions, 1981-1982; Correspondence.
3/2 N. 1983.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes, 13 April 1982.
3. Proceeding of the 1982 Research Committee Meeting at
San Antonio, Texas, 13 April 1983.
O. 1984.
3/3 1. Correspondence, 1983-1984.
2. Meetings.
3/4 a. 13 & 14 January 1984.
1. Officers and Board of Governors A.A.P.C., list.
2. Minutes.
3. Presentations, reports, etc.
aa. Presentation to Council on Ministries in
Specialized Settings by John L. Florell, President,
bb. Religious Endorsing Bodies and Ministry in
Specialized Settings: A Document for Developing
Common Practices.
3/5 b. Annual Meeting, 5-8 April, 1984; San Diego, California.
1. Yearly reports.
2. Emerson Consultation Report; Executive Committee,
5 April 1984.
3. Proposed Constitution and By-Law amendments making
Secretary-Treasurer a member of the Finance Committee.
4. Report to the Board of Governors Executive Committee
Study Committees.
5. Recommendations to the AAPC Board of Governors
Concerning Denominational Relationships; Theological
and Social Concerns Committee, 5 April 1984.
3/6 3. Board of Governors Interpretation of Equivalent Means of
Ordination or Consecration. Appeals, 1984.
P. 1985-1986.
3/7-8 1. 1985-1986.
3/9 2. Board of Governors; Stock Assets; Planning - Regular Meetings.
Series II: Executive Director
A. Addresses: Executive Director's Addresses, Courses, Essays,
Presentations, and Publications: James Ewing's Addresses, Essays,
Presentations and Publications [material arranged chronologically].
1. Addresses.
1/1 a. Installation Sermon/Speech; Centers and Training Conference,
30 January 1981.
1/2 b. Memorial Service for Barbara Ann Murray, August 1981.
[File includes program, notes and manuscript to prepare
program, and an audio-tape.]
1/3 c. Pastoral Counseling Services of the Greater Milwaukee Area
(PCS-GM), February 1982 Celebration. File contains
correspondence to and from Reverend Daniel Jonas of the
PCS-GM (dated 1981-82), a paper by Ewing on clinical
methodology, and two typed statements. The actual address to
the PCS-GM was not included with this material.
1/4 d. Address; Pennsylvania Foundation of Pastoral Counseling,
June 5, 1983. File includes notes for address and typescript
of worship service.
1/5 e. "Pastoral Counseling: A Bridge Between Religion and
Psychotherapy," a Paper given at the American Psychological
Association, Annual Convention, August 26-30, 1983. File
also includes notes and general information on the convention.
2. Courses Taught, 1982.
1/6 a. Administrative Models for Pastoral Counseling, University of
Notre Dame Summer Course, Master of Science Administration
Program, James Ewing and Samaritan Institute, June 14-18, 1982.
1. Brochures and Course Summary and Schedule.
2. Notes and Related Correspondence.
3. Essays, 1981.
1/7 a. Book Review, July 14, 1981. [need to check to see where or if
this review was published in a professional journal or the
AAPC newsletter].
4. Presentations, 1981-.
1/8 a. "Pastoral Counseling: A Bridge Between Religion and
Psychotherapy," Presentation for a Symposium of the
American Psychological Association, August 29, 1983.
File includes typed presentation, abstract, newsletter,
correspondence, and other miscellaneous, but related material,
1/9 b. Presentation, Postgraduate Center for Mental Health,
February 2, 1983. Letter enclosed.
1/10 c. Presentation to the Standing Committee on Church Order and
Vocation, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., May 21, 1981.
1/11 d. Presentation, Valley Pastoral Counseling Center Banquet, 1983.
Includes outline of presentation and related correspondence,
brochures, and notes.
1/12 e. Response to Walter Brueggemann's Presentation, Panel
Presentation, Pastoral Counseling and Consultation Centers
of Greater Washington Symposium, February 1984 with related
material from 1983-84. File includes Brueggemann's typed
presentation, Ewing's response and notes, PC&CC response
guidelines, and related correspondence.
1/13 f. Speech and Presentation, Luncheon, AAPC Annual Convention,
April 29 -May 3, 1981. File includes speech manuscript,
transparencies used with the speech, and miscellaneous notes.
5. Publications, 1980-84.
1/14 a. "The Healing Presence," Published Sermon, in Gregory J.
Johanson, ed., Feed My Sheep: Sermons on Contemporary Issues
in Pastoral Care (NY: Paulist Press, 1984). Only
Correspondence, 1981-82 and Undated, regarding this
publication enclosed in this file. See Ewing's Conferences for
a manuscript of this sermon given at the William Street
United Methodist Church during the Pastoral Counseling
Services' Fall Workshop for Clergy, September 1981.
A photocopy of this sermon from the aforementioned book is
enclosed with this file.
1/15 b. The Ministry of Pastoral Counseling, Book Project, 1980-1983,
Fr. Barry Estadt, editor, with Ewing contributing a chapter,
"Pastoral Counseling Issues." The published book, Pastoral
Counseling: Loyola College Pastoral Counseling Faculty, edited
by Barry K. Estadt, Melvin Blanchette, and John R. Compton
(Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1983), has
Ewing's chapter as Chapter 16, "Epilogue: Pastoral Counseling
Issues: Current and Future," at pp. 287-296. The same
epilogue appears (though not as Chapter 16) in the second
edition of the book, from 1991, on pp. 289-298.
B. Affiliated Pastoral Care Organizations.
1/16 1. Academy of Parish Clergy.
1/17 2. Academy of Pastoral Counselors.
1/18 3. Academy of Religion and Mental Health.
2/1 4. Academy of Religion and Psychical Research.
2/2 5. Anton Boisen Foundation.
6. Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE).
2/3 a. Conferences, 1979 & 1981.
2/4 b. ACPE Constitution and By-Laws, 1983 & 1983 ACPE
Presidential Address: Jasper N. Keith, Jr.
2/5 c. ACPE: Standards Procedures and Guidelines, 1980-1985.
2/6 d. ACPE: Special Study Committee Report, 1978-1980.
2/7 e. ACPE News, 1979-1983; newsletter.
2/8 7. Association of Mental Health Clergy, Inc. 1979-1980.
2/9 8. Citizens Against Nuclear War (CAN)
2/10 9. Canadian Association for Pastoral Education (CAPE), 1979-1983.
2/11 10. College of Chaplains.
2/12 11. Committee on Episcopal Ministry in Institutions.
2/13 12. Congress for Professional Ministerial Agencies.
13. Council on Ministries in Special Settings [COMISS].
3/1-12 a. Executive Committee Conferences/Meetings,1979-1986.
4/1-5 b. Minutes, 1982-1986.
4/6 c. COMISS Glossary.
4/7-11 d. Correspondence, 1984-1985.
4/12&13 e. Publications.
f. Administration
5/1 1. Administrative Structure.
5/2 2. Glossary of Terms.
5/3&4 3. Guidelines for Evaluating Pastoral Services.
g. Financial.
5/5 1. Budgets, 1984-1988.
5/6 2. Budget Projections.
5/7 3. Treasurer.
5/8 h. National, 1983-1985.
5/9 i. Agenda Items, December 1984.
5/10 j. Communications Network, 1984.
5/11 k. Mailing Directory, 1984.
5/12 l. Nominations, 1986-1987.
5/13 m. Priority Items, 1981-1985.
5/14 n. Southern Baptist Convention Endorsement, 1983.
5/15-18 o. Miscellaneous.
14. Albert V. Danielsen Institute for Pastoral Counseling.
a. Albert V. Danielsen Fund.
1. Publications, 1951-1968 [arranged chronologically].
6/1 aa. Articles.
1. "Right Thinking in an Atomic Age,"
January, 1951.
2. "Peace and Prayer," August , 1951.
3. "Ways of Healing," March , 1952.
4. "As a Man Thinketh so is He," December, 1954.
5. "Wholeness and Quietness of Mind," April, 1956.
6. "Suffering and Healing," July, 1957.
6/2 bb. Sermons.
1. "Spiritual Foundations," December, 1962.
2. "Blessedness Through Suffering," August, 1963.
3. "My Witness to a Healing God," November ,1968.
6/3 cc. Addresses.
1. "Christianity, Church and Commitment (A
Testament for Laymen)," June, 1964
2. "Religion and Healing," May, 1958.
6/4 dd. Report: Part of Danielsen Fund Report,
January, 1970.
b. Danielsen Institute.
1. Events.
6/5 aa. Service of Dedication of the New Counseling
Facilities, April, 1981.
c. Manuscripts and Publications.
1. Manuscripts.
6/6 aa. "25 Years of the Danielsen Fund and the Story
of Its Founder," n.d. Typed manuscript.
6/7 bb. Supporting Materials for the typed manuscript,
"25 Years of the Danielsen Fund and the Story
of Its Founder," Part I.
6/8 cc. Supporting Materials for the typed manuscript,
"25 Years of the Danielsen Fund and the Story
of Its Founder," Part II.
2. Publications.
6/9 aa. Trustees of Boston University, Albert Victor
Danielsen: A Portrait., preface by John R. Silber
(Boston: Boston University, 1980).
6/10 15. Denominational Offerings.
6/11 16. Development Committee, 1981 [ACPE].
6/12 17. Ecclesiastical Endorsement Responses.
6/13 18. Edinburgh, August 1979 [International Congress on Pastoral
6/14 19. Guidelines for Clergy Serving in Mental Health Centers.
7/1 20. Industrial Chaplaincy.
21. Interfaith Council.
7/2 a. 1979.
7/3 b. 1980.
7/4 22. International Group Communications in Pastoral Care and
7/5&6 23. Interorganizational Consultation on Chaplaincy.
7/7 24. Joint Council on Specialized Settings.
25. Joint Issues in Pastoral Care Organizations [JIPCO].
7/8 a. JIPCO - COMISS Meeting, 1981.
7/9 b. JIPCO - COMISS Meeting, 1982.
7/10 c. JIPCO - COMISS Meeting; June 1983, Milwaukee.
7/11 d. JIPCO - COMISS Meeting; June 1984.
7/12 e. JIPCO - COMISS Meeting; December 1984.
8/1-3 f. JIPCO 1985.
8/4 g. JIPCO - COMISS Meeting; December 1986.
8/5 h. JIPCO - COMISS Writing Committee, [1986-1987].
8/6 i. JIPCO - COMISS Writing Group, February 1986.
8/7 j. JIPCO - COMISS Writing Group, 1987.
8/8 k. JIPCO brochures.
8/9 26. National Association of Catholic Chaplains.
8/10 27. New York Board of Rabbis.
8/11 28. St. Louis Consultation [Joint Issues in Pastoral Care
8/12 29. St. Alban's Institute.
8/13 30. Society for the Advancement of Continuing Education for
Ministry (SACEM).
8/14 31. Task Force on Relationship with Seminaries, 1974.
C. Certification.
9/1 1. Lay Certification Documents, 1979-1983.
9/2 2. Lay Certification Documents, 1984.
9/3 3. Endorsements Candidates Prior to 1980.
9/4 4. Lay Endorsement Responses.
9/5 5. United States Catholic Conference Commission on Certification
and Accreditation, [1984-1987].
D. Committees [arranged alphabetically].
1. Ad Hoc Committee on the Executive Director
9/6 a. [1977-1978].
9/7 b. Executive Director's Fund [1977-1980].
9/8 2. Ad Hoc Committee Established to Study the Feasibility of a
Register of Health Care Providers in Pastoral Psychotherapy
with Recognition by HEW, [1979].
3. Ad Hoc Committee on Insurance.
9/9 a. [1977].
9/10 b. [1981-1982].
9/11 c. Insurance Coverage; report, [1981-1982].
10/1 4. Ad Hoc Committee on Insurance and Health Care Legislation,
10/2 5. Ad Hoc Committee on Ministry.
10/3 6. Ad Hoc Committee on Ordination, Robert L. Myers.
10/4 7. Chapters Committee, 1965-1973.
8. Centers and Training Committee
a. Site Visits [These files contain the correspondence,
site visit reports, and schedules of teams sent to Pastoral
Counseling and/or Training Centers to evaluate them for
possible accreditation by the AAPC. The folders are
arranged alphabetically by center. The material within
each folder is arranged chronologically.]
