Papers, 1882-1928.


EXTENT:  2.5 cubic ft. (5 legal-size archives boxes and 1 oversize folder in separate oversize box)

ACCESS: Unrestricted

REPRODUCTION: All requests subject to limitations noted in departmental policies on reproduction.

COPYRIGHT: Information on copyright (literary rights) available from repository.

CITATION:  Samuel Robinson Belk Papers, MSS 101, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University. 

Biographical Note

Samuel Robinson Belk was born in Waxhaw, North Carolina, on March 21, 1859.  He was the son of John Wesley and Elizabeth McCain Belk.  He was educated at Jackson Forest Academy, received an A.B. degree from Rutherford College in North Carolina in 1882 and an M.A. degree, also from Rutherford, in 1892.  In 1909 he was awarded a D.D. from the University of Georgia.

In 1884 Belk was given his license to preach.  He was admitted on probation to the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South (M.E.C.S.), where he served the Carver's Creek Circuit from 1885-1886.  Belk married Joanna Catherine Council on June 3, 1886.  The couple had five children: two sons, Paul and Samuel, and three daughters, Mary, Lee, and Ruth.

Belk was ordained as an elder in the M.E.C.S. in 1888 and was sent to serve a congregation in Pueblo, Colorado.  In 1889 he returned to the North Georgia Conference where he served for the next 38 years.  His charges included Villa Rica (1890); Payne Memorial (1891-1892); First Church, Gainesville (1893-1894); First Church, Rome (1895-1898); Elberton (1899-1900); Marietta (1901-1902); St. James, Augusta (1903-1906); St. Mark, Atlanta (1907-1910); Park Street, Atlanta (1911-1913); First Church, Athens (1917-1918); Trinity, Atlanta (1919-1924); and Grace, Atlanta (1925-1928).  He served as presiding elder of the Gainesville district from 1914 through 1916.

The Reverend Belk served as a trustee of Wesleyan College, La Grange College, and Young Harris College.  He died on May 25, 1928, while attending a trustee's meeting at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. 

Scope and Content Note

The bulk of this collection consists of the Reverend Samuel Robinson Belk's sermons and lectures.  It includes one paper written in 1882 while Belk was a student at Rutherford College, and one loose sermon that dates from Belk's early service in the North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.  The rest were recorded in bound journals between the years 1887 and 1924.  Some volumes contain sermons and lectures on a variety of topics including prohibition, Sunday Schools, Methodism, and regeneration.  Other volumes contain sermons or lectures focused on a particular theme.  Subjects in these volumes include revival sermons, missionary sermons, people of the Bible, sermons on the Sabbath, and many others.  Each volume has a table of contents.  At the end of each entry are Scripture references, a date, and a place name.  Most entries are dated in chronological order.  Some volumes contain prefaces.

Other items written by Belk include an unidentified manuscript (ca. 1880) and a volume of prayers written in 1921 for his wife and children.  Miscellaneous materials include a brief biographical sketch of Belk written by his granddaughter, Joanna Johnson; a memorial to Dora Rankin, missionary to China, written by Belk's wife, Catherine Council Belk; genealogies of the Belk and Council families; two photographs of Samuel Robinson Belk, and photocopies of Belk family photographs.

This collection is arranged by type of material and, where possible, chronologically thereunder. 



1/1               Biographical Sketch by Joanna Johnson, 1989.

1/2               "Our Republic," Rutherford College, 1882.

1/3               Sermon, "Repentance," Luke 13:5, November 19, 1885.

