BRAUN, HERBERT, 1903-  .
Papers, 1947-1986.


EXTENT:  1.4 cubic ft. (4 letter archives boxes)

ACCESS: Unrestricted.  [Stored off site.  Forty eight hours advance notice required to access collection.]

REPRODUCTION: All requests subject to limitations noted in departmental policies on reproduction.

COPYRIGHT: Information on copyright (literary rights) available from repository.

CITATION:  Herbert Braun Papers, MSS 185, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University.

Biographical Note

Herbert Braun was born in Warlubien, West Prussia in 1903.  He studied theology in Königsberg, Rostock, and Tübingen.  Among the major influences upon his theological thought were the works of Luther, Kant, Kierkegaard, and K. Barth.  He eventually became a pastor in East Prussia and was later imprisoned in 1937 for resisting the Nazis.  After the war, he served as a pastor in Magdeburg (1946-47), a professor at the Kirchlich Hochschule in Berlin (1947-52), and a professor in Mainz.  He continued to teach even after his retirement.

Braun focused on two major issues in his work: (1) the relationship of the New Testament to the pagan and Jewish Hellenistic environment in which it originated and (2) the question of meaning in the interpretation of texts.  His publications included Spätjüdischhäretischer und frühchristlicher Radikalismus, Qumran und das Neue Testament, and Jesus of Nazareth: The Man and His Time.

Scope and Content Note

The collection consists mainly of Braun's lecture and research notes.  The topics covered consist mainly of various Biblical books and the history of early Christianity.  The notes are grouped together under the subject headings which Braun himself gave them.  Braun sometimes included correspondence relevant to the topic concerned among his notes.  Also mingled in with the notes are what appear to be class rolls.

In addition to Braun's lecture and research notes, the collection also includes many of his published sermons and articles, several of which were printed in Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche, and a large number of typed sermons.  Also of note in the collection is a published pamphlet written by Hermann Dembowski, author of Grundfragen der Christologie, erörert am Problem der Herrschaft Jesu Christi.  Braun grouped this pamphlet with other papers under the heading "Disputatio."

The majority of the collection is written in German, but there is at least one article written in English.  There are also numerous lengthy passages in Greek and a few in Hebrew.

Box    Folder   Description                                     Dates
                Lecture/Research Notes
1       1       Abot                                            1958-1982
1       2       Acta [Acts]                                     1952-1969
1       3       Acta [Acts]                                     n.d.
1       4       Acta [Acts]                                     n.d.
1       5       Aristeas                                        1966-1967
1       6       Auferstehung                                    1966
1       7       Der barmherzige Samariter                       1953-1973
4       15      Christologie [Christology]                      1956-1961, undated.
1       8       Einleitung N.T.                                 [196-?]
1       9       Einleitung N.T.                                 [196-?]
1       10      Entstehung des Christentums, Christologie       n.d.
1       11      Epheserbrief & Kolosserbrief [Ephesians and
                   Colossians]                                  1947-1951
1       12      Essener Seminar                                 1957
1       13      Galater [Galatians]                             1960-1970
1       14      Gericht und Rechtfertigung bei Paulus           1961-1966
1       15      Glaube im N.T.                                  1958
1       16      [Greek passages]                                n.d.
1       17      Hellenisticum Die Essenerberichte bei Josephus  1982
2       1       Hellenisticum Epiktet                           1952-1985
2       2       Hellenisticum I Qp Hab II u. Philostrat
                   vita Apoll VII                               1952
2       3       Hellenisticum Joseph Aseneth                    1974-1979
2       4       Hellenisticum Mandäer                           1951-1984
2       5       Hellenisticum Plutarch De superstitione         1953-1970
2       6       Johannes Evangelium [the Gospel of John]        1960, 1967-1969
2       7       Johannes Evangelium [the Gospel of John]        1960, 1967-1969
4       16      Die Johannesbriefe [The Johannine Letters]      1952-1969, undated.
2       8       Kanongeschichte                                 1958
2       9       Kanongeschichte                                 1958-1960
2       10      I Korinther [I Corinthians]                     [196-?]
2       11      II Korinther [II Corinthians]                   n.d.
2       12      II Korinther [II Corinthians]                   n.d.
2       13      Lucian Peregrinus                               1958-1980
2       14      Lukian Philopsendes                             1978-1986
2       15      LXX                                             n.d.
2       16      Manual of discipline                            1951-954
2       17      Oden Salomos [Song of Solomon]                  1983
2       18      Passion                                         1954-1968
2       19      Passion                                         1954-1968
3       1       Philipperbrief [Philippians]                    1962
3       2       Philo                                           1971
3       3       Philo De opificio mundi                         1972
3       4       Philostrat Vita Apollonii                       1957-1984
3       5       "Planao" Seminar                                1953
3       6       Plutarch Vita Apollonii                         1975
3       7       Proseminar Synoptische Texte                    1956
3       8       Psalmen Salomos [Psalms of Solomon]             1965-1981
3       9       Qumran Apokalypsen                              n.d.
3       10      Römer [Romans]                                  1961-1963
3       11      Römer [Romans]                                  n.d.
3       12      Römer [Romans]                                  n.d.
3       13      Semitisticum Habpescher                         1966-1967
3       14      Semitistikum Messianische Texte aus Qumran      [1966?]
3       15      Stirb und Werde                                 1956-1957
3       16      Synlogien                                       1956-1975
3       17      Synoptische Gleichnisse                         1967
3       18      Synoptische Wundergeschichten                   1949-1959
3       19      Text N.T.                                       n.d.
3       20      Thessalonicher [Thessalonians]                  n.d.
3       21      Weihnachten                                     1963-1964
4       1       [Published sermons and articles]                1940-1950      
4       2       [Published sermons and articles]                1951-1953
4       3       [Published sermons and articles]                1953-1957
4       4       [Published sermons and articles]                1957-1958
4       5       [Published sermons and articles]                1958-1960
4       6       [Published sermons and articles]                1961-1967
4       7       [Published sermons and articles]                1969-1971, n.d.
4       8       [Typed sermons]                                 1948-1967
4       9       [Typed sermons]                                 1967-1972, n.d.

4       10      [Letter to congregation members from] Drengfurt
                   [and] Lamgarben                              1948
4       11      [Bibliography]                                  1963
4       12      ["Disputatio" on the occasion of his 80th
                   birthday]                                    1981-1983
4       13      ["Disputatio" on the occasion of his 80th
                   birthday]                                    1983
4       14      Abschiedsreden                                  n.d.

Last Modified: 04/01/2016