10/5 1. Brite Divinity School, Texas Christian University,
Fort Worth, January 25, 1973.
10/6 2. Buchanan Counseling Center, Indianapolis, Indiana,
November 19-20, 1980.
10/7 3. Care and Counseling, Inc., St. Louis, 1969 and
March 7-9, 1974.
10/8 4. Chicago Institute for Pastoral Care, 1973.
10/9 5. Church Counseling Service of San Diego, November, 1970.
10/10 6. Claremont School of Theology, Dec. 1-2, 1980. Most
of the correspondence in this file concerns plans for
a site visit in 1973, but there is no report for this visit.
10/11 7. Columbus Pastoral Institute, Columbus, Ga,
April 13, 1978.
11/1 8. Counseling Center at First Community Church, Columbus,
Ohio, January 15, 1966.
11/2 9. Danielsen Pastoral Counseling Service, Boston
University, 1967.
11/3 10. Georgia Association for Pastoral Care, Pastoral
Counseling Center Site Visit-January 3-4, 1971.
11/4 11. Georgia Association for Pastoral Care, Pastoral
Training Center Site Visit-October 29- 30, 1975.
11/5 12. Georgia Baptist Medical Center, Pastoral Counseling
Center, Nov. 17-19, 1981.
11/6 13. Hudson River Counseling Services, Westchester
Institute for Psychotherapy, September 27, 1976.
11/7 14. Hudson River Counseling Services, Westchester Institute
for Psychotherapy, June 24-25, 1979.
11/8 15. Illinois Pastoral Services Institute, Bloomington,
Illinois, February 25-27, 1981.
11/9 16. Indiana Counseling and Pastoral Care Center, Inc.,
June 25-27, 1980.
12/1 17. Indianapolis Pastoral Care and Counseling Center,
January 14-15, 1966.
12/2 18. Institutes of Religion and Health, Blanton-Peale
Graduate Institute, New York, New York, January 27-29,
12/3 19. Interfaith Counseling Service, Scottsdale, Arizona,
March 24-25, 1973.
12/4 20. Monadnock Area Pastoral Counseling Service, Keene,
NH, November 17-18, 1977.
12/5 21. Lutheran General Hospital, Community Pastoral Counseling
and Consultation Center, February 19-20, 1976
(provisional training canter accreditation),
March 18, 1977 (full accreditation).
12/6 22. North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Pastoral
Counseling Center, Winston-Salem, NC, April 23-25,
1978. (Counseling Center accreditation)
13/1 23. North Carolina Baptist Hospital, Winston-Salem,
N.C., June 22-24, 1980. (Training Center accreditation)
13/2 24. North Shore Living and Learning Center, Vancouver,
British Columbia, March 13, 1981.
13/3 25. Onondaga Pastoral Counseling Center, Syracuse, NY.
November 21, 1974.
13/4 26. Onondaga Pastoral Counseling Center, June 16-17, 1975.
13/5 aa. Onondaga Pastoral Counseling Center, June 25-26,
13/6 bb. Onondaga Pastoral Counseling Center, manual as
background material for site visits.
13/7 cc. Onondaga Pastoral Counseling Center, undated
background material for site visits.
13/8 dd. Pastoral Counseling and Consultation Centers
of Greater Washington D.C. (Application).
13/9 ee. Pastoral Counseling and Consultation Centers
of Greater Washington D.C. (Supplementary information).
13/10 ff. Pastoral Counseling and Consultation Centers of
Greater Washington, D.C., Site Visit- March 4-6, 1980.
14/1 gg. Pastoral Counseling and Education Center, Dallas,
January 31-February 2, 1980.
14/2 hh. Pennsylvania Foundation of Pastoral Counseling,
Warrington, PA, November 16-19, 1982.
14/3 ii. Pittsburgh Pastoral Institute, October 31-
November 2, 1979.
14/4 jj. Presbyterian Counseling Service, Seattle,
Washington, Dec. 18-19, 1972.
14/5 kk. Virginia Institute of Pastoral Care, Richmond,
Virginia, March 6-7, 1979.
14/6 ll. Worcester Council of Churches, Pastoral Counseling
Service, Counseling Center visit, November 10, 1970.
14/7 mm. Worcester Council of Churches, Pastoral Counseling
Service, Training Center visit, November 21-22, 1982.
15/1 nn. Applications and other information from centers
for which there is no record of a site visit and
no attached correspondence. (Arranged alphabetically).
b. Basic Committee Information.
15/2 1. Lists of Committee officers and regional and
national chairmen, 1972-73, 1977, 1981, and several
not dated.
15/3 2. AAPC standards for Pastoral Counseling Service and
Training Centers, Numerous drafts.
15/4&5 3. Application Forms for Service Center, Training Center,
and Institutional Affiliate Member.
15/6 4. Site Visitor's Manual, 2 Copies, 1983.
15/7 5. Directory of Pastoral Counseling Centers, 1964,
1974, 1978.
15/8 6. Registry of Pastoral Counseling Training Centers,
15/9 7. Directory of Consultants for Pastoral Counseling
Centers, 1974.
15/10 8. Letters of Request, Checks, and Refunds for 1981
c. Reports
16/1 1. National Committee Reports - 1965-1966, 1970-79,
16/2 2. Regional Committee Reports (Alphabetical order by region).
16/3 3. Annual Reports of Institutional Members, 1981.
16/4 4. Annual Reports of Institutional Members, 1982.
16/5 5. Annual Reports of Institutional Members, 1983 (A-L).
16/6 6. Annual Reports of Institutional Members, 1983 (M-P).
16/7 7. Annual Reports of Institutional Members, 1983 (Q-Z).
16/8 8. Compilations of Center Applications and Action Taken,
Spring 1982 and Spring and Fall 1984.
d. Conferences
17/1 1. 1977 and 1979, St. Louis.
17/2 2. 1980, Denver, Colorado.
17/3 3. 1981, Savannah, Georgia.
17/4 4. 1982, Materials and tapes for conference call.
17/5 5. 1982, San Antonio, Texas.
17/6 6. 1985, Scottsdale Arizona.
17/7 7. 1986, Orlando, Florida.
17/8 8. 1987, Long Beach, California.
e. Correspondence.
1. Committee Chairman
17/9 aa. John L. Maes, Jan. 1969-Jan. 1971.
17/10 bb. James Ashbrook, May 1970-Oct. 1971.
17/11 cc. Richard G. Bruehl, Jan. 1972-Jan. 1976 (Sent).
18/1 dd. Richard G. Bruehl (Received, Alphabetical order).
18/2 ee. Brian W. Grant, Aug. 1976-March 1980 (Sent).
18/3 ff. Brian W. Grant, (Received, Alphabetical Order).
18/4 gg. Brian W. Grant, Correspondence with Executive
Director's Office and Regional Committee chairmen.
18/5 hh. Merle R. Jordan, Aug. 1980-May 1982.
19/1 ii. Kenneth R. Mitchell, Jan 1982-May 1985.
2. Correspondence, General
19/2 aa. 1965-1972.
19/3 bb. 1973-1974.
19/4 cc. 1975-1977.
19/5 dd. 1978.
19/6 ee. Jan.-Sept. 1979.
20/1 ff. Oct.-Dec. 1979.
20/2 gg. 1980.
20/3 hh. 1981.
20/4 ii. 1982.
20/5 jj. 1983.
20/6 kk. 1984.
20/7 ll. 1985.
3. Old Site Reviews.
21/1 aa. Site Review Book.
21/2&3 bb. Association of Theological Schools (Ohio).
21/4 cc. International Association of Counseling
Services (Virginia).
21/5&6 dd. Samaritan Institute (Indiana).
21/7 ee. Washington Theological Consortium (Washington D.C.)
9. Committee on the Pastor and Community Mental Health [CPCMH],
1968-1976. [This Committee does not seem to have remained
in existence as a Standing Committee, according to AAPC letterhead.]
22/1 a. 1968-1970.
1. Copies of Meeting Minutes from Business Meetings and
Executive Committee Meetings at the Annual National
Meeting, 1969-1970.
2. Correspondence, 1968-1970.
3. List Directory, undated (but with 1968-70 material).
4. Reports, 1968-1970, undated.
5. Statements, Guidelines, Pamphlets, and NIMH Material,
1968-1969, undated.
22/2 b. 1971-1976.
1. Correspondence, 1971-1976, undated.
2. List Directory (undated, but with 1971-76 material).
3. Meeting Minutes, 1971.
4. Pamphlets and Part of an Article seemingly related to
CPCMH, undated (this material could just as well go
with the previous folder, but was with the 1971-76
5. Questionnaires and Reports with Related Correspondence:
aa. Questionnaires, 1971 and undated.
bb. Reports, 1971-1973, undated.
cc. Report-Questionnaires, Oct. 1971.
dd. Related Correspondence with attached Questionnaires,
1971 and undated.
6. Statement from Workshop at AAPC and ACPE Convention, 1971.
10. Communications Committee.
22/3 a. 1968-1975.
22/4 b. 1975-1978.
11. Community Mental Health Committee.
22/5 a. Prior to 1969.
22/6 b. 1969-1973.
22/7 c. 1974-1976.
22/8 d. 1976-1977.
12. Constitution and By-Laws Revision Committee.
22/9 a. Ad Hoc Constitution Committee, 1971.
22/10 b. 1975-1977.
23/1 c. 1977-1978.
23/2 d. 1980-1982.
23/3 e. 1983.
23/4 13. Ethics Committee, 1982-1986.
14. Executive Committee.
23/5 a. 1967-1969.
1. Memoranda. [arranged chronologically].
2. Meeting Minutes. [arranged chronologically]
aa. 8 November 1968
bb. 27 February 1969.
3. Telephone Conferences
aa. 18 September 1968.
bb. 9 January 1969.
23/6 b. 1969-1971.
1. Memoranda. [arranged chronologically].
2. Meeting Minutes. [arranged chronologically]
aa. 1969.
bb. 1970.
cc. 1971.
23/7 c. 1972-1973.
1. Memoranda. [arranged chronologically].
2. Meeting Minutes, 1972-1973.
3. Joint meeting AAPC & ACPE, 14 September 1973.
23/8 d. 1974-1975.
1. Memoranda. [arranged chronologically].
2. Meeting Minutes, 1974-1975.
23/9 e. 1976-1978.
1. Meeting Minutes, 1976-1978.
23/10 f. 1980-1981.
1. Meeting Minutes.
aa. 14 November 1980.
bb. 30 April 1981.
23/11 g. 1982.
1. Meeting Minutes.
aa. 29 April 1982.
bb. 19-21 November 1982.
23/12 2. Donald Houts - Board of Governors - Executive
Committee [1981-1982].
23/13 3. Executive Committee, 1982.
23/14 4. Executive Committee (National Office), 1982.
h. 1983-1984.
23/15 1. Executive Committee, January-April 1984.
2. Meeting Minutes.
24/1 aa. April 1984.
24/2 bb. June 1984.
24/3 3. Executive Committee Agendas.
24/4 4. Executive Committee Documents (COMISS)
i. 1985-1986.
24/5 1. Meetings, 1985.
24/6&7 2. Executive Committee Documents.
15. Finance Committee.
24/8 a. 1967-1970.
1. Correspondence, 1967-1970.
2. Finance Committee Report; 25 April 1968.
3. Meeting Minutes; 16 November 1970.
24/9 b. 1971-1974.
24/9 1. Correspondence, 1972-1973.
2. Reports.
aa. Report of an Ad Hoc Committee Concerning
Financing American Association of Pastoral
Counselors, 1971.
bb. Annual Reports.
i. 1971-1972.
ii. 15 October 1973.
24/10 c. 1974-1975.
1. Correspondence.
2. Finance Committee Report, 1974.
24/11 d. 1975-1976.
1. Correspondence.
24/12 e. 1976-1977.
1. Correspondence.
24/13 f. 1977-1978.
1. Correspondence.
2. Finance Committee Chairpersons; February 1977, list.
24/14 g. 1979-1980.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes, 9 April 1980.
3. Budget & Budget Worksheets.
4. Budget Request forms.
5. Regional finance reports.
6. Financial Statement, 1 March 1980.
24/15 h. 1981.