1/4               Sermons:
                          "The Ascension," Acts 1:11, April 13, 1887, page 3;
                          "A Lecture: Woman Her Sphere and Influence,"   Genesis 2:21-24, May 20, 1887, page 27;
                          "Methodism, as to Doctrine, Policy and Spirit, a  True Apostolic Church,"
                                Galatians 3:8, 9, 25-29,  August 15, 1887, page 57;
                          "The Prayer of Inquiry," Acts 9:6,  August 20, 1887, page 89;
                          The Punishment of the Wicked," Psalms, 9:17, August 24, 1887, page 109;
                          "Christ the way, the truth and the life,"  St. John 14:6, August 26, 1887, page 129;
                          "Messiah's Kingdom," Daniel 2:44-45,  September 7, 1887, page 147;
                          "The Balm of Gilead: or Great Physician,"  Jeremiah 8:22, September 15, 1887, page 177;
                          "The Marks of Conversion," Matthew 18:3,  September 30, 1887, page 199;
                          "A Lecture: An Indictment against the Liquor Traffic,"  Proverbs 23:20-21,
                                Proverb 23:29-32, Habakkuk 2:15, Proverbs 20:1, Galatians 6:7,
                                October 21, 1887, page 221;
                           "The Mansion Built Home," John 14:2,  November 16, 1887, page 251;
                           "The Storied Song of the Angels," Luke 2:10-14,  December 24, 1887, page 281;
                           "The Lord's Prayer," Matthew 6:9-13, January 21, 1888, page 305;
                            A Invocation after Marriage, May 10, 1888, page 327;
                            A Prayer, February 15, 1888, page 329.

1/5            Sermons:
                          "A Defense of Prohibition," April 3, 1889, page 7;
                          "Some Invincible Arguments for Prohibition," April 17, 1891, page 47;
                          "The Resurrection of the Body," I Corinthians 15:35, March 24, 1888, page 51;
                          "Honor the Lord with Thy Substance," Proverbs 3:9-10, August 14, 1888, page 81;
                          "The Reasons why men reject Christianity: and the difficulties in the way of  accepting it,"
                                Isaiah 1:18, June 20, 1888, page 111;
                          "Look Unto Me and be Ye Saved," Isaiah 45:22 [Numbers 21:8-9, Psalms 22-27,
                                John 3:14-15, Acts 4-12], March 20, 1889, page 147;
                          "Regeneration," John 3:7, October 6, 1888, page 175;
                          "Future Happiness," I Corinthians 2:9, July 6, 1888, page 201;
                          A Prayer at Commencement, n.d., page 231;
                          A Prayer for Consecration, March 1, 1889, page 235.

1/6            Sermons:
                          "A Woman, Her Sphere and Influence," Genesis 2:21-24, July 15, 1891
                                (August 5, 1891), page 5;
                          "A Lecture on Sunday Schools: the qualifications and duties of a Sunday School
                                Teacher, Ephesians 4:11-12,  August 19, 1893, page 65.

1/7            Lectures:
                          "The Marvelous Marvels of the Great West," March 30, 1892, page 3;
                          "The Kings of Wit and Humor," February 2, 1893, page 73.

1/8            Sermons:
                          "On Which Side do you Stand?," Exodus 32:26, February 15, 1894, page 9;
                          "The Choice of Good and Evil," Joshua 24:15, March 2, 1894, page 45;
                          "Halting between two opinions," I Kings 18:21, March 22, 1894, page 81;
                          "The Calls of God," Proverbs 1:24-26, June 25, 1894, page 113;
                          "The Road to Ruin and Death," Ezekiel 33:11, September 15, 1894, page 147;
                          "Preparation for Meeting God," Amos 4:12, May 10, 1895, page 181;
                          "Death, the Wages of Sin," Romans 6:23, March 15, 1895, page 211;
                          "Sowing and Reaping," Galatians 6:7-8, April 1, 1895, page 241;
                          "Christ's mission among men," I Timothy 1:15, June 25, 1895, page 273;
                          "The Great Salvation!," Hebrews 2:3, July 4, 1895, page 307.
                          A Prayer for the Spirits Presence, March 21, 1896, page 337;
                          "Christ knocking at doors," Revelations 3:20, December 12, 1895, page 341;
                          Christmas Prayer, n.d., page 370;
                          "The heavenly invitations!," Revelation 22-21, January 23, 1896, page 375;
                          New Year Prayer, January 1, 1896, page 398.

1/9            Sermons:
                          "The Influence and Mission of Womanhood," May 24, 1895;
                          "Muscle, Mind and Manhood," I Kings 2:2, May 20, 1896.

1/10            Sermons:
                          "Muscle, Mind and Manhood," June 30, 1896;
                          House Mission Sermon: "Help these women which laboured with me in the
                                gospel,"  Philippians 4:3, October 16, 1898.

