Publications, 1915-2007.


EXTENT: 8 cubic ft. (22 letter archives boxes, 1 legal archives box, and 1 half size legal box)

ACCESS: Unrestricted

REPRODUCTION: All requests subject to limitations noted in departmental policies on reproduction.

COPYRIGHT: Information on copyright (literary rights) available from repository.

CITATION: [identification of item(s)] Candler School of Theology Publications, RG 003-1, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University.

Organizational History 

In March 1914, the Educational Commission of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, decided it was time for another Methodist university in the Southeast.  The Candler School of Theology opened in September 1914 in the Wesley Memorial Building on Auburn Avenue in downtown Atlanta.  In 1916 the school moved into the Theology Building, the first building constructed on the present campus of Emory University.  This building housed the Chancellor's office, other offices, classrooms, the university chapel, and the library.  Although it seemed commodious, in less than a decade after the building was dedicated, the theology faculty was lobbying for more space.  The school continued to grow and moved into Bishops Hall in 1957.  The theology library gradually occupied more space in the old Theology Building.  The purchase of the Hartford Collection in 1975 doubled the size of the library's holdings and necessitated a major expansion.  In 1976 the William R. Cannon Chapel was constructed and dedicated.  The former theology building was then renovated as the Pitts Theology Library, and Durham Chapel became the Durham Reading Room.  Most of the Candler classrooms and administrative offices are now located in Bishops Hall and Cannon Chapel with some program offices located at Turner Village.

The Candler School of Theology is now one of thirteen official seminaries of the United Methodist Church.  Candler serves to educate men and women for professional competence in ministry and the theological disciplines.  The theology school offers programs leading to Master of Divinity, Master of Theological Studies, Master of Theology, Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Sacred Theology degrees.  The school also provides continuing education opportunities for clergy, church professionals, and lay persons.  Candler is fully accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the U.S. and Canada, the University Senate of the United Methodist Church, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

All of the school's programs and activities are administered through the oversight of the Dean's Office.  The functional units consist of Finance and Administration, Academic Affairs, Admissions and Student Services, Development, Worship/Chapel, Pitts Theology Library, and Faculty Development.  Organizations that are affiliated with the Candler School of Theology include the World Methodist Evangelism Institute and the Aquinas Center of Theology.


Scope and Content Note

The collection is comprised of numerous publications produced by Candler.  It includes the Candler School of Theology Photo Directory and Emory: Candler School of Theology [Bulletin].  The collection also contains student publications, such as The Candler Exchange and the Candler Calendar.