1. Correspondence.
2. Fiscal Year Budget Allocations.
aa. Finance Committee.
bb. Insurance Committee.
cc. International Committee on Pastoral Care &
dd. Legislative Committee.
ee. Membership Committee.
ff. Nominating Committee.
gg. President's travel.
3. Presidential Appointments to the Ad Hoc Committee on
Definition of Ministry, 1 March 1981.
4. Budget Requests and Revisions, 1981-1982.
5. AAPC Three year Budget Projection; draft,
30 November 1981.
6. Proposed Budget 1981-1982; Eastern Region AAPC.
7. Statistical Data.
8. Fiscal Management Report, 1981.
24/16 i. 1982.
1. Correspondence.
2. Report: National Finance Committee, 29 April 1982.
3. AAPC Financial Report; Johnson & Scarborough Certified
Public Accountants; 30 June, 1982.
4. 1982-1983 Budget
aa. Budget Models 1982-1983
bb. Worksheet & Revised 1982-1983 Budget (20 November
5. Fiscal Year Budget Allocations; Legal Concerns &
Denominational Relations Committee.
6. Report: AAPC Fiscal Management.
7. Revised 1982-1983 Budget, approved by Executive
Committee on 20 November 1982.
25/1 j. 1983.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes; National Finance Committee,
September 1983.
3. 1983-1984 Budget Worksheet & Proposed Budget.
4. Cost Analysis System for AAPC; draft & Balance sheets.
5. AAPC Financial Report; Johnson & Scarborough
Certified Public Accountants; 30 June, 1983.
25/2 6. Finance Committee Handbook, 1983.
25/3 7. Financial Statements, 31 March 1983.
25/4 8. Financial Matters, 1983-1984.
k. 1984-1985.
25/5 1. Correspondence.
25/5 2. 1984-1985 Budget
aa. Suggestions for Program and Budget Building,
January 1985.
bb. 1984-1985 Budget Worksheets.
cc. Monthly Balance sheets.
dd. Budgetary Adjustments, 11 January 1984.
25/5 3. AAPC Financial Report; Johnson & Scarborough
Certified Public Accountants; 30 June, 1984.
25/6 4. Finance Committee Conference Call, 1984.
25/7 5. Budgets, 1985.
25/8 6. Budget Process, 1984-1985.
25/9 l. 1985-1986.
1. Correspondence.
2. Budget.
aa. 1985-1986 Budget Worksheets.
bb. Budget Requests & Projection forms.
cc. Balance Sheets.
3. Finance Committee Meeting minutes, 22 February 1985.
4. AAPC Financial Report; Johnson & Scarborough
Certified Public Accountants; 30 June, 1986 & 1985.
5. Report: Development Report, Rocky Mountain Plains Region.
m. 1986-1987.
25/10 1. Correspondence.
2. Suggestions for Program and Budget Building, January 1986.
3. Budget
aa. 1986-1987 Budget Worksheets.
bb. Balance Sheets.
25/11 4. Finance Committee Meeting.
aa. 28 February - 2 March 1986.
bb. 14 January 1987.
25/12 5. AAPC Financial Report; Johnson & Scarborough Certified
Public Accountants; 30 June, 1987 & 1986.
16. Fund Raising & Long Range Planning Committee.
26/1 a. Fund Raising Campaign, 1972-1973.
26/2 b. AAPC Fund Drive, 1974-1975.
26/3 c. Development and Funding Committee, 1982.
26/4 d. Miscellaneous Budget - Fund Raising, 1982.
26/5 e. Long Range Planning; Consultant Responses, [1982].
26/6 f. Long Range Planning and Fund Raising Committee, [1982].
26/7 j. Long Range Planning and Fund Raising Committee;
Convention File [1982].
26/8 k. Fund Raising Proposal; Gary Arnold, [1982].
26/9 l. Long Range Planning and Fund Raising Committee, 1983.
27/1 m. Fund Raising Committee, 1984.
27/2 n. Long Range Planning, [1984].
27/3&4 o. Fund Raising - Mission Advance Conference, 1985.
27/5-7 p. Fund Raising Committee, 1985.
27/8 q. Endowment Fund Materials, [1985].
27/9 r. Fund Raising - Mission Advance, January - August 1986.
27/10 s. Fund Raising - Mission Advance, September - December 1986.
28/1 t. Fund Raising Campaign, 1986.
28/2 u. Fund Raising - Mission Advance, 1987.
28/3 17. Interim Administration Committee, 1963-1964.
28/4 18. Interim Committee on Standards, 1963-1964.
28/5 19. International Committee
20. Investment Advisory Committee.
28/6&7 a. 1983-1984.
28/8&9 b. 1985.
28/10 c. 1986.
28/11 d. 1987.
21. Legal Concerns Committee.
a. 1983.
1. Correspondence.
28/12 aa. January - May
28/13 bb. June - December.
28/14 2. Reports, papers & articles.
aa. "Testimony on Behalf of the Washington State
Membership of the American Association of
Pastoral Counselors in Support of House Bill
No. 188 to The House Social and Health Services
Committee; Representative Mike Kreidel,
Chairperson"; 1 March 1983.
bb. "Connecticut Passes Certification Act", article;
AAMFT newspaper, Vol. 4, no. 6, November 1983.
cc. Statement of Louis B. Hoyer, Ph.D., Legislative
Chairperson - Midwest Region, AAPC, November 1983.
dd. AAPC Legal Concerns Committee, list of members.
ee. Newspaper articles.
29/1 3. Legal Concerns - CHAMPUS - 1983.
b. 1984.
29/2 1. January-April.
29/3 2. March-December.
c. 1985.
29/4 1. Correspondence, 1984-1986.
29/5 2. Handbook for Legislative Action and Notes.
d. 1986.
29/6 1. January-August.
29/7 2. September-December.
29/8 3. [Needham Pastoral Counseling Center.]
29/9 e. 1987.
22. Legislative Committee
a. 1961-1968.
30/1 1. Correspondence.
aa. 1961.
bb. 1967-1968.
30/2 2. Committee Reports.
aa. 29 April 1967.
bb. Items for Consideration by the Legislative
Committee; American Association of Pastoral
Counselors, 6 November 1967.
cc. 24 April 1968.
30/3 3. Papers, articles, etc.
aa. Article: Revised Attorney General's Opinion;
California State Psychologist, Vol. 8, No. 5
(June, 1967).
bb. Article: "Deductibility of Pastoral Counseling
Fees as Medical Expenses for Federal Income Tax
Purposes"; Leila M. Foster, 15 August 1968. For
AAPC Newsletter.
b. 1969-1973.
30/4 1. Correspondence, 1969-1973.
2. Reports.
30/5 aa. AAPC Legislation Committee Proposals for Board
for Action; 30 April 1969.
30/5 bb. Annual Report, 1969-1970.
30/5 cc. Annual Report, 1970-1971.
30/5 dd. Addendum to Executive Committee Minutes: AAPC's
Legislative Goals for a National Health Program,
19 February 19711.
30/6 ee. Annual Report, 1971-1972.
i. Report of the AAPC Legislation Committee on
Confidential Privileged Communications and
State Regulation of Professions and appendix.
ii. Annual Report, 1973.
30/7 3. Articles, papers, and resources.
aa. An Act to amend the education law, in relation to
the licensing and regulation of pastoral counselors;
State of New York, 1969.
bb. Item for AAPC Newsletter: "Check Before You Buy
Malpractice Insurance", 17 February 1969.
cc. Article: "Professional Licensing Legislation Under
Study"; AAPC Newsletter, [February 1969].
dd. Article: "Legislation Committee Seeks News of State
Law"; AAPC Newsletter, Vol. 7, No. 4 (October 1969.
ee. Job Description - Legislation Committee [1969-1970].
ff. List: Liaison Council representatives, 1970.
30/8 4. Legislative concerns.
aa. Chapter 1021; Commonwealth of Massachusetts: An Act
establishing a board of registration of psychologists
and regulating the practice of psychology, 1971.
bb. A-4288; State of New York: An act to amend the
education law, in relation to the practice of
mental health profession. . . (Biondo Bill),
12 February 1973.
cc. Implications for Pastoral Counseling of Licensing
and Certification, Donald E. Smith; 1974-1975.
dd. North Carolina Marriage Counseling Licensing Law,
ee. Uniform Human Mental Health Services Practice Act;
Colorado, 1974.
c. 1974-1975.
30/9 1. Correspondence.
2. Resolution; 28 April 1974.
3. Report Notes.
aa. Report of the Committee on Legislation to the
AAPC Council in Atlanta, 27-28 April 1974.
bb. Legislative Report, 1975.
cc. Legislative Report - Council Meeting,
21-22 November 1975.
dd. Legislative Committee Workshop, 1975.
4. Regional Legislative Committee Chairpersons; list, [1975].
30/10 5. Legislative concerns.
aa. Implications for Pastoral Counseling of Licensing
and Certification, Donald E. Smith; 1974-1975.
bb. North Carolina Marriage Counseling Licensing Law,
cc. Uniform Human Mental Health Services Practice
Act; Colorado, 1974.
dd. SB 116; State of New Hampshire: An Act relative
to the licensing of pastoral counselors, 1975.
d. 1976-1977.
1. Correspondence
30/11 aa. 1976.
30/12 bb. 1977.
30/13 2. Reports.
aa. Model for State Legislation Concerning the
Practice of Counseling, 1976; American Personnel
and Guidance Association. Rough Draft #4,
January 1976.
bb. Annual Report: 1976 Report of the Standing
Committee on Legislation, March 1976.
cc. AAPC Legislative Committee Workshop Report,
2 May 1976.
dd. Report of the Legislative Committee--AAPC,
8-10 October 1976.
ee. Report of the Legislative Committee of A.A.P.C.
on the Issue of Licensing, 8-10 October 1976.
ff. Northwest Region.
i. Position Paper for AAPC Legislative Meeting,
10 October 1976.
ii. Concerns of Members of AAPC Northwest Region
Regarding State and Federal Legislation as
Well as Their Attitudes Toward Their Own
gg. Report of the Legislative Committee; Central
Region, 19 February 1977.
hh. 1977 Annual Report; Central Region AAPC
Legislative Committee, n.d.
30/14 3. Papers, motions, articles, and lists.
aa. Article: AAPC Constitution Revision: A Challenge
to Integrate Function and Form; Quentin L. Hand.
First Draft, 23 August 1976.
bb. Motion: Statement of AAPC's present position
on the issue of licensure of pastoral counselors.
cc. List: Legislative Committee Chairpersons, n.d.
30/15 4. Meetings.
aa. Defense Department meetings, RE: CHAMPUS
Insurance coverage; 1976.
bb. Legislative Committee Meeting, 8-10 October
1976; notes.
cc. Coalition of Independent Health Professions
(CIHP) meeting, 25 February 1977.
dd. AAPC Annual Conference; Legislative Committee,
27 April 1977.
5. Legislative concerns.
31/1 aa. P.L.93-641: Abbreviated version of legislation
dealing with regulation of the Health Maintenance
Organizations and with the development of regional
medical planning agencies. 8 March 1976.
bb. HB 247: Establishes a Texas State Board of
Examiners in Social Psychotherapy, defines
psychotherapy and provides for the use of
applied psychotherapy in practice.
cc. House Bill No. 378; Commonwealth of Virginia:
Licensing law for Behavioral Science Professions,
dd. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act: Status
Report and a National Health Insurance Update,
31/2 ee. Pennsylvania Licensure Materials, 1976.
e. 1978-1979.
1. Correspondence
31/3 aa. 1978.
31/4 bb. 1979.
31/5 2. Meetings.
aa. AAPC Legislative Committee Meeting minutes,
3 May 1978.
bb. AAPC Legislative Committee Meeting, notes;
8 August 1979.
cc. Coalition of Independent Health Professions
(CIHP) meeting, 7 September 1979.
31/6 3. Paper &, reports.
aa. Motion presented by the Chairperson of the
Legislative Committee: Statement on AAPC position
on the issue of licensure of pastoral counselors,
February 1979.
bb. Standards for Pastoral Counseling Centers, 1975;
cc. Report of the AAPC Legislation Committee on
Confidential Privileged Communications and
State Regulation of Professions; September, 1972.
