Theodore R. Weber papers, 1949-1996, undated.


EXTENT:  9.5 cubic ft. (9 records center cartons, 1 archives box, 1 half-size archives box)

LANGUAGE: Materials in English.

ACCESS: Access is unrestricted.

REPRODUCTION: All requests subject to limitations noted in departmental policies on reproduction.

COPYRIGHT: Information on copyright (literary rights) available from repository.

CITATION:  Theodore R. Weber papers, MSS 344, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University.  

 Biographical Note

Theodore R. Weber is Professor Emeritus of Social Ethics at Candler School of Theology, Emory University. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University. He is the author of Ethics and International Politics in the Thought of Don Luigi Sturzo (1958), Modern War and the Pursuit of Peace (1968), Foreign Policy Is Your Business (1972), and Politics in the Order of Salvation: New Directions in Wesleyan Political Ethics (2001).

Scope and Content Note

Weber’s papers document his education at Yale University Divinity School, his tenure at Candler School of Theology, and his activities as author and lecturer in the field of social ethics. Although there is little material directly related to Weber’s published books (with the exception of files from the writing of Foreign Policy Is Your Business), the papers include an extensive series of research files. Thes research files reveal the areas of interest which informed Weber’s teaching, his writing, and his lectures. These areas include Christian ethics, violence and revolution, human rights, international politics, peace studies, and the Vietnam conflict. Also included are files related to conferences and other professional events in which Weber participated, as well as files from Weber’s involvement with the Council on Religion and International Affairs from the 1960s through 1980s.

Series Descriptions

Series 1: Yale University Divinity School, 1947-1964, undated

Subseries 1.1: Coursework, 1947-1959, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
The files in this series consist primarily of notes taken by Weber on classes attended at Yale University Divinity School in the late 1940s and 1950s. Files are arranged alphabetically by course title.

Subseries 1.2: Dissertation, 1958-1964, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
Several drafts of Weber’s doctoral dissertation on Don Luigi Sturzo.

Series 2: Candler School of Theology, 1954-1997, undated.

Subseries 2.1: Courses Taught, 1959-1991, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
This series contains extensive lecture notes, syllabi, exams, bibliographies, and other documents from courses taught by Weber at Candler School of Theology. Files are arranged alphabetically by course title. Courses represented include Church and Community; Christian Ethics; Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy; Christian Faith and Social Ethics; Ethics, Violence, and Revolution; Social Philosophy and Christian Thought; and Social Teachings of the Christian Churches.

Subseries 2.2: Administration, 1954-1997, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
Files related to Weber’s involvement with committee service and other Candler School of Theology administrative duties. Included are faculty search committee files, worship committee files, curriculum study committee files, planning committee files, correspondence with other Candler faculty and administrators, as well as orders of worship from chapel services in the 1970s and 1980s. Several files containing Candler School of Theology personnel information have been separated; access to these files is restricted.

Series 3: Research Files, 1949-1994, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
These alphabetical subject files include clippings, papers, notes, and other materials on a variety of topics of interest to Weber, including the relationship between church and state; human rights; international politics; peace studies; the conflict in Vietnam; and violence and revolution.

Series 4: Writings, 1951-1991, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
Copies of published and unpublished writings by Weber. The majority are papers and articles, although there are drafts of his 1972 book Foreign Policy Is Your Business. Topics include revolution and violence, human rights, and foreign policy.

Series 5: Speaking Engagements, 1958-1988, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
Speeches and lectures by Weber. Although full manuscripts of some speeches and lectures exist, many others are represented only by Weber’s notes. Researchers should note that in some cases, Weber interfiled lectures with research notes and other materials. These lectures were retained in their original locations and may be found in the research files of Series 3.

Series 6: Correspondence, 1960-1996. Arranged chronologically.
General professional correspondence of Weber, both incoming and outgoing. Researchers should note that this series contains no correspondence from 1992. There are also correspondence files present in Series 2 (Candler School of Theology) and Series 8 (Council on Religion and International Affairs).

Series 7: Conferences and Events, 1962-1990, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
Papers, correspondence, and other materials related to conferences, seminars, workshops, and other events in which Weber participated or was interested. Topics reflect several of Weber’s areas of interest, including human rights, foreign policy, and Christian ethics. Generally, the files in this series relate to events at which Weber did not lecture or speak. See Series 5 for files related to lectures and conference papers delivered by Weber.