2/1                Sermons:
                          "Love the Supreme Law," Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18,
                                January 9, 1896, page 5;
                          "Pray without Ceasing," I Thessalonians 5:17, February 14, 1896, page 39;
                          A Prayer for the praying spirit, n.d., page 61;
                          "Search the Scriptures," John 6[5]:39, February 25, 1896, page 65;
                          A Prayer for Bible Reading, n.d., page 91;
                          "Preach the Word," II Timothy 4:2, March 4, 1896, page 95;
                          "The Secret of Happiness," I Timothy 6:6, March 26, 1896, page 121;
                          "Push, Pluck and Perseverance," Ecclesiastes 9:10, April 28, 1896, page 145;
                          "Idleness, Dishonesty, and Murders Promation[?]," II Samuel 18:32,
                                June 2, 1896,  page 171.

2/2                Sermons:
                          "The Christian's Inheritance," Hebrews 4:9, November 17, 1896, page 7;
                          A Prayer, May 18, 1897, page 43;
                          "The Ideal Christian," I Thessalonians 5:23, May 13, 1897, page 49;
                          "Heavenly Insurance," Psalms 37:3 February 1, 1897, page 79;
                          A Prayer, January 25, 1898, page 107;
                          "The Elements of Success," Philippians 4:11, February 10, 1897, page 113;
                          "How we May Honor God," I Samuel 2:35, May 23, 1897, page 147;
                          "Growth in Grace," II Peter 3:18, February 25, 1897, page 177;
                          "Christ's Perfect Humanity," Matthew 22:42, March 4, 1897, page 207;
                          "Symbols of the Church," Numbers 10-29, March 12, 1897, page 237.

2/3                 Sermons:
                          "Abraham the Friend of God," Genesis 18-19, December 21, 1896, page 9;
                          "Moses, the Law Giver," Hebrew 11:24-27 June 7, 1997,  page 41;
                          "David, the poet, priest and King," Samuel 16:13 and Samuel 17:45,
                                February 28, 1898, page 75;
                          "Jonah, First Missionary," Jonah 1:2-3, July 7, 1897, page 111;
                          "Daniel, the Prophet," Daniel 1:8 and 12:13, June 25, 1897, page 145;
                          "Peter, the Outspoken Apostle," Matthew 16:18, October 7, 1897, page 175;
                          "John, the Beloved Disciple," I John 4:7-8, October 10, 1900, page 205;
                          "Judas, the Traitor!," Matthew 27:5, October 25, 1900, page 235;
                          "Paul, the Philosopher," I Corinthians 3:21, November 13, 1900, page 259;
                          "Christ and the Sacrament," Luke 22:19, (Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-4
                                and I Corinthians 11:23-34), August 1 1906, page 279.

2/4                Sermons:
                          "Responsibility," Matthew 12:36,  May 29, 1897, page 5;
                          "How can the Church be made more Spiritual," Titus 2:11-14,
                                February 4, 1898, page 43;
                          "Riches without Money," Luke 12-15, March 1, 1898, page 75;
                          "A Sublime Purpose in Life," Philippians 3:13-14, March 9, 1898, page 105;
                          "Death, the Way to Life," Galatians 2:20, July 19, 1898, page 137;
                          "Idleness and Industry," II Thessalonians 3:10, March 25, 1898, page 171;
                          "Christ and the Resurrection," I Corinthians 15:13-14 April 5, 1898, page 195;
                          "Without God in the World," Ephesians 2:12, September 21,1898, page 225.

2/5                 Talks on Methodism:
                          "Methodism in England," Isaiah 60:22, October 21, 1898, page 5;
                          "Methodism in America," Leviticus 26:8, November 8, 1898, page 31.

2/6                Sermons and Talks:
                          "The Philosophy of Little Kings," Matthew 10:42, February 24, 1902, page 3;
                          "The Opportunities of Life," Galatians 6:10, March 5, 1902, page 23;
                          "The Blessings of Cheerfulness," John 16:33, May 20, 1902, page 43;
                          "Walking with God," Hebrews 11:5, October 9, 1902, page 65;
                          "The Christian's Inheritance," Hebrews 4:9, October 2, 1902, page 89;
                          "The Blessings of Affliction," II Corinthians 4:17, June 13, 1905, page 105;
                          "The Power of Music," Psalm 95:1, August 5, 1903, page 125;
                          New Year's Sermon - 1905, December 28, 1904, page 135.