31/7 4. Legislative concerns.
aa. Substitute Senate Bill No. 176; State of Ohio:
Revised Code to create a state board of psychology
to license psychologists. 1978.
bb. Section 1. Amend Title 14, Delaware Code;
Chapter 30. Professional Counselor Licensure
Act, 1979.
5. Legal Concerns.
31/8 aa. Ratified House Bill 1134, Marital and Family
Certification Act; North Carolina, 1979.
f. 1980.
31/9 1. Correspondence.
31/10 2. Papers, motions, articles, and lists.
aa. Excerpts from "Legal Concerns of the Pastoral
Counselor"; paper presented 12 April 1980 at
National Meeting of AAPC.
bb. "Musings on the Relationship of AAPC to the
Political Arena"; Ben Pratt, June 1980.
cc. Legislative Committee Position Paper, 1980.
dd. "Legal Concerns"; Joel Jay Rogge, n.d.
31/11 3. Meeting notes, 28 June 1980. (Jim Ewing, Ben
Pratt & Fred West)
31/12 4. Legislative concerns.
aa. Bill 30: The Health Occupations Act;
Legislative Assembly of Alberta, Canada, 1979.
31/13 5. Legal Cases, 1980.
g. 1981.
31/14 1. Correspondence.
31/15 2. Meetings
aa. Minutes, National Legislative Committee,
18th Annual AAPC Convention; 30 April.
bb. Consultation: Joel Rogge; notes, 5 June.
31/16 3. Legislative concerns.
aa. Senate Bill 33: Licensed Pastoral Counselors-
Insurance Coverage; New Hampshire
31/17 bb. Legislation, 1980-1981.
4. Papers, Reports & lists.
32/1 aa. "Pastoral Counselors and Third Party Payments";
Janet M. McCormick, December 1981.
bb. "Legal Concerns"; Joel Jay Rogge, n.d.
cc. Contact Persons for Ecclesiastical Endorsements,
September 1979.
32/2 dd. Licensure Regulations: Mental Health Personnel;
data, 1981.
h. 1982.
32/3 1. Correspondence.
32/4 2. Reports, papers & notes.
aa. Information Flow Procedure; Legal Concerns
Committee - AAPC.
bb. Report to the Board of Governors; Legal
Concerns Committee - AAPC.
cc. A Description of the Ministry of the Staff
Clergymen of Community Mental Health Centers
and Clinics in the South Carolina Department
of Mental Health.
dd. Liaison Workshop; AAPC Annual Conference, notes.
ee. "An Analysis of the Federal Budget: Human Needs
Program"; Friends Committee on National
Legislation, 25 March 1982.
ff. "The Context of Legislation"; Corporate Planning,
Emerging Issues Group, AT&T; March, 1980.
23. Membership Committee.
a. Committee Regulations and Materials
32/5 1. Membership Standards and information on the
membership process.
32/6 2. Material on the application process, 1970, 1979,
32/7 3. Equivalency Requirements, 1971, 1982.
32/8 4. Ecclesiastical Denominational Endorsement
information, 1971-1981.
32/9 5. Experimental Program for Membership Evaluation.
32/10 6. Record-Keeping.
32/11 7. Standards for National and Regional committee
chairmen and members, 1984 and N.D. Lists of
regional and national committee members, 1970,
1972, 1982, 1983.
32/12 8. Formation of new regions and make-up of the new
regional committees.
32/13 9. Membership Manual - Includes rough drafts of manual
sections and correspondence concerning the manual, 1984.
33/1 10. Membership Manual - Correspondence and three draft
copies, 1984.
33/2 11. Financial material - Dues, budgets, 1980-1986.
33/3 12. Self Reports, Correspondence and printouts, 1972-1987.
b. Membership Candidate Lists
33/4 1. National and Eastern and Western Division Lists,
33/5 2. National and Eastern and Western Division Lists,
33/6 3. National and New regions Lists, 1969-1970.
33/7 4. National and Regional Lists, 1971.
34/1 5. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, 1972.
34/2 6. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, 1973.
34/3 7. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, 1974.
34/4 8. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, 1975.
34/5 9. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, Spring 1976.
34/6 10. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, Fall 1976.
34/7 11. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, Spring and Fall 1977.
35/1 12. National and Regional lists and Committee Action
Taken, Spring 1978.
35/2 13. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, Fall 1978.
35/3 14. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, Spring 1979.
35/4 15. National and Regional Lists and Committee Action
Taken, Fall 1979.
35/5 16. National and Regional Lists, General, Spring
1980-Spring 1983.
35/6 17. Institutional Members, 1982 and prior.
c. Regional Action Reports [Reporting action taken on
applications before the various regional committee].
35/7 1. Action Reports, Fall 1980.
35/8 2. Action Reports, Spring 1981.
35/9 3. Action Reports, Fall 1981.
36/1 4. Action Reports, Fall 1982.
d. Membership Reviews [These, held twice a year,
essentially continued the function of the Action
Reports. Reports of Action Taken on applications was
sent by the various regions to the National committee].
36/2 1. Spring 1984 Review.
36/3 2. Fall 1984 Review.
36/4 3. Spring 1985 Review.
36/5 4. Fall 1985 Review.
36/6 5. Spring 1986 Review.
37/1 6. lists of Prospective and Members and National
Membership Statistics, 1965-1987.
f. Minutes and Reports.
37/11 1. National Committee Minutes, 1969-1974.
37/12 2. National Committee Minutes, 1975-1980.
38/1 3. Regional Committee Minutes, 1964-1969.
38/2 4. Regional Committee Reports, 1978-1984.
38/3 5. Membership Committee Reports, March 1984.
g. Membership Committee Meetings
38/4 1. National Meeting, 1981 [Includes three cassette
38/5&6 2. National Meeting, Fall 1983.
38/7 3. Pacific Region Meetings, 1980-1983.
h. General Committee Correspondence.
39/1 1. Correspondence, 1964-1969.
39/2 2. Correspondence, 1967-1979.
39/3 3. Correspondence, 1980.
39/4 4. Correspondence, 1981.
39/5 5. Correspondence, 1982.
39/6 6. Correspondence, 1983.
39/7 7. Correspondence, 1984.
39/8 8. Correspondence, 1985-1987 and N.D.
i. Committee Chairmen's Correspondence.
40/1 1. Foster J. Williams, 1969-1971.
40/2 2. David Bennett, 1971-1973.
40/3 3. John Patton, 1973-1975.
40/4 4. John Hagedorn, 1985-1987.
40/5 5. William B. Oglesby, 1978.
40/6 6. William B Oglesby, 1979.
40/7 7. William B Oglesby, 1980.
40/8 8. William B. Oglesby, 1981.
40/9 9. William B. Oglesby, Jan.1982-May 1982.
41/1 10. William B Oglesby, May 1982-Dec. 1982.
41/2 11. William B. Oglesby, 1983, 1987 and N.D.
41/3 12. William B. Oglesby, correspondence with H. Terry
Kriesel, Nov. 1981-Dec. 1982.
41/4 13. William B. Oglesby, correspondence with James T.
Mulligan, Northwest Region Committee Chairman,
Aug.1981-March 1983.
41/5 14. H. Terry Kriesel , Pacific Region Membership
Committee Chair, 1978-April 1982.
41/6 15. H. Terry Kriesel, Pacific Region Membership
Committee Chair, Nov. 1982-March 1983.
41/7 16. H. Terry Kriesel, National Membership Committee
Chair, 1983.
42/1 17. H. Terry Kriesel, National Membership Committee
Chair, Jan. 1984-April 1984.
42/2 18. H. Terry Kriesel, National Membership Committee
Chair, May 1984-Dec. 1984.
42/3 19. H. Terry Kriesel National Membership Chair, 1985.
42/4 20. H. Terry Kriesel correspondence with William B.
Oglesby, April 1983- Feb. 1984.
j. General Information Binder.
42/5 1. Regional Membership Guidelines for : 1) Central Region,
2) Eastern Region, 3) Midwest Region, 4) Northwest
Region (standards for diplomat level membership),
5) Pacific Region (interviewing guidelines for members),
6) Southwest Region (list of materials to be sent by
membership applicants), and 7) Examination Procedures
for Regional Membership Committees.
42/6 2. National Membership Requirements for Various Levels of
Members. Includes: 1) Book of Basic Standards,
2) Standards for Member Level, 3) Standards for Fellow
Level, 4) Equivalency for the Seminary Degree
Requirements in AAPC Membership Standards.
42/7 3. AAPC Code of Ethics
42/8 4. Dues Information. Includes: 1) Dues Billing,
2) Sample Dues Bill, 3) Annual Dues Statements for
Institutional and International Affiliates, and
4) Two Sample Letters from Executive Director to Those
Who Have Paid Dues and to Those Who Have Not.
42/9 5. Application Kits. Includes various general information
on the application procedure and sample application
kits for different categories.
42/10 6. Application Handling and Processing. Includes:
General Information, Application Check Lists, Sample
Letters Acknowledging Receipt of Material, Sample
Letters Indicating an Incomplete Application.
42/11 7. Requests for Information on the AAPC. Includes sample
response letters and brochures.
42/12 8. Sample Letters for Response to Accepted Applicants.
42/13 9. General Information on the Compilation of the Membership
Directory and the Printing and Cost of the AAPC Handbook.
42/14 10. Resignation or Otherwise Loss of Membership. Includes
general information and sample letters.
42/15 11. General Information on Files and Filing Procedures,
Journal Subscriptions, and Mailing Lists.
42/16 12. Times of National Committees and Board of Governor's
42/17 13. Annual Self-Report. Includes information and form.
42/18 14. AAPC Handbook.
24. Nominating Committee.
43/1 a. 1963-1966.
1. Report, 15 October 1963; Indianapolis.
2. Memo; RE: Member at Large, 19 February 1964.
3. Ballot, 1 March 1965.
4. Ballot, 15 January 1966.
5. Partial Report of the Nominating Committee,
21 November 1966.
43/2 b. 1967.
1. Elections: AAPC 1967.
2. Correspondence.
3. Meeting Minutes, 27-29 April 1967.
43/3 c. 1968.
1. Correspondence.
2. List of AAPC Committee Members, 27 May 1968.
3. Slate of Nominations, 1968-1970.
43/4 d. 1969.
1. Correspondence.
43/5 e. 1970.
1. Correspondence.
2. Minutes: Telephone Conference #2, 16 September 1970.
3. Report of the Nominating Committee to the Membership,
5 October 1970.
43/6 f. 1971.
1. Correspondence.
2. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
43/7 g. 1972.
1. Correspondence.
2. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
43/8 h. 1973.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting Minutes, 12 July 1973.
3. Report of Nominating Committee to Executive Council,
8 April 1973.
4. Expense - 1973.
5. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
43/9 i. 1974.
1. Correspondence.
43/10 j. 1975.
1. Correspondence.
2. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
3. Meeting Minutes, 14 February 1975.
43/11 k. 1976.
1. Correspondence.
2. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
3. Meeting Minutes, 26 February 1976.
4. Copies of nomination letters.
43/12 l. 1977.
1. Correspondence.
2. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
43/13 m. 1978.
1. Correspondence.
2. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
43/14 o. 1979.
1. Correspondence.
2. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
3. Report of Nominees for Election in 1980,
19 November 1979.
43/15 p. 1980.
1. Correspondence.
2. Ballot & Biographical data on nominees.
3. Report of Nominees for Election in 1980,
9 December 1980.
43/16 q. 1981.
1. Letter, 3 April 1981.
2. Meeting Minutes, 29 April - 1 May 1981.
3. 1981 Ballot.
43/17 r. 1982.
1. Correspondence.
2. Biographical data on nominees.
3. 1982 Ballot.
43/18 s. 1983.
1. Correspondence.
2. Biographical data on nominees.
3. 1983 Ballot.
4. 1983-1984 AAPC Nominating Committee calendar.
43/19 t. 1984.
1. Correspondence.
2. Biographical data on nominees.
3. 1984 Ballot.
43/20 u. 1985.
1. Correspondence.
2. Biographical data on nominees.
3. 1985 Ballot.
4. Report of the Nominating Committee.
5. 1985-1986 AAPC Nominating Committee calendar.