Series 8: Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1962-1989, undated. Arranged alphabetically.
Files from Weber’s involvement with the Council on Religion and International Affairs (CRIA). They include copies of papers written by CRIA members, annual reports, correspondence, and supporting material from CRIA events such as the Conference on Christian Approaches to Defense and Disarmament.

Box	Folder		Description/Dates
			Series 1: Yale University Divinity School, 1947-1964, undated

			Subseries 1.1: Coursework, 1947-1959, undated
1	1		American Church History, 1959-1960, undated
1	2-3		Christian Ethics, 1949-1958 
1	4		Christian Ethics in History, 1948-1949
1	5		Christianity and Communism, undated
1	6		Christianity and Politics, 1951, undated
1	7		Contemporary Theology, 1951, undated
1	8		Contemporary Theology, Cullman, Oscar, undated
1	9		Ethical Theory, Types of, 1953
1	10-11		European Church History, 1947-1948, undated
1	12		International Politics, 1953-1955
1	13		Introduction to Theology, 1948
1	14		Louisiana Government, 1952
1	15-16		New Testament, 1947-1948
1	17		New Testament, undated
1	18-19		Philosophy, History of, Calhoun, 1951				
1	20		Philosophy, Problems in, 1949-1950
1	21		Political Philosophy, 1950
1	22		Preaching, 1948
1	23		Prophetic Faith, 1957-	1958
1	24		Psalms, undated
1	25		Sin and Forgiveness, 1950-1951
1	26		Social Ethics, 1950-1958
1	27		Social Ethics Seminar, 1954-1955		
1	28		Study of Society, 1949-1950
1	29		Systematic Theology, 1949, 1960
1	30		Systematic Theology, Calhoun Lecture Notes, 1954
1	31		Types of Ethical Thoughts, Notebook, 1954-1959
1	32		Words of Jesus, undated

			Subseries 1.2: Dissertation, 1958-1964, undated
1	33		Dissertation, 1963
1	34-35		Dissertation, 1964		
2	1		Dissertation, VII, undated
2	2		Dissertation, VIII, undated
2	3		Dissertation, VIII, Interrelationships, undated
2	4-5		Dissertation, Draft, 1958
2	6-7		Dissertation, Drafts, undated		
2	8		Dissertation, Manuscript, 1958
2	9		Dissertation, Notes, 1955, undated
			Series 2: Candler School of Theology, 1954-1997, undated