Box     Folder  Description                    Date


13      1       Candler Advocate

                 [superseded by Junction]     1952 Nov 26

                                              1953 Sept 14-1954 May

                                              1955 Mar 3

                                              1955 Oct 7

                                              1955 Nov 2

                                              1956 Jan 13

                                              1956 Fe. 3-17

                                              1957 May 23

                                              1958 Jan 24

13      2                                     1960 Oct 27-1961 Feb 22

                                              1961 May 3-25

                                              1961 Sept 20-Nov

                                              1962 No. 14-1963 Feb 12

                                              1963 May 15-1964 Feb 27                        

                                              1964 Nov-Dec

                                              1965 Apr-May

13      3       Candler Calendar               1956 Oct 29-1957 May 13

                                              1957 Sep 30-1958 Feb 24

                                              1958 Mar 24-Apr 21

                                              1958 May 5-26

                                              1958 Sep 15-1959 May 26

13      4                                     1959 Sep 28-Dec 1

                                              1960 Jan 11

                                              1960 Jan 25-Feb 22

                                              1960 Mar 29-Apr 4

                                              1960 Apr 25-May 9

                                              1960 Oct 4-Nov 15                              

                                              1960 Nov 29-1961 Jan 10

                                              1961 Jan 31-May 23

                                              1961 Sep 26-1962 Apr 3

                                              1962 Apr 24

                                              1962 May 8-29

13      5                                     1962 Sep 25-1963 May 21

                                              1964 May 25

                                              1965 Sep 27-1966 Jan 10

                                              1966 Jan 24-Mar 7

                                              1966 Mar 28-Apr 18

                                              1966 May 2-30

                                              1971 Jan 4

                                              1971 Oct 11-Nov 29

                                              1972 Jan 10

                                              1972 Jan 24-Feb 7

                                              1972 Feb 21-Mar 27

                                              1972 Apr 10-May 22

                                              1972 Oct 2-Dec 4

                                              1973 Jan 8-Jan 28

                                              1973 Feb 12-Apr 30

                                              1973 May 14

                                              1973 Sep 24-Nov 25

                                              1974 Jan 7


1       1       Candler Chronicle              1994 Sep 12-19

                                              1994 Nov 7-14

                                              1996 Jan 29

                                              1997 Oct 27-Dec 1

                                              1998 Jan 14

                                              1998 Feb 9

                                              1998 Feb 23-Oct 12

                                              1998 Nov 9-30

                                              1999 Aug 31-Nov 29

18      2                                     2000 Jan 18-Mar 7

                                              2000 Mar 21-Apr 25

                                              2000 Sep 5-Dec 4

                                              2001 Jan 17-Mar 5

                                              2001 Mar 20-Apr 9

19      1                                     2006-2007

24      1                                     2007   


1       2       Candler Comment

                 [continued by Candler Memo]  1966 Sep

                                              1966 Dec

                                              1967 Mar-Fall

15      1       Candler Connection             1993 Summer-1994 Summer

15      2                                     1994-95 Winter-1996 Summer

15      3                                     1997 Fall-1998 Summer

15      4                                     1999 Fall-1999 Winter/Spring

15      5                                     1999 Summer-2002 Winter

                                              2005 Fall

24      #                                     Summer 1996

        #                                     Summer 1999

        #                                     Spring 2001

        #                                     Summer 1995


19      2       The Candler Exchange           1975 Oct 14-1976 Nov 17

1       3                                     1979-1981

1       4                                     1982 Mar 16-1983 Nov 29

                                              1984 Feb 7-Apr 17

                                              1984 Aug 27

                                              1984 Sep 11-1985 Mar 6

                                              1985 Apr 16-25

1       5                                     1985 Sep 17-1986 May 1

                                              1986 Sep 2-Oct 10

                                              1986 Nov 21-1987 Apr 23

                                              1987 Oct 2-1988 Jan 28

                                              1988 Mar 11-Apr 28

1       6                                     1988 Sep 2-1989 Apr 28

                                              1989 Sep 21-1990 Apr 25

                                              1990 Aug 29-Dec 5

1       7                                     1991 Jan 28-Apr 25

                                              1991 Sep 6-1992 May 5

                                              1992 Sep-1993 Apr

19      3                                     1993 Sept – 1994 Apr

18      1                                     1997 Nov-2000 Apr/May


1       8       Candler Memo                  1967-1971

2       1                                     1972-1974

2       2                                     1975-1980


2       3       Candler Review

                    [supersedes Junction]     1974

2       4                                     1975-1976

24      #                                     January 1974

        #                                     May 1976

        #                                     January 1976

        #                                     January 1975

        #                                     May 1974


14      2       Candler School of Theology At

                   a Glance                   1989-1990


16      1       Candler School of Theology

                 Handbook                     1994-1996

16      2                                     1997-1999

19      4                                     2005-2006


24      #       Candler School of Theology    

                Liturgy of Word and Table     2006


19      5       Candler School of Theology

                    News                      1949 Fall-1950 Winter


2       5       The Candler School of Theology

                    News [continues Theology

                    at Emory]                 1989 Winter-1990 Spring


               Candler School of Theology Photo

                Directory [Face Book]