6. Budget Request & projection form.
43/21 v. 1986.
1. Correspondence.
2. Biographical data on nominees.
3. 1986 Ballot.
43/22 w. 1987.
1. Correspondence.
2. 1987 Ballot.
25. Parish Concerns Committee.
43/23 a. 1969-1976.
43/24 b. 1976-1978.
26. Personnel Committee.
43/25 a. [1975].
43/26 b. 1981.
27. Professional Concerns Committee (PCC) [arranged chronologically].
a. 1963-1983.
43/27 1. Professional Concerns Committee, Helen Terkelsen
43/28 2. Continuing Education Material, 1982, undated.
3. Correspondence, 1964-1983:
aa. Correspondence of National and Regional
Chairmen, 1974-1979:
43/29 i. National Chairman: DONALD C. HOUTS,
44/1 ii. National Chairman: MARCUS BRYANT,
1. Letters sent, with related materials
where collected as a group.
2. Letters received, with related materials,
whether originally collected as such or
where observed as related.
4. Regional Chairmen, 1979.
44/2 aa. General Correspondence, 1964-73.
44/3 bb. General Correspondence, with related material,
44/4 cc. General Correspondence and notes, with related
material, 1981.
44/5 dd. General Correspondence, with related material,
44/6 ee. General Correspondence, with related and undated
material, 1983.
44/7 5. List Directories of PCC Chairpersons, 1976-1977, 1983,
44/8 6. Meeting Minutes: National PCC Meeting Minutes, 1977.
44/9 7. Operational Manual of the PCC, December 1983, with
related memo.
44/10 8. Operational Manual of the PCC: Drafts of and Material
Regarding the PCC Operational Manual, 1982-83.
44/11 9. Peer Review Material: Correspondence, Forms,
Guidelines, Reports, and Statements, 1978, 1980-1981.
44/12 10. Private Practice Statements, 1963-73, and 1970
Questionnaire Results Regarding AAPC's Private
Practice Statements.
aa. Private Practice Statements, 1963-73.
bb. 1970 Questionnaire Results Regarding the
AAPC's Private Practice Statements. See also
letter to D. McGuire from H. Jernigan dated
7/20/70, PCC-Correspondence., 1964-73.
44/13 11. Professional Development Guidelines, 1979, and
Interdisciplinary Dialogue, undated.
12. Reports with Related Material, 1963-1983, undated:
44/14 aa. AAPC Internal Accounts Information, Budget
Reports Received, and Budget Building Process
Statements, 1983.
44/15 bb. Annual Progress Reports, 1963-73.
44/16 cc. Annual Self-Report: Findings from Self-Report
Forms, 1979.
44/17 dd. Annual Self-Report: Forms, 1983, undated.
44/18 ee. Board of Governors Report, 1978.
44/19 ff. Regional Dues Reports, Oct. 25, 1979, with
Related Handwritten Notes and/or Correspondence
and Doris McGuire's (AAPC Administrator/
Administrative Secretary) Correspondence and
Notes on the Dues and Self Reports of Regional
PCC Members from 1977-79. (This material was
originally bundled together and should be
cross referenced with Doris McGuire's files.)
44/20 gg. Report to the Membership, 1976.
44/21 13. Retired and Inactive Applications Lists, 1983.
b. 1983-1985.
45/1 1. Budget Request and Projection Form, 1985.
45/2 2. General Correspondence, 1984-85.
45/3 3. Meeting Minutes and Notes, 1984.
45/4 4. "The Pastoral Counseling Specialist" Pamphlet,
adapted from the O. Strunk Draft by the AAPC, with
the Original O. Strunk Draft and Selected
Correspondence between the AAPC Executive Director
and Strunk (see also General Correspondence, 1984-85
45/5 5. PCC Manual, 1984: Revised Original and Revision Pages,
with related correspondence and notes (regarding the
revision of the PCC Manual) and copy of 1983 Manual.
45/6 6. Printouts Received regarding the payment of dues and
the completion of self-reports, with related
correspondence, 1983.
45/7 7. Printouts Received regarding self-report forms, 1985.
45/8 8. Retired and Inactive Applications, 1984.
45/9 9. Various Printouts, 1984.
45/10 10. Various Printouts with related Correspondence from
the Assistant to the Executive Director, March 28
and September 17, 1985.
c. 1986-1987.
46/1 1. Form Letters Regarding Dues and Self-Report Forms
with Lists and Printouts of Delinquent Members, 1986.
46/2 2. General Correspondence, 1986.
46/3 3. General Correspondence, 1987.
46/4 4. Memos, Revised Letters with attachments,
Instructions and Printouts regarding Delinquent
Members, 1987.
46/5 5. Minutes from National PCC Meeting, April 8-9, 1986.
46/6 6. Printout of Inactive Members (4/10/87), 1987.
28. Program Committee.
46/7 a. 1970-1982.
46/8 b. [1981-1982].
29. Research Committee.
46/9 a. 1964-1965; Correspondence.
b. 1965-1966; Research Information Center.
46/10 c. 1968-1969.
1. Committee Reports.
aa. April, 1968.
bb. November, 1968.
cc. 1969.
2. Correspondence.
46/11 d. 1969-1971.
1. 1969-1970; Committee Report.
2. Correspondence.
3. Membership Information Project.
aa. Survey instrument, 24 June 1971.
bb. Brief summary of results.
46/12 e. 1971-1972.
1. Correspondence.
2. Meeting.
aa. Minutes.
bb. Report: Joint Council on Research;
Clearinghouse on Research in Pastoral Care
and Counseling Virginia Institute of Pastoral
Care, INC. John L. Florell.
3. Committee Report, 1971-1972.
47/1 f. 1973-1974.
1. Correspondence.
2. Committee Reports.
aa. 1973.
bb. April, 1974
3. Meeting Minutes; Joint Council on Research in
Pastoral Care and Counseling, 13-14 November 1974.
4. Constitution of the Joint Council on Research in
Pastoral Care and Counseling.
5. Survey instrument, 1974; Joint Council on Research
in Pastoral Care and Counseling.
6. Research Questionnaire on Insurance and I.R.S.
aa. Questionnaire.
bb. Results to questionnaire.
47/2 g. 1975-1977.
1. Correspondence.
2. Committee Report.
aa. 1976
bb. 16 March 1977.
3. Supervision Questionnaire.
47/3 h. 1978-1979; Correspondence.
47/4 i. 1980-1981.
1. Correspondence.
2. Research proposal: CPE training does prepare persons
to enter the Pastoral Ministry, 14 November 1980.
3. bstracts Report Form & brochure.
47/5 j. 1981-1982.
1. Correspondence.
2. Booklet: "Expectations of Ministry: The View of
Clinical Pastoral Educators ACPE. David S. Schuller
& Merton P. Strommen; 1981.
3. Treasurer's Report; Joint Council on Research in
Pastoral Care and Counseling, 1982.
47/6 k. 1983.
1. Correspondence.
2. Proceedings of 1982 Research Committee Meeting at
San Antonio, Texas; 13 April 1983. 3. Report: Nation Research Committee to AAPC Annual Convention, Nashville, Tennessee; 14 April 1983. 47/7 l. 1984. 1. Correspondence. 2. Meetings. aa. National AAPC Research Conference Call, 20 October 1983. bb. Minutes, 4 April 1984. 47/8 m. 1985. 1. Correspondence. 2. Draft Summary of the 1984 AAPC Pastoral Counseling Questionnaire. 3. Budget request form. 4. Abstracts Report Form & brochure. n. 1986. 47/9 1. Correspondence, 1985-1986. 47/10 2. Long Range and Short Term Goals, Association Research Committee. Adopted, 5 February 1986. 3. Association Research Policy, Standards and Guidelines. 4. Research Summary of the 1984 Pastoral Counseling Questionnaire. 5. Research Proposal: "Counseling Psychology as Applied in Pastoral and Secular Settings", Douglas R. Pomeroy. 47/11 30. Search Committee, [1978-1979]. 31. Special Committee on Denominational Relations 47/12 a. Special Committee, [1982]. 47/13 b. Special Committee, 1984. 32. Standing Committee and Board Members. 47/14 a. Correspondence and Notes Regarding Financial Concerns, 1983. 47/15 b. Lists and List Directories of Committee Chairs and Board of Governors Members, 1983. 47/16 c. Standing Committees, 1984-1988. 48/1 33. Task Force on Collegiality, 1980-1984. 34. Theological and Social Concerns Committee (TSCC) [arranged chronologically]. a. 1979-1985. 48/2 1. Agenda, Guidelines, Major Issues, Meeting Minutes, and Statements, with related correspondence, where included, 1980-84. 48/3 2. Agenda, Guidelines, Major Issues, Meeting Minutes, and Statements, with related correspondence, where included, 1984-85. 48/4 3. Correspondence, Forms, and Other Materials re: TSCC and the Membership Committee, 1981-85, undated. 48/5 4. Directories of Regional Chairpersons and National Chairperson, with and without Mailing Lists, 1980-85. 48/6 5. General Correspondence, August 27, 1979-December 2, 1981. 48/7 6. General Correspondence, February 27-December 13, 1982. 48/8 7. General Correspondence, January 8-November 9, 1983. 48/9 8. General Correspondence, January 24-September 25, 1984. 48/10 9. General Correspondence, October 1-December 17, 1984, Undated 1984. 48/11 10. General Correspondence, January 30-March 21, 1985. 49/1 11. General Correspondence, May 23-October 25, 1985. 49/2 12. General Correspondence, November 7-December 20, 1985. 49/3 13. Papers and articles re: professional issues or theological issues of pastoral care (with related correspondence enclosed), 1982-83. 49/4 14. Reports, 1980-85, undated 1985. b. 1986-87. 49/5 1. Agenda, Guidelines, Major Issues, Meeting Minutes, and Statements, 1986-87. 49/6 2. General Correspondence, 1986-87. 49/7 3. Newspaper clippings, articles, etc. re: Social
Issues of Concern to the TSCC, 1986-87.
49/8 4. Reports, 1986-87.
35. Miscellaneous.
49/9 a. AAPC Committee Members, 1965-1967.
b. AAPC Committee Meetings, 1984-1986.
49/10 1. 1984-1985.
49/11 2. 1985-1986.
49/12 3. 1986.
50/1 c. Regional Executive Committee Officers and Standing
Committee Chairpersons (by region).
50/2 d. Histories of Regional Officers.
50/3 e. Members of Discontinued Committees.
50/4 f. National and Regional Committee Chairpersons (by
50/5 g. AAPC Standing Committee Meeting, Winter 1985.
E. Conferences, Retreats, Seminars, Study Tours, Symposia and
1. AAPC Annual Conference.
51/1 a. AAPC Annual Conference Programs, 1963-1969.
51/2 b. AAPC National Conference, 1972.
c. AAPC Annual Conference 1973.
51/3 1. Conference Programs.
51/4 2. General Correspondence.
51/5 3. Invited Guests.
51/6 d. International Pastoral Care & Counseling Conference;
Heidelberg/Zurich, 1974-1975.
e. AAPC Annual Conference, 1975.
51/7 1. Guest List.
51/8 2. Programs & Correspondence.
f. AAPC Annual Conference, 1976.
51/9 1. Guest List.
51/10 2. Programs & Correspondence.
g. AAPC Annual Conference, 1977
52/1 1. Guest List.
52/2 2. Programs & Correspondence.
52/3 3. Papers delivered at Spring meeting, 1977.
52/4&5 h. AAPC Annual Conference, 1978.
52/6&7 i. AAPC Annual Meeting; Toronto, Ontario, 29 April -
3 May 1981.
52/8 j. AAPC St. Louis Convention; November, 1981,
52/9-11 k. AAPC 19th Annual Meeting; San Antonio, Texas, April
52/12 l. AAPC National Meeting; Spring 1983.
53/1 m. AAPC National Meeting; 2-8 April 1984 (San Diego, CA).
n. AAPC Annual Convention, 1985.
53/2 1. Executive Director: Ewing - Convention Planning
53/3 2. AAPC Annual Convention, 1985.
53/4&5 o. AAPC Annual Convention, 1986.