			Subseries 2.1: Courses Taught, 1959-1991, undated
2	10		Church and Community, RS 301, Exams, 1959-1961
2	11-13		Church and Community, RS 301, Lectures, undated
2	14		Christian Ethics, Course of Study School, 1982 Summer
2	15		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, 1980 Spring
2	16		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, 1983
2	17		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, 1990 Fall
2	18		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Economic Questions, Property, 1961-1988, 
2	19		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Exams, 1984-1990
2	20		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Gunnemann Lectures, Notes, 1983 Spring
2	21		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Gunnemann Lectures, Notes, 1988 Spring
2	22-23		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, 1970-1990
2	24		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Christ and Culture, 1981-
			1987, undated
2	25		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Ethics and Contemporary 
			Context, 1983 Spring
2	26		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Ethics of Power, 1969-1975, 
2	27		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Family, 1979-1990, undated
2	28		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Introductory Lecture, 1983 
2	29		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Law, 1975-1983
2	30		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Nature of Ethics, 1963-
			1974, undated
2	31		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Politics, 1980-1990, 
2	32		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Reconciliation, 1970-1988, 
2	33		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Selfhood and Identity, 
			1975-1988, undated
2	34		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, The Church, 1973-1989, 
2	35		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Lecture Notes, Theology of 
			Society/Institutions, 1987-1989, undated
2	36		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, List of Readings, 1981, 1989
2	37		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Methods, 1969-1973
2	38		Christian Ethics, SPE 303, Schedules and Outlines, 1979-1988
2	39		Christian Ethics and Christian Vocation, RS 309, undated
2	40		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, 1964-1970
3	1		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, 1970-1971, undated
3	2		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, 1976 Winter
3	3		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, 1987	
3	4		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, 1991 Fall
3	5		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, All Saints Episcopal Church, 
3	6		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Bibliography, 1966-1988
3	7		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Communism Lectures, 1965-1990
3	8		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Concepts and Instruments of 
			Foreign Policy, 1969-1987
3	9		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Economic Issues, 1984-1992
3	10		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Exams, 1970-1991
3	11		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Introduction, 1969-1991
3	12		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Middle East, 1984, undated
3	13		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Outlines and Requirements, 1966-
3	14		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Political Concepts, Political 
			Dynamics, and Alternative Interpretations of U.S. Policy, lecture 
			Notes, 1976-1987
3	15		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Reading Lists, 1984
3	16		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, The Church and Foreign Policy, 
			1970, undated
3	17		Christian Ethics and Foreign Policy, Theology and Foreign Policy, 
3	18		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, 1960-1967
3	19		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, 1973 Fall
3	20		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Bibliographies, 1975, 
3	21		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Biomedical Ethics, 1973-
3	22		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Biomedical Ethics, 
			Abortion, 1969-1990
3	23		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Biomedical Ethics, Death 
			and Dying, 1987
3	24		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Collective Responsibility, 
3	25		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Context, 1970, undated
3	26		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Economics, 1959-1980
3	27		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Exams, 1966-1973, undated
3	28		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Outlines and Requirements, 
3	29		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Poverty, undated
3	30		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, “Problems and Tendencies 
			in Christian Ethical Theory,” undated
3	31-33		Christian Faith and Social Ethics, RS 309, Race, 1959-1975	
3	34		Christianity and Politics, 1972 Fall
3	35		Christianity and Politics, 1974 Fall
3	36		Christianity and Politics, 1974-1976
3	37		Christianity and Politics, 1976 Fall
3	38		Christianity and Politics, 1980 Fall
3	39		Christianity and Politics, 1988 Summer
3	40		Christianity and Politics, Bibliography, undated
3	41		Christianity and Politics, Exams, 1959-1976
3	42		Christianity and Politics, Introductory Lectures, 1959-1988
3	43		Christianity and Politics, Miscellaneous, 1976, undated
3	44		Christianity and Politics, Morality and Politics, undated
3	45		Christianity and Politics, Political Behavior and Voting, 1954-1974
3	46		Christianity and Politics, Political Images, Attitudes, and Labels, 1970, 
4	1		Christianity and Politics, Political Parties, 1953-1958, undated
4	2		Christianity and Politics, Political Process, Lecture Notes, undated
4	3		Christianity and Politics, Problems of a Democratic Society, Lecture 
			Notes, undated	
4	4		Christianity and Politics, Religious Groups Political Attitudes and 
			Action, undated
4	5		Christianity and Politics, Outlines and Requirements, 1959-1988
4	6		Christianity and Politics, Theological and Ethical Problems, undated
4	7		Church and State, RS 359, 1963, undated
4	8		D.Min. Seminar, 1983 Fall
4	9		Ethics, Revolution, and Violence, RS 319, 1975 Winter
4	10		Ethics, Revolution, and Violence, RS 319, 1980 Summer
4	11		Ethics, Revolution, and Violence, RS 319, Lecture Notes, 1972-1980, 
4	12		Ethics, Revolution, and Violence, RS 319, Outlines and Requirements, 
			1975, 1980
4	13		Human Rights as a Theological Problem, CP 700, 1983
4	14		Parish Institute Courses, 1976-1977
4	15		Peace and the Churches, ES 345, 1986
4	16		Seminar in Contemporary Christian Ethical Theory, 1990, undated
4	17		Seminar in Ethics and International Politics, Student Presentations, 
4	18		Seminar in Religion and Society: Ethics, Revolution, and Violence, RS 
			379, 1973 Summer		
4	19		Seminar in Social Ethics, Ethics of Power, 1962
4	20		Seminar in Social Ethics, Human Rights and Foreign Policy, 1977
4	21		Seminar in Social Ethics, RS 437, Violence and Justification, 1972 
4	22		Social Philosophy and Christian Thought, RS 305, Exams, 1962-1977
4	23		Social Philosophy and Christian Thought, RS 305, Lectures, 1971, 
4	24		Social Philosophy and Christian Thought, RS 305, Syllabi, 1977, 1990
4	25		Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, RS 321, Bibliography, 
4	26		Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, RS 321, Course 
			Requirements, 1964-1971
4	27		Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, RS 321, Exams, 1962-
4	28		Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, RS 321, General
			Literature, 1956-1959
4	29		Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, RS 321, Introductory 
			Lectures, 1960-1969, undated
4	30		Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, RS 321, Lectures, Sex, 
			Love, and Marriage, undated
4	31		Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, RS 321, Notes, 1971, 
4	32		Social Teachings of the Christian Churches, RS 321, Slavery, Notes, 
4	33		Syllabi, Miscellaneous, 1952-1962
4	34		Theology and Ethics of Revolution, RS 437, 1970 Winter

