Papers, 1951-2002.


EXTENT:  4.73 cubic ft. (11 legal size archives boxes, one archives box)

ACCESS: Unrestricted

REPRODUCTION: All requests subject to limitations noted in departmental policies on reproduction.

COPYRIGHT: Information on copyright (literary rights) available from repository.

CITATION:  [identification of item(s)], James M. Gustafson Papers, MSS 256, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University. 

Biographical Note

James Moody Gustafson was born December 2, 1925, in Norway, Michigan to John O. (a minister), and Edith (Moody) Gustafson.  He attended North Park Junior College from 1942 to 1943.  From 1944 to 1946 he was in the U.S. Army, and served in the Corps of Engineers in Burma and India.  Gustafson received his B.S. degree from Northwestern University in 1948, a B.D. from Chicago Theological Seminary and University of Chicago in 1951, and a Ph.D. from Yale University in 1955.

He was ordained in the United Church of Christ in 1951 and served as pastor in Northford, Connecticut from 1951 to 1954.  During 1954-1955 he was the assistant director of a Carnegie Foundation funded study of Protestant Theological Education in America, directed by H. Richard Niebuhr.  He became an instructor at Yale University in 1955 and served on the faculty for seventeen years, both in the Divinity School and the Department of Religious Studies.  Gustafson moved to the University of Chicago in 1972, where he was a professor of theological ethics in the Divinity School and served on the Committee on Social Thought.  In 1988 he became the Henry R. Luce Professor of Humanities and Comparative Studies at Emory University where his primary responsibility was to conduct seminars for faculty members from all schools and departments.  Before retiring in 1998 after 43 years of teaching and research, he was Woodruff Professor of Comparative Studies and of Religion.

In addition to his teaching career, James Gustafson authored twelve books, co-authored and edited several more, and published scores of articles in journals in the United States and abroad, mainly in the area of ethics -- theological and applied.  His principal systematic work is Ethics from a Theocentric Perspective, 2 vols., University of Chicago Press, 1981 and 1984.  He was twice a Guggenheim fellow.  He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in which he served as an officer, and has received more than ten honorary degrees, including one from Uppsala University in Sweden.

Gustafson married Louise Roos on September 3, 1947.  They have four children.  He now resides in Rio Rancho, New Mexico.

(Source: Contemporary Authors Online.  The Gale Group, 2001; and biographical information provided by James M. Gustafson)

 Scope and Content Note

This collection consists primarily of writings by and about James M. Gustafson.  The writings include Gustafson's published journal articles, unpublished manuscripts, dissertations, term papers, and some sermons.  Reviews and correspondence regarding Gustafson's books are also included.  There are several folders pertaining to Ethics from a Theocentric Perspective, which was published in the early 1980s.  Gustafson also collected published and manuscript critiques and responses to his writings and theories.  The bulk of the material pertains to his research and writing in the study of ethics, both theological and applied.

The collection also contains syllabi and lecture notes for courses taught by Professor Gustafson at Yale University, the University of Chicago, and Emory University.

Box     Folder  Description                                     Date

1	1	Correspondence and misc. - Washington 
		  and Lee Symposium,				1985
1 	2	Letters to authors of Festchrift article	1997
1	3	Letters at Festschrift time			1997
1	4	SCE [Society of Christian Ethics]		1997
12	1	Correspondence					1953-2002

		Course material:
1	5	Course syllabi - Yale 				1956-1966
1	6	Course syllabi - Yale				1956-1966
1	7	Course syllabi - University of Chicago		1974-1987
1	8	Course syllabi - Emory				1988-1994
		Lecture notes - Christian ethics - Yale:
2	1		Christian ethics, 1963-64		1962-1964
2	2		Christian ethics lectures, First term	1962-1965
2	3		Christian ethics lectures, 2nd term	1965-1967
2	4		Rel. 220				1962-1969
2	5		Rel. 220				1969-1970
2	6		Rel. 220				1969-1970
		Lecture notes - Chicago:
2	7		CT 345 System[atic] Christian ethics	1973
2	8		Catholics and Prot ethics		1973
2	9		Uses of  scripture course CT 352	1974
2	10		Jewish ethics, Winter '75		1975
2	11		CT 306 Intro to Christian ethics	1978
3	1		History of Christian social thought	1981
3	2		[Introduction to theological ethics]	1983-1987
3	3		Intro to theol ethics [sic]		1987

		Lectures and Presentations:
12	2	Miscellaneous Presentations			1953-1966
12	3	Post-Retirement Lectures			2001-2004
12	4	Warfield Lectures				2002