2. Conferences of other organizations [arranged chronologically]
53/6 a. Washington Psychiatric Society, American Psychiatric
Association, 1976-1983: Materials to Establish Guidelines
Regarding Mental Health Issues. Includes formal guidelines
from 1976 and 1979 and correspondence and notes from 1981-83.
53/7 b. International Congress on Pastoral Care and Counseling,
Edinburgh, 1979. File contains brochures; application
forms; general information and newsletter; registration
lists and printouts, including material specifically
involving AAPC members and a master list of registrants
to the ICPCC (1983); and related correspondence. These
materials date from 1978-1979 and 1983.
53/8 c. ACPE Annual Meeting; Estates Park, Colorado, 1981.
53/9 d. American Council of Life Insurance Annual Meeting, 1981.
53/10 e. Canadian Association for Pastoral Education; National
Convention - Halifax, 1981.
54/1 f. Foundation for Religion and Mental Health Fall Staff
Conference, 1981. Correspondence and Brochure
g. Interfaith Council for Family and Financial Planning.
54/2 1. Annual Meeting. March 26-27, 1981, Registration Form.
54/3 2. Steering Committee Meeting, 1982.
54/4 h. Spirituality Conference, 1981.
54/5 i. American Council of Life Insurance Conference, 1982.
54/6 j. Institute for Personal and Family Living and Association
for Psychotherapy, Creativity and Community, 1982-1983:
Opportunities for Development Conference, February 10-14,
1983, with related correspondence and conference materials
from 1982.
54/7 k. International Committee for Pastoral Care and Counseling
and American Psychological Association Conferences,
August 10-17, 1983 and August 26-30, 1983, respectively.
Conferences seemed to have been planned together [see notes,
correspondence, and other materials enclosed].
54/8 l. Ortho Psychiatric Annual Meeting, 1982. [American
Orthopsychiatric Association]
54/9 m. American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 1983-84. Includes
program materials from 1983 and 1984 annual conferences;
Fall 1984 newsletter; program materials, notes, and
correspondence from October 1984 seminar, and unrelated
correspondence enclosed with this material.
54/10 n. American Orthopsychiatric Association, 1983: Preliminary
Program, Correspondence and Notes, and Winter Newsletter.
54/11 o. Wesley Theological Seminary Ecumenical Conference for
Laity and Church-Related Professionals, "Friendship,
Sexuality, and the Church," October 1, 1983.
54/12 p. American Association on Mental Deficiency Convention,
Occasional Journal of Religion and Developmental
Disabilities, Religion Division, Spring 1985.
q. Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (ACPE)
Conference Materials.
54/13 1. "Strangers in our Midst", 12-15 November 1985;
San Diego, California.
54/14 2. "Hawaii Post Conference: Strangers in Paradise",
16-22 November 1985; Hawaii.
3. Retreats.
54/15 a. Peterson Retreat, January 29-31, 1981 [with
related correspondence and notes].
4. Seminars and Symposia.[arranged alphabetically]
54/16&17 a. American Association of Pastoral Counselors:
"Mission Advance Training Seminar for Regional
Coordinators", September 13-15, 1985.
54/18 b. Bi / Polak Seminar, November 1982.
55/1-3 c. Family Impact Seminar, 1981.
55/4 d. Isaac Taylor Institute of Psychiatry and Religion;
symposium: "An Alliance: Religion and Psychiatry";
22 May 1986.
55/5 e. Seminar on Theological Discussions; 18 September 1980.
5. Study Tours and Workshop Material.[arranged alphabetically]
55/6 a. National Institute of Mental Health Depression Awareness,
Recognition, and Treatment Program Workshop,
Correspondence, March-May 1986.
55/7 b. "Pastoral Care in China: A Study Tour of the People's
Republic of China with Dr. Howard Clinebell, June 18-
July 3, 1984," announcement and registration form.
55/8 c. Pastoral Counseling and Consultation Centers of Greater
Washington, Pastoral Care and Adult Life Cycle Symposium
Material, February 1984. See also Executive Director's
Addresses, Courses, Essays, Presentations and Publications
file under James Ewing for Ewing's response to Brueggemann's
presentation at this symposium.
55/9 d. Pastoral Counseling Services' Fall Workshop for Clergy:
"A Clinical Methodology for Professional Practice of
Pastoral Ministry," September 1981. Sermon manuscript,
conference materials, and correspondence and notes
enclosed. See also publications section of Ewing's
Addresses, etc. file for correspondence about and a
photocopy of the sermon Ewing gave at this workshop.
55/10&11 e. Professional Standards Review Workshop, 1975.
55/12 f. Washington Pastoral Counseling Service, "The Arthur S.
Flemming Lecture and Workshops," October 27, 1983.
General organization brochure included in folder.
55/13 g. "Working Towards Success in the States: A Workshop on State
Government Relations," Washington Area State Relations
Group, February 17, 1983.
56/1&2 F. Consultants File: Marshall, Towell and Emerson, Inc., 1984.
G. Correspondence: Executive Director.
1. General Correspondence [arranged chronologically].
56/3-10 July 13, 1979 - July, 1980.
57 August, 1980 - April 24, 1981.
58 May - September, 1981.
59 October, 1981 - Jan. 29, 1982.
60 Feb. - November, 1982.
61 December, 1982 - July 25, 1983.
62 July 26 - October 28, 1983.
63 October 11-19, 1983 - January, 1984.
64 February 1-2 - August, 1984.
65 September - December, 1984.
66 January - August 9, 1985.
67 August 12, 1985 - July 15, 1986.
68 July 16 - December, 1986.
69 1986 - October 1987; Undated.
2. Executive Director's Correspondence: Individual
Correspondence, includes notes and other materials
[arranged alphabetically by person's last name].
70/1 a. AAPC Members: Correspondence, 1978-1980.
70/2 b. Sue Webb Cardwell, President, AAPC: Correspondence,
Newsletter Material and Personal Meeting Memos,
70/3 c. Edward T. Clark, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of
Environmental Education, George Williams College,
70/4 d. William Donaldson, Dept. of Counseling and
Psychological Services, Georgia State University:
Correspondence, Handbook, Manuals, etc. , 1984-1986.
[See also GSU Equivalency Proposal in Executive Director's
Proposals: James Ewing].
70/5 e. John Florell, President, Vice-President, Board of
Governors, Program Committee Chair, AAPC: Correspondence,
Notes, and Reports, 1981-1984
70/6 f. Quentin Hand, Secretary, AAPC: Correspondence and
Telephone Notes, 1978, 1980-1987.
70/7 g. Bruce M. Hartang, President, AAPC: Letter, [May 1984].
70/8 h. Donald Houts, President, AAPC: Correspondence,
70/9 i. Marilyn Murray, More Than Friends Ministry, 1982.
70/10 j. John Patton, President, AAPC: Correspondence,
70/11 k. Blaine B. Rader, Secretary/Treasurer, AAPC:
Correspondence, 1979, 1981-1983
70/12 l. Earl Ramsdell, 1983.
70/13 m. Martha Schlapbach, 1979-1980.
70/14 n. Lionel Whiston, 1981-1982.
70/15 o. James C. Wyrtzen, President, Secretary/Treasurer,
AAPC: Correspondence, [1983-1984]
3. Organizations & Subject file.
71/1 a. Amendments, 1987.
71/2 b. Association of Theological Schools, 1983-84.
71/3 c. Harford Pastoral Counseling Center, 1987.
71/4 d. Maryland Institute of Pastoral Counseling, 1987.
4. General Correspondence; Executive Director; Roy
71/5 a. Correspondence; September, 1988.
71/6 b. Correspondence; October, 1988.
71/7 c. Correspondence; November, 1988.
71/8 d. Correspondence; December, 1988.
H. Denominational Bodies [arranged alphabetically].
72/1 1. American Baptist Convention, [1971-1978].
72/2 2. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), [1975; 1979].
72/3 3. Church of the Brethren, [1975-1976].
72/4 4. Episcopal Church, [1977].
72/5 5. Episcopal Church; Executive Council, [1979].
72/6 6. Lutheran Council (LACUSA), [1972-1985].
72/7 7. National Council of the Churches of Christ, [1971-1975].
72/8 8. Presbyterian Church in the U.S., [1975-1978].
72/9&10 9. Roman Catholic, [1977-1978].
72/11 10. Southern Baptist Convention, [1971-1979].
72/12 11. Unitarian Universalist Association, [1975].
12. United Church of Christ, [1975-1985].
72/13&14 a. Correspondence, minutes, etc.
72/15 b. Central Atlantic Conference, 1982.
72/16 c. Rocky Mountain Conference; United Church of Christ,
October 1984.
72/17 d. United Church of Christ Caucus, 1984.
72/18&19 e. Manual on the Ministry, with related correspondence,
72/20 f. Task Force Issue: correspondence, minutes, etc.,
73/1 13. United Methodist Church, [1966-1979].
73/2 14. United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., [1972-1977].
73/3-4 15. Washington Interreligious Staff Council, [1979-1980].
I. Financial Documents.
1. Treasurer.
74/1 a. Audits 1974-1977.
74/2 b. Audit, 1978.
c. Budgets.
74/3 1. 1973-1978.
74/4 2. Budgets/Expenses, [1984-1985].
74/5 d. Merrill Lynch (Carl Meyer).
74/6 e. Regional Financial Statements 1974-1978.
74/7 f. Statement of Revenue and Expenses, 1974-1977.
74/8 g. Stocks/Investment (Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc.).
h. Stone Foundation Fund.
74/9 1. 1967-1968.
74/10 2. 1969-1970.
i. Treasurer's Reports.
75/1 1. 1963-1969.
75/2 2. 1969-1973.
75/3 3. 1983-1984.
j. Correspondence.
75/4 1. 1969-1973 (John Billinsky, Treasurer).
75/5 2. 1978-1979 (Wesley Brett, Treasurer).
J. Historical Documents.
76/1 1. AAPC Foundation.
a. Articles of Incorporation of American Association
of Pastoral Counselors.
b. Correspondence.
76/2 2. "Historical Committee", Clinebell & van Wagner.
3. Interviews & Communications.
76/3 a. STD transcript of interview with Clinebell.
76/4 b. STD transcript of interview with Quentin Hand
[11 October 1980].
76/5 c. STD transcript of interview with Hiltner.
76/6 d. STD transcript of interview with Knox Kreutzer
[11 January 1982].
76/7 e. STD transcript of interview with Robert Leslie
[3 May 1981]
76/8 f. STD transcript of interview with Doris McGuire
[9 January 1982].
76/9 g. STD transcript of interview with Edward Thornton
[1 May 1981].
76/10 h. Interview with Rev. Charles Von Wagner II.
76/11 i. Interview with Frank West.
76/12 j. Toronto Communications.
76/13 k. STD Telephone Conversations with Historical Figures.
76/14 l. Interviews completed.
76/15 m. STD New York/Boston/Louisville/ Communications.
76/16 n. New York/Chicago/Boston Communications.
76/17 o. AAPC Archives from National Office in Preparation
for Toronto Interview.
4. Officers.
76/18 a. Clinebell, Howard.
76/19 b. Goddling, Richard A.; Secretary.
76/20 c. Hand, Quentin; Secretary.
76/21 d. Kreutzer, Knox; President.
76/22 e. Oates, Wayne; Vice-President.
76/23 f. Pepper, Kenneth; President.
76/24 g. Smith, Donald.
76/25 h. Wise, Carroll.
76/26 i. Officers Biographies, 1971-1978.
5. Miscellaneous files.
77/1&2 a. "Duplications: To be Returned to Original Files".
77/3 b. "Duplication: To be refiled as Chapter 3".
77/4 c. AAPC Archives: Documents copied from ACPE Archives.
K. Insurance.
78/1 1. Hartford Insurance Company; Disability Insurance Payments.
78/2 2. Workman's Compensation and Disability; New York State (1977).
78/3 3. Church Life Insurance Corporation.
78/4 4. Health Insurance Benefits Advisory Council.
78/5 5. Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
78/6 6. Professional Liability Responses, 1985.
78/7 7. Professional Liability Insurance.
78/8 8. Professional Liability Insurance. Proposal.
78/9 9. Insurance Policies for AAPC.
78/10 10. Insurance Proposal matter.
78/11 11. Liberman Insurance Package.