			Subseries 2.2: Administrative Files, 1954-1997, undated
11	1		Area I, 1977-1997 [restricted]
4	35		Area III, 1980-1982
4	36		Brewer, Earl D.C., 1961, 1980-1991, undated
4	37		Carter, President Jimmy, 1982
4	38		Chapel Building Committee, 1977-1978
4	39		Congregation and Peacemaking Research Fellows Project, 1983 
4	40		Corporate Mission, 1976
4	41		Correspondence, 1967-1985
4	42		Course Outlines and Suggestions, 1959-1984
4	43		Course Proposals, 1970-1986, undated
4	44-45		Curriculum Restudy Committee, 1954-1960, undated		
			Dean Selection Committee, 1968-1969, 1977 [restricted]
4	46		D.Min. Degree Program, 1971-1972
4	47		Faculty Policies, 1989-1996
5	1		Faculty Retreats, 1971-1981, 1995
11	2		Faculty Search, Brooks Chair of Missions, 1988 [restricted]
11	3		Faculty Search, Christian Ethics, 1990, 1994-1995 [restricted]
11	4		Faculty Search, Sociology of Religion, 1978 [restricted]
5	2		Gardner, E. Clinton, 1986-1990
5	3		Honors Program, 1973-1974
5	4		Institute Course, Church and Politics, Central Presbyterian Church, 
			1981 Fall
5	5		Institute of Parish Ministries, 1981-1982
5	6		Jeschke, Channing, 1972, 1994
5	7		LaGree, Kevin, 1993
5	8		Laney, James T., 1969-1982
5	9		Law and Religion Program, 1989
5	10-11		Library, Research, and Publications Committee, 1993-1995
5	12-13		Long-Range Planning Committee, 1987
5	14		M.T.S. Program, 1974
11	5		Personnel and Academic Policy Committee, 1987-1988 [restricted]
5	15		Rollins Center Research Fellows, 1981-1983
5	16		Supervised Ministry, 1968-1990
5	17		S.T.D. Committee Reports, 1966-1967
5	18		Student Council, 1970, 1984-1985, undated
5	19		Waits, Jim L., Letters to, 1982-1983
5	20		Worship, 1974-1980
5	21		Worship Committee, 1974-1987, undated
5	22		Worship Services, Bulletins, 1972-1973
5	23		Worship Services, Bulletins, 1973-1974
5	24		Worship Services, Bulletins, 1974-1975
5	25		Worship Services, Bulletins, 1982-1983
5	26		Worship Services, Bulletins, 1983-1984