2/7                 Sermons and Talks:
                          "The Crest of the Continent," February 16, 1903;
                          "The Sunday School, the Teacher, the Pupil, March 16, 1903;
                          "The Secret of a successful and happy Life, Timothy 6:6, May 27, 1903.

3/1                Sermons and Talks:
                          "The Crest of the Continent," March 7, 1903;
                          "Christian Insurance," Psalms 37:3, September 30, 1903;
                          "Love the Supreme Law," Luke 10:27, June 11, 1903;
                          "The Boys and Girls in the Streets," Zechariah 8:5, June 28, 1903.

3/2                Talks:
                          "The Crest of the Continent," October 21, 1903.
                          "Laughter and Sunshine," February 15, 1906.

3/3                Sermons, the great women of the Bible:
                          "Eve, the Mother of Humanity," Genesis 2:18, 24, March 1, 1904, page 3;
                          "Rebekah, the Wife of Isaac," Genesis 24:58, March 12, 1904, page 21;
                          "Deborah, the Leader," Judges 4:14, May 12, 1904, page 45;
                          "Ruth, the Opportunity Taker," Ruth 1:16-17, July 26, 1909, page 65;
                          "Hannah, the Opportunity Maker," I Samuel 1:28, May 26, 1904, page 85;
                          "The Queen of Sheba, the Wisdom Seeker," I Kings 10:7, June 30, 1904, page 101;
                          "Mary, the Generous Hearted," John 12:3, September 28, 1905, page 181;
                          "Esther, the Power of Moral Courage," Esther 4:16, July 15, 1909, page 281;
                          Lessons from the Book of Esther, page 300.

3/4                Sermons on Bible Doctrines:
                          "Repentance," Matthew 4:17 and Luke 13:3, January 19, 1905;
                          "Justification by Faith," Romans 5:1, January 26, 1905;
                          "Regeneration," John 1:12-13, February 8, 1905;
                          "The Witness of the Spirit," Galatians 4:6, May 24, 1905;
                          "Sanctification," I Thessalonians 5:23, June 7,1905.

3/5                Sermons on the Sabbath:
                          "The Sabbath, a Day of Rest," Exodus 20:8-11 and Mark 2:27
                                (Matthew 12:11-12), June 5, 1905;
                          "The Church of God," Psalms 48:12-14 (Matthew 16-18), July 18, 1905;
                          "The Lord's Right to our Substance," Proverbs 3:9-10, August 9,1905;
                          "The Value of the Soul," Matthew 16:26, February 2, 1906;
                          "The Shepherd Psalms," Psalms 23:1-6, March 20, 1906.

3/6                Sermons:
                          "Manhood," February 5, 1905;
                          "Home Missions," Luke 4:18-19 (Isaiah 61:1-3), October 12, 1906;
                          "The Rainbow in the Clouds," Genesis 9:13, October 5, 1907;
                          "Look to Christ for Salvation," Isaiah 45:22, June 23, 1908.

3/7                Sermons:
                          "Four things that Determine Destiny," Exodus 20:5-6, Proverbs 13:20,
                                Philippians 3:13-14 and John 1:9, December 20, 1905;
                          "Seven things that help to make men," Ephesians 4:11-18, January 3, 1906;
                          "Man a Trinity of Trinities," Psalms 139:14, January 12, 1906;
                          "Pit-falls along the Path of Life," Psalms 55:23, January 23, 1906;
                          "Stepping Stones to the Kingdom," II Peter 1:5-7, January 30, 1906;
                          "Mountains that must be crossed," Matthew 7:13-14, March 15, 1906;
                          "The Christian Life," II Timothy 4:6-8, July 25, 1906.

3/8                 Sermons, Beacon Lights of the Bible:
                          "Adam, the First Man," Genesis 1:27, 2:7, August 9, 1906;
                          "Noah, the Ark Builder," Genesis 6-9, September 12, 1906;
                          "Caleb, the Courageous," Numbers 13:30, October 5, 1906;
                          "Gideon, the Leader," Judges 7:20 n.d. [incomplete]
                          "Sampson, the Pugilist," Judges 16:20, January 20, 1909.

3/9                 Special Sermons:
                          "Growth in Grace," II Peter 3:18, March 7, 1907;
                          "The Christian Life," Galatians 2:20, October 24, 1907;
                          "The Use of the Talents," Matthew 25:14-30, July 25, 1907;
                          "Heavy Burdens Made Light," Psalms 55:22, September 11, 1907;
                          "The Credentials of Christianity," Matthew 11:5, August 29, 1907;
                          "How the Church is Represented," I Corinthians 12:27, July 21, 1908.