L. Executive Director's General Meeting Minutes and Notes:
[arranged alphabetically and chronologically, where applicable;
office meeting notes are arranged by date, where available].
1. General Meeting Minutes and Notes, 1982-87.
79/1 a. Board of Managers of the Journal of Pastoral Care,
Meeting Minutes, 1983.
79/2 b. Coalition of Independent Health Professions (CIHP),
Meeting and Organizational Notes with related
correspondence, 1982-1983.
79/3 c. Office Meeting Notes, 1982-1987.
2. Notes, 1982-83.
79/4 a. Update Notes, 1982-83.
79/5 b. Miscellaneous Notes, 1983.
79/6 c. Miscellaneous Notes, undated.
M. Programs and Proposals.
79/7 1. American Psychological Association Proposal; "Training
for Mental Health Care Providers to Address Acquired
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)", 1987.
79/8 2. AAPC Equivalency Proposals; Georgia State University
Pastoral Counseling Program Equivalency Proposal, undated.
79/9 3. Educational Assessment Guidelines Leading toward
Excellence: The EAGLE Program of the United Methodist
Association of Health and Welfare Ministries, 1986.
N. Publications.
1. "The AAPC: The Beginning Years, 1963-1970" ["The AAPC:
The Formative Years; A History of the American Association
of Pastoral Counselors, 1963-1970]. Charles Van Wagner.
a. History of AAPC: Chapter 1.
80/1-6 1. History - CPE; Chapter 1.
80/7&8 2. Personal; Chapter 1.
80/9 3. IAC [Interim Administrative Commission] Meeting;
Chapter 1.
b. Historical Documents Related to Chapter 1 of "AAPC :
The Beginning Years, 1963-1970".
81/1 1. Personal: Kuether materials given by Mr. Kuether
on 30 September 1982; Chapter 1.
81/2 2. Standards; Chapter 1.
81/3 3. Constitutions and By-Laws (Executive Committee);
Chapter 1.
81/4 4. Support for AAPC; Chapter 1.
81/5 5. Resistance to AAPC; Chapter 1.
81/6 6. Code of Ethics; Chapter 1.
81/7-9 7. New York Meeting; Chapter 1.
81/10 8. History - CPE; Chapter 1.
c. Historical Documents Related to Chapters 1 & 2 of
"AAPC : The Beginning Years, 1963-1970".
82/1 1. History - Pastoral Counseling; Chapter 1.
82/2 2. History of AAPC (early); Chapter 1.
82/3 3. Communications (miscellaneous); Chapter 1.
82/4 4. Methodist Meetings; Chapter 1.
82/5 5. Rough Draft ; Chapter 1.
82/6 6. History of AAPC- Chapter 1, First Rough Draft.
82/7 7. Resistance and Support; Chapter 2.
82/8 8. Ecclesiastical and Interprofessional Relations;
Chapter 2.
82/9 9. Research; Chapter 2.
82/10 10. Standards; Chapter 2.
d. AAPC Archives; Chapter 2.
83/1 1. Standards; Chapter 2.
83/2-3 2. Resistance and Support; Chapter 2.
83/4 3. Private Practice; Chapter 2.
83/5 4. Code of Ethics; Chapter 2.
83/6&7 5. St. Louis [meeting, April 1964]; Chapter 2.
e. AAPC Archives; Chapters 2 & 3.
84/1 1. Princeton Consultation; Chapter 2.
84/2 2. Constitution and By-Laws; Chapter 2.
84/3 3. Chicago [meeting October 1964]; Chapter 2.
84/4&5 4. Communications (miscellaneous); Chapter 2.
84/6 5. Ecclesiastical and Interprofessional Relations;
Chapter 3.
84/7 6. Research; Chapter 3.
84/8 7. Constitution and By-Laws; Chapter 3.
84/9 8. Standards - PC Centers and PCT Centers; Chapter 3.
84/10&11 9. Communications (Miscellaneous); Chapter 3.
85/1 10. Legislation; Chapter 3.
85/2 11. Los Angeles [Annual meeting; April, 1967];
Chapter 3.
85/3 12. New York [Annual meeting; April, 1966]; Chapter 3.
85/4 13. Personal; Chapter 3 [Interviews with McGuire,
Kreutzer, Hand].
85/5&6 14. Standards; Chapter 3.
85/7&8 15. Stone Fund; Chapter 3.
85/9 16. Atlanta [Annual meeting; April, 1968]; Chapter 3.
f. Historical Documents Related to Chapter 4 of "AAPC :
The Beginning Years, 1963-1970".
85/10 1. Private Practice; Chapter 4.
85/11 2. Personal; Chapter 4.
86/1&2 3. Constitution and By-Laws; Chapter 4.
86/3-5 4. Standards; Chapter 4.
86/6&7 5. Stone Fund; Chapter 4.
86/8 6. Membership Information Project: Preliminary Report.
86/9 7. Legislation; Chapter 4.
87/1 8. Dallas [Annual meeting; May, 1967]; Chapter 4.
87/2 9. Communications Committee; Chapter 4.
87/3&4 10. Boston [Annual Meeting; November, 1970]; Chapter 4.
87/5 11. Centers and Training; Chapter 4.
87/6 12. Research; Chapter 4.
87/7&8 13. Communications (miscellaneous); Chapter 4.
87/9 14. Ecclesiastical and Interprofessional Relations;
Chapter 4.
g. Miscellaneous Historical Documents Related to "AAPC :
The Beginning Years, 1963-1970".
88/1 1. Documents from Early Pastoral Care History.
88/2&3 2. Post 1970 Material of Interest (found when studying
1963-1970 files).
88/4 3. Articles - Chapter 1.
88/5 4. "Psychiatry and Religion" by Samuel Z. Klausner.
88/6 5. Rough Draft; Chapter 1, Raw Materials.
88/7 6. Notes on Books.
88/8 7. Working file.
88/9 8. Directories of CPE Supervisors, 1970-1971.
2. Dissertations.
89/1 a. Asquith, Glenn H.; "The Clinical Method of Theological
Inquiry of Anton T. Boisen". 1976.
89/2 b. Gray, Harold Rhea; "Some Theological and Professional
Considerations Concerning Protestant Counseling Centers".
89/3&4 c. Hay, George N.; "Clinical Supervision of Advanced
Pastoral Psychotherapists-In-Training". 1981.
90/1 d. Kunkle, Mervin Aaron; "Pastoral Counseling: A
Theo-Psycho-Logical Approach to the Pastoral Counselor
as Teacher and Model". 1981.
90/2&3 e. Van Wagner, Charles A."The AAPC: The Formative Years;
A History of the American Association of Pastoral
Counselors, 1963-1970. 1981.
3. Unpublished Papers.
90/4 a. North, William M., M.Div., "Understanding Transference
in the Pastoral Ministry: First Attempts at a Dynamic
Approach to Ministry", 1975. Restrictions: None.
90/4 b. Patton, John H., PH.D., "AAPC Presidential Address",
10 April 1980. Restrictions: None.
90/5 c. Brown, Rodney Cain, "Industrial Chaplaincy in America--
A Profile", 5 May 1981.
90/5 d. Brown, Rodney Cain, "Industrial Chaplaincy", 20 July 1979.
90/5 e. Brown, Rodney Cain, "The Need for Employee Financial
Counseling: An Industry Perspective", 1 June 1979.
90/6 f. "Feed My Sheep - Contemporary Sermons in the
Shepherding Perspective", collection of unpublished
90/7 4. Publishing Projects, 1979-1983.
5. Newsletters, Magazines, Bulletins, etc.
a. Journal of Pastoral Counseling.
91/1 1. Editorial Committee; Board of Managers,
September 1982.
91/2 2. Journal Pastoral Counseling (Proposal for),
91/3 3. Board of Managers, March 1983.
b. AAPC and Local.
91/4 1. General Correspondence (AAPC).
91/5 2. AAPC Newsletter; Vol. 17 Nos. 1&4, 1979.
91/6 3. AAPC Newsletter; Vol. 18 Nos. 1&5, 1980.
91/7 4. AAPC Newsletter; Vol. 19 Nos. 2-4, 1981.
91/8 5. AAPC Newsletter; Vol. 20 Nos. 1, 2 &4, 1982.
91/9 6. AAPC Newsletter; Vol. 21 Nos. 1-4, 1983.
91/10 7. AAPC Newsletter; Vol. 22 Nos. 2&4, [1983-1984].
91/11 8. AAPC Newsletter, Summer 1985 & 1986.
91/12 9. AAPC Newsletter, Fall 1985-1986.
91/13 10. AAPC Newsletter, Winter 1986-1987.
91/14 11. Local Center Newsletters.
91/15 12. AAPC Regional Newsletters.
91/16 13. Newsletters.
c. Other.
92/1 1. Magazines: American Demographics, December 1983.
92/2 2. Bulletins/Newsletters from National Legislative
Committee, 1978-1980.
92/3 3. National Health Care [National Health Insurance
92/4 4. National Health Insurance Reports [1978-1979].
O. Regional Files [arranged alphabetically by region].
1. Atlantic Region.
93/1 a. Atlantic Region, 1972-1983.
93/2 b. Atlantic Region (Membership), 1971-1976.
93/3 c. Atlantic Region (Membership), 1977-1980.
2. Central Region.
93/4 a. Regional Files; Central Region, 1972-1983.
93/5 b. Regionalization; Central Region, 1971-1976.
93/6 c. Regionalization; Central Region, 1977-1982.
93/7 d. Regionalization; Central Region, 1984-1987.
3. Eastern Region.
93/8 a. Regional Files; Eastern Region, 1972-1983.
94/1 b. Regionalization; Eastern Region, 1971-1975.
94/2 c. Regionalization; Eastern Region, 1971-1976.
94/3 d. Regionalization; Eastern Region, 1977-1982.
94/4 e. Regionalization; Eastern Region, 1976-1982.
94/5 f. Regionalization; Eastern Region, 1984.
4. Midwest Region.
94/6 a. Regional Files; Midwest Region, 1972-1980.
94/7 b. Regional Files; Midwest Region, 1981-1983.
94/8 c. Midwest Regional Meeting, 1984.
94/9 d. Midwest Regional Meeting, 1985.
94/10 e. Regionalization; Midwest Region, 1970-1977.
95/1 f. Regionalization; Midwest Region, 1978-1982.
95/2 g. Regionalization; Midwest Region, 1984-1987.
95/3 5. North Central; Regionalization, 1971-1980.
6. Northeast Region.
95/4 a. Regional Files; Northeast Region, 1973-1983.
95/5 b. North East Region - Boston Consultation, 1984.
95/6 c. Northeast Region Annual Meeting; Minutes,
9 November 1984.
95/7 d. Regionalization; Northeast Region, 1984-1986.
7. Northwest Region.
95/8 a. Regional Meetings, Northwest Region, 1972-1980.
95/9 b. Regional Meetings, Northwest Region, 1981-1983.
95/10 c. Regionalization; Northwest Region Membership
Committee, 1973-1983.
96/1 d. Regionalization; Northwest Region, 1984.
96/2 e. Executive Director's Files (Regional); Northwest
Region, 1985.
8. Pacific Region.
96/3 a. Regional Files; Pacific Region, 1971-1979.
96/4 b. Regional Files; Pacific Region, 1980-1983.
96/5 c. Pacific Region AAPC, 1984.
96/6 d. Regionalization; Pacific Region, 1971-1982.
96/7 e. Regionalization; Pacific Region, 1984.
9. Rocky Mountains-Plains Region.
96/8 a. Regional Files; Rocky Mountains-Plains Region,
96/9 b. Regional Files; Rocky Mountains-Plains Region,
97/1 c. Regionalization; Rocky Mountains-Plains Region,
97/2 d. Regionalization; Rocky Mountains-Plains Region,
97/3 e. Regional Meeting; Rocky Mountains-Plains Region,
Fall 1985.
97/4 f. Regionalization; Rocky Mountains-Plains Region,
10. Southeast Region.
97/5 a. Regional Files; Southeast Region, 1972-1979.
07/6 b. Regional Files; Southeast Region, 1980-1983.
97/7 c. Southeast Region AAPC Conference, 1984.
97/8 d. Regionalization (Membership); Southeast Region,
97/9 e. Regionalization; Southeast Region, 1984-1986.