			Series 3: Research Files, 1949-1994, undated
5	27		Abingdon Press, Yoder-Yeager-Stassen Prospectus, 1992
5	28		Aging/Gerontology, 1987
5	29		American Religious Thought, undated
5	30		Black Theology, 1966-1969, undated
5	31		Biblical Ethics, undated
5	32		Bultman, Rudolph, 1961-1962
5	33		Capital Punishment, 1961-1981
5	34		Censorship, 1963
5	35		The Church and Economics, 1949-1962
5	36-37		Church and State, 1961-1980		
5	38		Church and State, Article, 1961-1962, undated
5	39		Church and State, Reading Notes, undated
5	40		Coalition for the Whole Gospel, undated
5	41		Collective Guilt, 1971-1989, undated
5	42		Comparative World Religions, 1969, undated
5	43		Council on Religion and Law, 1978
5	44		Covenant, 1989
5	45		Cuban Church Resolution, undated
5	46		Cult Groups, 1960
5	47		Death of God Theology, 1966-1967, undated
5	48		Eschatology, undated
5	49		Ethics in Government Study, 1981
5	50		Flynn, Tom, undated
5	51		Gun Control, 1994
5	52		Holocaust, 1977-1982
5	53		Howard, Michael, 1986
5	54		Human Rights, 1968-1976
5	55		Human Rights and Theology, Notes, undated
6	1		Human Rights, Bibliographies, 1975-1988	
6	2		Human Rights, Carter and Reagan Policies, 1977-1984	
6	4		Human Rights, Totalitarian-Authoritarian Distinction and Human 
			Rights Intervention, 1982-1985
6	5		Inclusivity, 1990	
6	6		Integral Politics, undated
6	7		International Politics, Chile, 1975-1977
6	8		International Politics, Church Peace Mission, 1965-1966
6	9		International Politics, Communism, 1959-1962
6	10		International Politics, Communism and the Churches, 1961-1967
6	11		International Politics, Disarmament, 1958, undated
6	12		International Politics, International Organization, 1968
6	13		International Politics, Latin America, 1966-1977
6	14		International Politics, Middle East, 1967-1970
6	15		International Politics, Multinational Corporations, 1973
6	16		International Politics, National Council of the Churches of Christ Task 
			Force, 1967-1970
6	17		International Politics, Panama Canal Treaty, 1977
6	18		International Politics, Politics as a Theological Problem, undated
6	19		International Politics, Registration and Draft, 1971-1981
6	20		International Politics, Selective Conscientious Objection, 1968, 
6	21		International Politics, Theological Symbols of International order, 
6	22		International Politics, United Nations, undated
6	23		International Politics, World Peace, 1958-1959, undated
6	24		Lovin, Robin, Syllabi, 1979-1980
6	25		Manifestoes, undated
6	26		Marxist-Christian Dialogue, 1968, undated
6	27		Methodist Church, 1962-1970
6	28		Moltmann, Jurgen, 1990
6	29		National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., 1968
6	30		Natural Law, 1961-1962, undated
6	31		New Alliance Party, undated
6	32		New Christian Right, 1980-1982, undated
6	33		Nunn, Sam, 1964-1983
6	34		Peace and the Local Church, 1962-1991
6	35		Peace, Biblical and Theological Foundations, 1986, undated
6	36		Peace Bibliography, 1986, undated
6	37		Peace, Bishops’ Call for, 1971-1975	
6	38		Peace, Book Outline and Notes, undated
6	39		Peace, Comments on NCCC Task Force Statement, undated
6	40		Peace, Community Education Television Series, 1980
6	41		Peace Movements and Groups, 1986
6	42		Peace, Notes on United Methodist Bishops’ Pastoral Letter (“In 
			Defense of Creation,”) 1987	
6	43		Peace, Papers by AAR Religion, Peace, and War Group, 1987
6	44		Peace, Pastoral Leadership and Foreign Policy, 1987, undated
6	45		Peace, Pastors’ Peace Conference, 1981-1986
6	46		Peace Studies at Emory, 1976-1978
6	47		Peace Talks, B. W. Banks, 1987, undated
6	48		Peace, World Religions, 1986
6	49-50		Political Ethics, Essay, Correspondence with Glen Stassen, 1969-1975, 
6	51		Political Ethics, Ethics and Foreign Policy for ASCE, 1965-1972, 
6	52		Political Ethics, Potter, Ralph, 1972
6	53		Popper, Karl, 1969
6	54		Population Problems, 1969-1971, undated	
7	1		Poverty Lectures, 1965
7	2		Religion and the Bicentennial, 1976
7	3		Republican Propaganda, 1990
7	4		Rubenstein, Richard, 1967, undated
7	5		Sect Groups and Fundamentalism, 1959, undated
7	6		Secularism and Politics, undated
7	7		Student Interracial Ministry, 1966-1967
7	8		Talmadge, Herman, 1963-1977
7	9		Theology and Law, 1970-1974
7	10		Theology in the Americas, 1975
7	11		Trial of Jesus, undated
7	12		Urban Training Organization of Atlanta, 1967-1973
7	13		Vietnam, Addresses, 1969-1972
7	14		Vietnam, Amnesty, 1974-1976
7	15		Vietnam, Literature, 1966-1972
7	16		Vietnam, Literature re: Protest, 1968-1970, undated
7	17		Vietnam Moratorium, 1969, undated
7	18		Vietnam, Student-Faculty Forum, 1969
7	19		Violence and Revolution, 1970-1975, undated
7	20-22		Violence and Revolution, Articles, 1967-1976, undated		
7	23		Violence and Revolution, Bibliographies, 1970-1982
7	24		Violence and Revolution, Exodus, Notes, undated
7	25		Violence and Revolution, Latin American Liberation Theology, 1971-
7	26		Violence and Revolution, Latin American Liberation Theology 
			Lecture for Hawaii Chaplains, 1984
7	27		Violence and Revolution, Latin American Liberation Theology, 
			Lecture for Ministers’ Week, Notes, 1977
7	28		Violence and Revolution, Latin American Revolution, 1971, undated
7	29		Violence and Revolution, Notes, undated
7	30		Violence and Revolution, Revolution and History, undated
7	31		Violence and Revolution, Terrorism, 1979, undated
7	32		Violence and Revolution, Theology of Revolution, Notes, undated
7	33		Women’s Studies, 1977-1982, undated