3/10             Special Sermons:
                          "God is Love," John 4:16, May 28, 1908;
                          "The Three Laws of Love," I John 4:7-8, September 18, 1907;
                          "The Value of Character," Isaiah 13:12 and Luke 12:15, September 26, 1907;
                          "The Ideal Man," I Thessalonians 5:23, n.d.;
                          "Personal Responsibility," Matthew 12:36, July 16, 1908.

3/11             Missionary Sermons:
                          "The Supremacy of Love," Luke 10:27, March 5, 1908;
                          "Abraham the Missionary," Genesis 12:1-3; n.d. [incomplete];
                          "Christ's Great Commission," Mark 16:15-16, March 29, 1908;
                          "The Power and Influence of Character," Deuteronomy 32:30, April 14, 1922;
                          "Program for Life," Luke 4:16, June 9, 1908;
                          "Christ the Sinner[']s only Hope," John 6:68, October 8, 1908.

3/12             Sermons:
                          "The Blessings of Cheerfulness," John 16:33, July 1, 1908;
                          "The Temptations of Christ," Matthew 4:1-11, July 28, 1908;
                          "Christ at the Heart's Door," Revelations 3:20, August 6, 1908;
                          "Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration," Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-10,
                                Luke 9:28-36, September 15, 1908;
                          "Christian Contentment," Philippians 4:11-13, September 22, 1908;

4/1                 Talks:
                          "Laughter and Sunshine," December 16, 1908;
                          "The Building of a Man," n.d.

4/2                Sermons and a Lecture:
                          "The Conscious Indurlling [sic] Christ," Ephesians 3:17, January 7,1909;
                          "The Purpose of God in Life's Trials," I Peter 4:12-13, March 18,1909;
                          "Serve the Lord with Gladness," Psalms 100:2, April 14, 1909;
                          "The Moral Grandeur of Suffering," Romans 5:6-8, December 13, 1909;
                          "The Gateway to Joy," Psalms 51:10-11, April 21, 1909;
                          "How to See Things," Matthew 5:8, Proverbs 29:18, Acts 2:17,
                                Acts 26:19, September 10, 1909;
                          "Profanity," Exodus 20:7, December 21, 1909;
                          Lecture - "Masonic," December 21, 1909.

4/3                Sermons:
                          "Environment - Influence," Proverbs 13:20, May 22, 1909;
                          "Is the Young Man Safe?," II Samuel 18:32, June 15, 1909;
                          "Where to Put the Emphasis," I Corinthians 2:2, March 24, 1910;
                          "The Kingdom of God," Romans 14:17, September 18,1909;
                          "The Lord God is a Sun," Psalms 84:11, October 8, 1909;
                          "Home Mission Problems," Luke 4:18-19 (Isaiah 61:1-3), October 6, 1909.

4/4                Sermons:
                          "Opportunities Where You Are," I Corinthians 10:31, October 19, 1909;
                          "Seven things to Mind," [?], n.d. [incomplete]
                          "Religion in daily life: or the science of right living,"
                                Romans 12:10-17; January 18, 1910;
                          "Conversion, the Gateway to Liberty and True Manhood,"
                                Matthew 18:3,   February 8, 1910;
                          "Working and Wailing," Philippians 2:12-13, March 1, 1910.

4/5                Sermons:
                          "The Profit of Godliness," I Timothy 4:7-8, April 21, 1910;
                          "Seeing the Invisible," Hebrews 11:27, May 12, 1910;
                          "Sin Tracking the Sinner," Numbers 32:23, May 18, 1910;
                          "Christ the Great Teacher," Matthew 13:34, May 24, 1910;
                          "Unconscious Influence," Romans 14:7, August 25, 1910.

4/6                Sermons:
                          "The Model Husband," Acts 10:2, September 20,1910;
                          "The Model Wife," Proverbs 31:29, September 30, 1910;
                          "The Model Son," Genesis 41:38-41, October 28,1910;
                          "The Model Daughter," Genesis 24:16, October 14, 1910;
                          "The Model Home," John 11:5, Genesis 18:19, Luke 1:6, July 2, 1921.

