A treatise of the observation of days and of the true
Christian Sabbath, [17-] - [18--]
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CITATION: William Brewer A treatise of the observation of days and of the true Christian Sabbath, MSS 146, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University.
No information was located concerning William Brewer.
This text argues against the strict observance of the weekly Sabbath, as indicated in the Old Testament. Brewer contends that the relationship between God and Humanity, honored by the weekly observance of God's day of rest, was fundamentally altered by the coming of Christ. Just as the dietary laws of Judaism did not apply to the Gentile converts to Christianity, so the weekly Sabbath does not apply to Christians. Noting the absence of New Testament references to the Sabbath, Brewer suggests Christians should observe those anniversaries of Christ's birth, death, and resurrection.
The date of composition is uncertain, placed between the late Seventeenth
and early Eighteenth Centuries. It is written in ink with a distinct
change in handwriting between pages 17-24, where it resumes the original
style. There are several biblical citations in English, as well as
Greek and Latin. These are noted in the margins of each page.