			Series 4: Writings, 1951-1991, undated
7	34		“1948 Revolt of the Dixiecrats,” Paper, 1951
7	35		American National Biography Article on John C. Bennett, Research 
			Files, 1991
7	36		Biblical Faith and Ethical Revolution, Study Booklet, 1964
7	37		“Candler and the Racial Struggle: A Personal Reminiscence,” 1980
7	38-39		Christianity and Politics Papers, 1963-1976, undated		
7	40		Foreign Policy Is Your Business, Correspondence and Reviews, 1969-
8	1		Foreign Policy Is Your Business, Manuscript, undated
8	2		Foreign Policy Is Your Business, Chapter 1: Foreign Policy and 
			Christian Responsibility, undated
8	3		Foreign Policy Is Your Business, Chapter 2: The Whys and 
			Wherefores of International Conflict, undated
8	4		Foreign Policy Is Your Business, Limited War, undated
8	5		Foreign Policy Is Your Business, Notes, undated
8	6		“Modern War and the Pursuit of Peace,” Responses, undated
8	7		Papers, Notes, 1959-1963
8	8		Personal Writings, undated
8	9		“Political Authority and Revolution in Theological Perspective,” 
			Article and Correspondence, undated
8	10		“Political Revolution as a Theological Problem,” Paper, 1967
8	11		“Political Violence and Justification,” Paper, 1973
8	12		“The Public Religion and Religious-Civil Relationships in America,” 
			Article for Journal of Public Law, 1964
8	13		Quarterly Review, Review of Walzer, Johnson, and Geyer, 1983
8	14		“Reconciliation as Foreign Policy Method,” Paper, 1968
8	15		“Religion and Human Rights: A Mixed Record,” Ministry and Mission 
			Article, 1972
8	16-17		Spiritual Mobilization, Manuscript and Correspondence, 1950

			Series 5: Speaking Engagements, 1958-1988, undated
8	18		Addresses, 1958-1962
8	19		Addresses, Colleges and Wesley Fellowships, 1962-1964
8	20		All Saints Episcopal Lay Institute, 1988
8	21		Anderson Lectures, 1965
8	22		Christianity and Politics Talk, 1984
8	23		Dalton Junior College, “Education as a Social Equalizer,” 1977
8	24		Ethics and Politics, Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, 1970
8	25		Ethics Lectures, 1965, undated
8	26		Fort Bliss Chaplains, Workshop and Contemporary Theology, 1975
8	27		Glenn Memorial Untied Methodist Church, Family Night, 1971
8	28		Louisiana State University, 1984
8	29		“Making Ethical Decisions,” Oak Grove United Methodist Church, 
8	30		Milledgeville Wesley Foundation Weekend, 1961
8	31		Missouri Area Pastors’ School, 1973
8	32		Pastors’ Schools, 1966-1969
8	33		“Political Ethics of Anglo-Islamic Relations,” Rural Development 
			Center, Tifton, GA, 1980
8	34		Religion and Politics Adult Evening Course, 1961
8	35		Religious Emphasis Week, Louisiana State University, 1959-1960
8	36		St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 1987
8	37		St. Mark’s Methodist Student Groups, 1961
8	38		Seminars, 1965-1970
8	39		Speaking Engagements, 1965-1987
8	40		Speaking Engagements, Correspondence, 1970
8	41		“Theology and Politics,” Mississippi State University, 1966
8	42		Training School Addresses, 1962-1963
8	43		Virginia Conference Pastors’ Convocation, 1969
8	44		World Politics Discussion, 1959
			Series 6: Correspondence, 1960-1996
8	45-48		Correspondence, 1960-1991
8	49		Correspondence, 1993-1996