11. Southwest Region.
98/1 a. Regional Files, 1980-1983.
98/2 b. Regionalization; Southwest Region Membership
Committee, 1971-1982.
12. Miscellaneous [arranged chronologically].
98/3 a. Regional Reports, 1972-1979.
98/4 b. Regionalization Feasibility Study, 1972.
98/5 c. Regionalization Proposal, 1973.
98/6 d. Regionalization; Regional Financial Reports,
98/7 e. Regionalization; Henry Taxis - Former Membership
Chair, [1974].
98/8 f. Regionalization; Correspondence, 1979-1981.
98/9 g. Regionalization; Everett Zabriske, [1981].
98/10 h. Hastings Center Liaison, 1981.
98/11 i. Regionalization; Regional Meeting Program,
Fall 1983.
98/12 j. Regional Finance and Recruiting, [1983-1985].
98/13 k. International Membership Affiliates, Spring 1984.
98/14 l. Regional By-Laws [n.d.]
P. Regional Files; Chapter files [arranged alphabetically
by region].
99/1 1. Los Angeles Area, [1969-1975].
99/2 2. Metro New York, [1969-1971].
99/3 3. Ohio Chapter, [1972].
99/4 4. San Diego Chapter, [1971-1976].
99/5 5. Virginia Chapter, 1975-1976.
Q. Regional Correspondence Files.
99/6 1. Regional Chairman Correspondence, 1972-1987.
99/7 2. Regional Coordinator's General Correspondence,
99/8 3. Regional Treasurer's Correspondence, 1981-1983.
100/1 R. Relocation: Executive Director's Material on AAPC National
Office Relocation, 1982.
1. Apartment Information.
2. Blueprints & Fairfax Plaza Office lease.
3. Correspondence, 1982.
S. Reports.
100/2 1. Report of the Association for Specialized Ministry
Concerns on Specific Ministry (8 January 1985).
100/3 2. Pastoral Counseling Perspective.
100/4 3. Evaluation Procedures.
100/5 4. Educational Testing Service: Report on the Specialized
Accrediting Field, [1978].
100/6 5. Report on Health Insurance Coverage for Pastoral
Counseling Services (5 April 1973).
100/7 6. Membership Information Project: Preliminary Report.
100/8 7. Special Committee for study called for Legal Concerns
100/9 8. Analysis of Clinical Supervisors: A Study of the AAPC.
April 1979.
100/10 9. Task Force Reports on Ecclesiastically endorsed Lay
Ministries (13 April 1983 & January 1984) and related
100/11 10. Report on Organizational Study of the AAPC; [Marshall,
Towell & Emerson, Inc., March 1984].
T. United States Government Agencies: Executive Director's
Institutional Applications to Government Agencies [materials
arranged alphabetically by organization].
1. Department of Health Education and Welfare.
a. Petition to the for National Recognition as an
Accrediting Body.
1. 1974
101/1 aa. Correspondence, 1969-1975.
101/2 bb. Formal Petition, July 1974.
cc. Petition Meeting, March 1975.
i. Agenda of Petition Meeting.
101/3 dd. Materials Related to the Composition of the
Initial Petition.
i. A.A.P.C. Materials used to compose
initial petition. Includes A.A.P.C.
Directory, 1974; A.A.P.C. Handbook,
1973; a memo and some handwritten notes.
ii. A.C.P.E. Newsletter announcing its
recognition by the U.S. Commissioner of
Education, March 1969.
iii. Criteria and Guidelines from the Department
of Health, Education, and Welfare on Applying
for National Recognition by the U.S.
Commissioner of Education, 1968-1975.
2. 1978 and After.
101/4 aa. Correspondence, 1978-1980. Includes large letter
from Edwin Hoover to James Ewing, updating Ewing
on AAPC's attempts at national recognition from HEW.
101/5 bb. Draft of Second Petition, n.d.
101/6 cc. Materials Related to the Composition of the
Second Petition.
i. Brochures:
1. A.T.S. Procedures and Standards
Material, 1980.
2. Council on Postsecondary Accreditation
(COPA): Organization, Membership, and
Publications List, July 1980.
3. National Forum on Accreditation of
Allied Health Education, April 1980.
ii. Bulletins:
1. "President's Bulletin," COPA, July 16,
iii. Directories:
1. Copy of the Directory of Accrediting
Agencies Recognized by the U.S.
Commissioner of Education, March 1980.
iv. Forms: Order form for Guide to Recognized
Accrediting Agencies, COPA, n.d.
v. Newsletters:
1. "Accreditation," COPA, Spring 1980.
2. "COPASCOPE ," March 1980.
3. "Developments," Educational Testing
Service, 1980.
vi. Papers:
1. Undelivered Conference Paper prepared by
COPA/Higher Education Association Task
Force, March 1980.
vii. Reports:
1. Report of A.A.P.C. Ad Hoc Committee to the
Board of Governors to Study the Feasibility
of a Register of Health Care Providers in
Pastoral Psychotherapy with Recognition by
H.E.W. Report includes a memo and a copy
of H.E.W. criteria.
2. United States Postal Service.
101/7 a. Application for Non-profit Religious and Educational
Organization; Third Class Postage Status.
1. Application Forms and Correspondence.
2. Related Materials: Written Notes and AAPC Materials
used to put together the application and/or appeal.
Series III: Administrative Staff
A. General Correspondence [material arranged chronologically]
102/1-23 1. Incoming Correspondence A-Z, [1973-1980, arranged
103/1 2. Correspondence; January, 1985.
103/2 3. Correspondence; February, 1985.
103/3 4. Correspondence; 1-15 March, 1985.
103/4 5. Correspondence; 16-31 March, 1985.
103/5 6. Correspondence; April, 1985.
103/6 7. Correspondence; 1-15 May, 1985.
103/7 8. Correspondence; 16-30 May, 1985.
103/8 9. Correspondence; 1-15 June, 1985.
103/9 10. Correspondence; 16-30 June, 1985.
104/1 11. Correspondence; 1-18 July, 1985.
104/2 12. Correspondence; 19-31 July, 1985.
104/3 13. Correspondence; August, 1985.
104/4 14. Correspondence; 1-10 September, 1985.
104/5 15. Correspondence; 11-30 September, 1985.
104/6 16. Correspondence; 1-14 October, 1985.
104/7 17. Correspondence; 15-31 October, 1985.
104/8 18. Correspondence; November, 1985.
104/9 19. Correspondence; 1-18 December, 1985.
104/10 20. Correspondence; 19-31 December, 1985.
104/11 21. Correspondence; January, 1986.
105/1 22. Correspondence; February, 1986.
105/2 23. Correspondence; March, 1986.
105/3 24. Correspondence; April, 1986.
105/4 25. Correspondence; May-June, 1986.
105/5 26. Correspondence; July, 1986.
105/6 27. Correspondence; August, 1986.
105/7 28. Correspondence; September-October, 1986.
105/8 29. Correspondence; November, 1986.
105/9 30. Correspondence; December, 1986.
106/1 31. Outgoing Correspondence; January-February, 1987.
106/2 32. Outgoing Correspondence; March-April, 1987.
106/3 33. Outgoing Correspondence; May, 1987.
106/4 34. Outgoing Correspondence; June, 1987.
106/5 35. Outgoing Correspondence; July, 1987.
106/6 36. Outgoing Correspondence; August, 1987.
106/7 37. Outgoing Correspondence; September, 1987.
106/8 38. Outgoing Correspondence; October, 1987.
106/9 39. Outgoing Correspondence; November, 1987.
106/10 40. Outgoing Correspondence; December, 1987.
107/1 41. Correspondence; January, 1988.
107/2 42. Correspondence; February, 1988.
107/3 43. Correspondence; March, 1988.
107/4 44. Correspondence; April, 1988.
107/5 45. Correspondence; May, 1988.
107/6 46. Correspondence; June, 1988.
107/7 47. Correspondence; July, 1988.
107/8 48. Correspondence; August, 1988.
108/1 49. Correspondence; September, 1988.
108/2 50. Correspondence; October, 1988.
108/3 51. Correspondence; November, 1988.
108/4 52. Correspondence; December, 1988.
B. Assistant to the Executive Director; Barbara Gyomory,
109/1 1. Correspondence; 1980.
109/2 2. Correspondence; January-April, 1981.
109/3 3. Correspondence; May-December, 1981.
109/4 4. Correspondence; January-June, 1982.
109/5 5. Correspondence; July-September, 1982.
109/6 6. Correspondence; January-June, 1983.
110/1 7. Correspondence; July-December, 1983.
110/2 8. Correspondence; January-July, 1984.
110/3 9. Correspondence; August-September, 1984.
110/4 10. Correspondence; October, 1984.
110/5 11. Correspondence; November-December, 1984.
110/6 12. Publicity: Good Housekeeping, May 1972.
110/7 13. Mahroo Industries, 1974-1979.
110/8 14. Mulit Service Bureau, 1979.
C. Administrative Secretary; Subject Files [arranged in
original order]
111/1 1. Articles on "Black" Issues, 1983.
111/2 2. Bibliography on Collegiality Between Women and
Men, 1982.
111/3 3. Articles re: AAPC.
111/4 4. Aging, 1981.
111/5 5. Employment Opening (Personal and Centers).
111/6 6. Personnel - Prospects.
111/7 7. Government Investors, Inc.
111/8 8. Third International Congress on Pastoral Care and
Counseling, [1987].
111/9 9. Interfaith Council, 1982.
111/10 10. Institute for Living, [1982].
111/11 11. Prospective Advertisers.
111/12 12. Professional Standards Review Organization.
111/13 13. Thompson Retreat and Conference, [1977].
111/14 14. Upcoming Workshops and Conferences.
111/15 15. Internal Revenue Problems, 1972-1984.
111/16 16. IRS Deduction & PC Fees, 1968-1980.
111/17 17. Church Publications - Pastoral Care.
111/18 18. Abington Press
111/19 19. Growth of Institutional Members.
111/20 20. Administrative Secretary; Job Description.
111/21 21. Interim Office Management Team, 1987-1988.
111/22 22. Interim Committee Materials Forwarded - Info -
Action, [1988].
111/23 23. Lesbian and Gay Issues in Pastoral Care and
Counseling, [1987].
111/24 24. Ewing - Position Papers; ["The AAPC and the Political
Process; Legislative Committee Position Paper, 1980].
112/1 25. Fornes [Computer Systems] - Data Processing Requests,
112/2 26. Distinguished Contributions Award, 1965-1987.
112/3 27. Faith Development Project - Stokes, [1984].
112/4 28. Consultants, 1988.
112/5 29. Computer Proposals - Fornes, [1980-1981].
112/6 30. Board of Governors - Information and misc. loose
112/7 31. Regional Information, 1981-1983.
112/8 32. Denominational Bodies and Related Care Organizations,
112/9 33. General Publications file, 1982.
112/10 34. "Pastoral Counselors and Malpractice".
112/11 35. Religion & Health; Clergy Consultation Service, [1987].
112/12 36. International Congress, 1983.
112/13 37. Handbook Revisions, 1986.
112/14-16 38. Filing to be completed.
113/1 39. Centers and Training Directory (unpublished), 1981.
113/2 40. Pastoral Care Centers - Directory.
113/3 41. Pastoral Care; Ad Hoc (Relationship with Academy of
Pastoral Counselors.
113/4 42. Registry of Training Programs.
113/5 43. Denominational administrative Officers.
113/6-7 44. Annual Report - Institutional Members, 1984.
113/8 45. Communications Task Force, 1980-1981.
113/9 46. Leases (Previously with Norman Bernstein in D.C.).
113/10 47. Leon McCleerey and Joan Hoff (Ethical Practice).
113/11 48. Licensing.
D. Staff Secretaries, 1980-1984.
114/1 1. Correspondence: Staff Secretary; Elizabeth Hower,
October 1980-June 1984.
114/2 2. Correspondence: Staff Secretary; Melvin Jennings,
August 1981-1984.
114/3 3. Correspondence: Staff Secretary; Deborah Putnam,
114/4 4. Correspondence: Staff Secretary; Debby Torak, 1984.
Series IV: Membership Reports
115 1980-1983
116 1984-1985 June
117 1985 August-1987