2       6          [The Candler Community]     1969-1972


3       1          [Candler School of Theology

                   Community]                 1973-1975

3       2           

                  [Candler Community]         1976-1978

20      #                                      1972-1979



3       3          [Candler School of Theology

                   Community Handbook]               1979-1981

3       4                                     1982-1984

20                                            1979-1986

3       5                                     1985-1987

3       6                                     1988-1990

20                                            1989-1992

16      3                                     1991


16      4          [Candler School of Theology

                   Community Face Book]       1992-1994

20      #                                     1992-1993

21      #                                     1993-1995     


16      5          [Candler School of Theology

                   Community Directory]       1995-1996

21      #                                     1995-1997


16      6          [Candler School of Theology

                   Photo Directory]           1997-1998

21      #                                     1997-2000

23      #                                     2006-2007

16      7                                     1999-2000

16      8                                     2001-2004

16      9                                     2005

19      10                                    2006

24      #                                     2001-2005



23      #      Candler School of Theology     1994-2006

24      #                                     1995-1996

                 Student Handbook    


24      #       Candler School of Theology

                 Syllabus and Bibliography    1967


24      #       Candler School of Theology    

               Training Methodist Ministers   1942


24      #       Candler School of Theology

                The Junction                  Winter 1973

        #                                     Summer 1967


19      6       Center for Research in Faith

                 and Moral Development [also

                 called Center for Faith

                 Development]                 1982-1985

13      6                                     1984 Spring

                                              1986 Spring

                                              1988 Apr-1989 Nov


4       1       The Circle                    1991 Feb 1, Apr 1


4       2       The Committee of One Hundred

                 Monthly Newsletter           1958 Dec-1959 Jan

                                              1959 Mar-Jun


18      3       Companions on the Journey      2002


4       3       Congregation                   1988 Oct-1989 March


24      3       The Emory Wheel               1976


18      4       Emory: Candler School of

                 Theology                     1998-1999


4       4       Emory: Candler School of

                 Theology [Bulletin]          1915-1925

17      1                                     1916

4       5                                     1926-1935

5       1                                     1935-1951

5       2                                     1952-1963

21                                            1952-1973

6       1                                     1954-1956


6       2                                     1963-1969

6       3                                     1963-1965


22      #                                     1969-1978

6       4                                      1970-1974

6       5                                     1970-1972

7       1                                     1973-1974

7       2                                     1975-1979

7       3                                     1975-1976

7       4                                     1977-1979

21      #                                     1978-1981

8       1                                     1980-1984

8       2                                     1980-1984

22      #                                     1981-1993

21      #                                     1984-1986

8       3                                     1985-1987

9       1                                     1988-1989

9       2                                     1990-1991

9       3                                     1992

9       4                                     1993

23      #                                     1993-2000

9       5                                     1994                  

17      2                                     1995

17      3                                     1996

17      4                                     1997

17      5                                     1998

17      6                                     1999

17      7                                     2000-2001

17      8                                     2002-2003

17      9                                     2004

24      #                                     1980

        #                                     undated

        #                                     undated

        #                                     undated

        #                                     1968

        #                                     2007


19      7       Emory Divinity News            1930 Jun-1933 Feb


9       6       The Emory Theology News       1950-1952

24      #                                     Summer 1950


24      #       Emory: Reformation Day         2007

        #                                     2007


19      8       Emory University Bulletin      1940-1945


18      5       Graduate Students: Division of

                 Religion: Emory University   1978, 1984, 1993,

                                              1995-1996, 1999,


21      #                                     1977-1978, 1982-1985, 1993-1999


9       7       The Institute for Student

                 Leadership                   1984 Summer-1988 Winter


24      #       James L. Waits

                Curriculum Vitae              1997


10      1       Junction [superseded by Candler

                 Review]                      1965-1969

10      2                                     1965-1967

10      3                                     1968-1969

18      6                                     1971-1972

18      7                                     1973


10      4       Liberation Theology: Black and

                 Feminist Perspectives               1978


18      8       Life in the Spirit             1998 Feb-2000 Jan/Feb


13      7       Logos: The Word from Candler   1970 Jan 15-Apr 29

                                              1970 Nov 3-Dec 1

                                              1971 Apr 16-May 25

                                              1972 Feb 10-May 25

                                              1972 Oct 27

                                              1973 Jan 9

                                              1973 Mar-Apr


 24     #                                     1970 Feb, 5


19      9       Manual for the North Georgia

                 Teaching Parish              undated


10      5       Ministry & Mission            1975 Oct-1976 Nov

                                              1977 Feb-Dec

                                              1978 Mar-Dec

11      1                                     1979 Mar-Oct

                                              1980 Jan-Fall

                                              1981 Winter-Fall

11      2                                     undated (vol. 7., Nos. 1-2;

                                              vol. 8, no. 1)

                                              1982 Dec-1983 May

                                              1983 Oct-1984 May

11      3                                     1984 Dec-1985 Jun

                                              1985 Sep-1986 Apr     

                                              1986 Fall-1987 Summer

                                              1988 Winter-Spring

11      4                                     1988 Fall-1989 Summer

                                              1989 Fall-1990 Spring

                                              1990 Fall/Winter-1991 Spring

                                              1992 Winter/ Spring

24      2       Ministry and Mission          Spring 1981

                                              Fall 1988

                                              Winter 1975


11      5       [Miscellanea]                  1994-1995


11      6       News and Comment               1959 Spring

                                              1959 Dec

                                              1960 May

                                              1965 Sep

                                              1967 Jan 30-Apr 18


11      7       The Official Candler New Faces

                 Orientation Booklet          1973 Fall

                                              1977 Fall-1978 Fall

24      #                                     Fall 1973


24      4       The Panorama                  1915


12      5       Pitts Theology Library, Emory  circa 1984


14      3       Program of Black Church Studies.

                 Resources for the African-

                 American Religious Community 1991, 1994


11      8       Reformation Notes              1994 Spring-Fall

11      9                                     2002 Spring-2003 Summer

                                              2007 Winter


12      4       Religious Life at Emory               1999-2000


19      11      Strong Men for the Methodist

                 Ministry                     undated


19      12      The Student Minister           1943 Dec



12      1       Summer School Class Schedule   1990 May-Aug


19      13      The Theo-Log                   1934 Oct 25-1935 Nov 6


19      14      The Theologian                 1945

24                                            1945


24      #       Theological Education          1967 -1969


14      1       Theology at Emory

                 [continued by The Candler

                 School of Theology News]     1983 Fall-1984 Fall

                                              1985 Fall

14      1                                     1986 Fall

                                              1987 Fall-Winter

                                              1988 Winter


12      2       This Week at Candler           1988 Oct 3

                                              1988 Nov 14

                                              1988 Dec 12

                                              1989 Jan 23-30

                                              1989 Feb 13

                                              1989 Feb 27

                                              1989 Mar 20

                                              1989 Apr 24

                                              1989 Sep 11-Oct 30

                                              1989 Nov 13

                                              1990 Feb 5-12

                                              1990 Feb 26


18      9       What is Ministry?              1976-1977


12      3       Zeitgeist                      1967 Oct 12-1968 Jan 30





Last Modified: 2008 May 19