		Writings by Gustafson:
3	4-20		Articles				1951-1969
4			Articles				1970-1987
5			Articles				1988-2002
5	14		Bibliography				1951-2002	
6	1-5		Book reviews				1953-1997
6	6		Dissertation: Max Weber's methodology,
				Chicago Theological Seminary	1951		
6	7		Dissertation: Community and time in the
				Christian church, Yale 
				University 			1955
6	8		Theological Education in America 
				bulletins			1954-1955
		Unpublished manuscripts:
12	6		Critique of Nguyen's Agape and Eros	1948
12	7		An Analysis of the Writings of Gerrard
				Winstanley			1950
12	8		A Christological Statement		1950
12	9		John Dewey and D.C. Macintosh: A Study 
				in Liberalism			1950
12	10		Max Weber's Interpretation of Calvin	1951
12	11		Puritanism and Calvinism in the 
				American Scene			1951
12	12		Ritschl's Theory of Religion and 
				Culture				1951
12	13		Religion and the Intellectuals in 
				America [research proposal and 
				bibliography prepared for H.R. 
				Niehbuhr as part of
				Ph.D. exams]			1953
7	1		A working paper. . . for a 
				consultation sponsored by the 
				Institute of Ethics and
				Politics, Inc.			1954 or 1955
7	2		Toronto YWCA				1956
7	3		Authority in puritan and congregational 
				church order; A study in the 
				problem of authority in 
				congregational church-order	1957
7	4		Lordship of Christ in the world		1958
7	5		Theology of the Niebuhr brothers	1959
7	6		Discussion paper on Tillich's "The 
				spiritual and theological 
				foundations of pastoral care"	ca. 1950s
7	7		Christian self-denial in an affluent 
				society				1963
7	8		UTS lectures: "Divergence and consensus 
				in moral theology		1964
7	9		Critique of two aspects of the view of 
				religion and western society 
				found in Weber and Parsons	1965
7	10		Freedom and virtue			1965
7	11		Keeping faith: race relations as a 
				human problem			1965
7	12		The protestant ethic today		1965
7	13		Ethicists and activists: relations 
				between the academic and 
				practical orders		1968
7	14		Ethics and experimentation		1969
7	15		Ethics and experimentation: "Some 
				propositions for discussion"	1969
7	16		Yale National Alumni Convocation	1969
7	17		Ethical and theological issues in 
				informal consent		1970
7	18		Marriage: Its contemporary meaning	1970
7	19		The university as a community of moral
				discourse			1971
7	20		The issues in biology: is biological 
				technology manipulative?	1972
7	21		Report of the committee on philanthropy 
				and the university [of Chicago]	1974
7	22		Vancouver, B.C. workshop: Minister as 
				moral counselor and minister as 
				leader of moral discourse	1975
7	23		The nature of the ministry from a 
				reformed perspective		1979
7	24		Spirituality and morality		1979
7	25		A dialogue about the corporate leader 
				and the ethical resources of 
				religion			1980
7	26		Dialogue on income and wealth differences 
				in a market economy		1980
7	27		Man in the universe: a critique of 
				theology and ethics		1980
7	28		Ecumenism and ethical methodology: the
				theological choice		1981
8	1		Problems and possibilities of 
				comparative religious ethics	1981
8	2		The professions: responsible to whom? 
				for what?			1981
8	3		If it ain't local, it ain't real	1982
8	4		Matthew 5:21ff.: some ethical 
				interpretations			1982
8	5		Piety and morality			1982
8	6		The church, the university and moral 
				discourse			1983
8	7		The limits of human flourishing		1984
8	8		Patterns of moral choice: an assessment
				Coe College lectures		1984
8	9		Persons in relations: a critique of 
				some medical ethics		1984
8	10		Hiram College lectures: Issues in 
				contemporary ethics		1985
8	11		The recovery of our creatureliness	1986
8	12		An analysis of church and society 
				social ethical writings		1987
8	13		Doing theology and ethics in a 
				university context		1987
8	14		Uppsala University job			1987
8	15		Uppsala University job			1987
8	16		Varieties of moral discourse: 
				prophetic, narrative, ethical 
				and policy			1987
8	17		Waits consultation on university 
				divinity schools		1987
8	18		Trust/doubt: the thin wedge of 
				intellectual life		1988
8	19		Jim Fowler's seminar	1989
8	20		Human being/being human	1989
8	21		Lecture for Clark-Atlanta University	1989
9	1		Ethics: a growth industry	1990
9	2		Center and periphery: on being called	1991
9	3		Nazi doctors symposium	1992
9	4		In honor of Bobby Paul	1993
9	5		Gustafson for Cahill	1994
9	6		Religious beliefs: why they matter	1994
9	7		The human, the humane, the humanities	1996
9	8		Roman Catholic influences on protestant 
				ethics				1996
9	9		Explaining and valuing the human: where 
				science	and humanities meet; 
				The human: where disciplines 
				meet				1996-1997
9	10		Particularity/universality: 
				retrospective tracking of a 
				career				1997
9	11		Unpublished manuscripts			undated
9	12		Unpublished manuscripts:  Sermons	1972-1985
9	13		Unpublished manuscripts:  Sermons	1986-1997

			Writings about Gustafson:
			Book reviews and correspondence:
9	14		  Treasure in earthen vessels		1961-1963
9	15		  Christ and the moral life		1968-1970
10	1		  The church as moral decision-
			    maker				1970-1972
10	2		  Christian ethics and the community	1972-1973
10	3		  Theology and Christian ethics		1974-1976
10	4		  Can ethics be Christian?		1975-1978
10	5		  Protestant and Roman Catholic ethics	1978-1981
			  Ethics from a theocentric perspective 
10	6		    Pre-publication correspondence	1980-1992
10	7		    Letters, etc.			1981-1984, 1990
10	8		    Reviews, Vol. 1			1982-1986
10	9		    Reviews, Vol. 2			1985-1987
10	10		  A sense of the divine			1995-1997
10	11		  Intersections: science, theology and 
				ethics				1996-1997
11	1		Published and manuscript responses	1958-1968
11	2		Published and manuscript responses	1983-1989
11	3		Published and manuscript responses	1990-1993
11	4		Published and manuscript responses	1994-1997
11	5		Published and manuscript responses	undated
11	6		Emory Magazine article on Gustafson	1989
12	14		Capetz, Paul E.  "Theocentric Piety 
			  and Revisionist Theology: Gustafson's 
   			  Development of the Reformed 
			  Tradition"				undated

Last Modified: 02/01/2006