			Series 7: Conferences and Events, 1962-1990, undated
8	50-51		American Society of Christian Ethics, Papers, “Wars of National 
			Liberation,” 1966
8	52		Catholic Association for International Peace, Conference on Ethics 
			and International Politics, 1963
9	1		Chaplains’ Consultation, Fort Meade, IN, 1972-1973
9	2		Conference, Athens, Papers and Notes, undated
9	3		“Conscience, War, and the Church,” Action Consultation, 1970
9	4		Consultation on Urban Ministry, 1980
9	5		Duke Conference on Christianity and Politics, 1960
9	6		Ethics and Management Institute, 1980
9	7		Georgetown University Conference on Ethics and International 
			Politics, 1963
9	8		Georgia Regional Hospital Chaplains’ Advisory Committee, 1973-
9	9		Human Rights, American Enterprise Seminar Institute Papers, 1981
9	10-11		Human Rights, Emory Symposium, 1981-1982		
9	12		Indiana University, Fort Wayne Seminar on Areas of Power Judgment 
			Affecting U.S. Foreign Policy, 1969
9	13		Institute for Servant Leadership, 1984-1990
9	14		Institute on Public Education and Religion, 1963-1964
9	15		Interdenominational Theological Center, Conference on Church 
			Union, 1974-1975
9	16		Morality of War and the Search for Peace, Conference, 1967-1968
9	17		National Council of the Churches of Christ, “Points at Issue Between 
			Black and White Theologies,” 1973-1975
9	18		Peace Academy, 1978, undated
9	19		Religious Dimensions of American Constitutionalism Conference, 
9	20		St. Joseph’s College Conference on War and Peace, 1968
9	21		S.C.E. Meeting, Politics of Revolution, 1981 January
9	22-23		Schweitzer Colloquium, Violence and Values, 1974
9	24		Space Ethics Conference, 1972
9	25		University of Denver Seminar on Ethics and U.S. National Policy, 
9	26		United States Institute of Peace, Workshop on Morality and Foreign 
			Policy, 1987-1989
9	27		World Council of Churches Consultation on Violence, Nonviolence, 
			and the Struggle for Social Justice, 1972

			Series 8: Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1962-1989, 
9	28		Annual Reports and Other Materials, 1966-1971
9	29		Conference on Christian Approaches to Defense and Disarmament, 
9	30		Conference on Christian Approaches to Defense and Disarmament, 
			Papers on Revolution, 1966
9	31-32		Conference Papers on Intervention, 1964-1966		
9	33		Consultation on Korea for Directors of Continuing Education for 
			Ministry, 1975-1976
9	34-35		Consultations, 1967-1972		
9	36-37		Correspondence, 1967-1980
9	38		Correspondence, Papers, and Other Materials, 1962-1964
10	1		Disarmament, 1976
10	2		Limited War, 1968-1969
10	3		Morality, War, and National Policy, Seminar, 1968
10	4		The Multi-National Corporation and the Ethics of Liberation in Latin 
			America, Consultation for Social Ethicists, 1973
10	5		Novack, Michael, “The Category ‘Story’ in Politics, Response by 
			Weber, 1970-1971
10	6		Paige, Gordon, The Korean Decision, Analysis, 1973
10	7		Peace Research, 1970
10	8		Stetson University Seminar, 1969
10	9-10		Study Group Papers, 1968-1971		
10	11		Study Group, “The Nature of a Moral Decision in Foreign Policy,” 
10	12		Study Group, Theology and International Relations, 1968-1974
10	13		Worldview Correspondence, 1975-1983

Last Modified: 2007 October 29