4/7                 Special Sermons on the Spirituality of Life:
                          "The Similarity between Israel and America," Isaiah 63:8-10, January 11, 1913;
                          "Friendship a Test of Character," John 15:14, January 23, 1913;
                          "Conscience a Guide when Enlightened," Acts 24:16, January 31, 1913;
                          "The Spiritual Man - A Christian," Galatians 5:22-23, February 13, 1913;
                          "Why Men become Dishonest," Romans 13:7-8,  February 22, 1913;
                          "Christ the Solution of Sociology," Colossians 3:11, March 4, 1913.

4/8                Special Sermons on Great Bible Subjects:
                          "The Transforming Power of the Gospel," Isaiah 35:8, April 28, 1913;
                          "Isaiah's Vision and Call,"Isaiah 6:8, May 16, 1913;
                          "St. Paul on Mar[r]'s Hill," Acts 17:23, July 16, 1913;
                          "The Sins that Crucified Christ," Mark 15:10, John 15:25, Matthew 26:14-16,
                                Luke 23:1-2, Mark 15:15, July 24, 1913;
                          "Man's Kinship with God," I John 3:2, January 22, 1920.

4/9                Special Sermons on Great Bible Subjects:
                          "Progress in Religious Life," Philippians 3:12-14, January 4, 1918;
                          "Links in the Chain of Habit," Jeremiah 13:23, January 24, 1918;
                          "In God's Training School," Revelations 7:14, January 16, 1918;
                          "The Path of Duty," Ecclesiastes, 12:13, February 16, 1918;
                          "The Way of Righteousness," Micah 6:8, May 29, 1918;
                          "Christ the Boy Savior," Luke 2:40, April 19, 1918.

4/10               Sermons on Practical Subjects for Every Day Religion:
                          "The Biggest thing in the World," Acts 20:35, December 11, 1920, page 3;
                          "The Good Shepherd," John, 10:11, December 27, 1920, page 23;
                          "The Moral and Spiritual Use of Money," Deuteronomy 8:2,
                                January 12, 1921,  page 48;
                         "The Tactfulness of Christ," John 7:46, January 19, 1921, page 69;
                          "Vicarious Suffering," Luke 24:26, January 25, 1921, page 92;
                          "The Vineyard of the Lord," Isaiah 5:7, February 3, 1921, page 112;
                          "The Day of Pentecost," Acts 2:4, February 8, 1921, page 130.

4/11               Sermons on Bible Subjects for Practical Religion in Daily Life:
                          "In the School of Christ," Matthew 11:29, July 14, 1921, page 3;
                          "Songs in the Night," Job 35:10, July 22, 1921, page 21;
                          "The True Vine and the Fruit Bearing Branches," John 15:7-8,
                                December 16, 1921,  page 39;
                          "The Rich Fool, and the Wise Pauper," Luke 16:25, January 19,1922, page 59;
                          "The Lost Sheep, the Lost Coins, the Lost Son," Luke 15:2,
                                January 26, 1922,  page 77;
                          "The Good Samaritan," Luke 10:37, February 9, 1922, page 99;
                          "The Ten Virgins," Matthew 25:2, February 16, 1922, page 119;
                          "The Joy of the Lord,"  John 15:11, March 7, 1922, page 137.

4/12               Expository Sermons:
                          "The Sermon on the Mount," Matthew 5:1-16, December 16, 1922, page 3;
                          "The Sermon on the Mount," Matthew 5:17-48, January 9, 1923, page 29;
                          "The Sermon on the Mount," Matthew 6:1-18, January 17, 1923, page 49;
                          "The Sermon on the Mount," Matthew 6:19-34, January 25, 1923, page 71;
                          "The Sermon on the Mount," Matthew 7:1-14, February 1, 1923, page 89;
                          "The Sermon on the Mount," Matthew 7:15-29, February 7, 1923, page 107;
                          "Cooperation with God," I Corinthians 3:9, February 15, 1923, page 129;
                          "The Real Value of Human Life," Psalms 8:4, February 22, 1923, page 151;
                          "Law, Liberty and Love," John 4:35, February 6, 1923, page 171.

4/13               Gospel Sermons on Great Subjects:
                          "The Gospel for the Poor," Isaiah 61:1-3, June 15, 1923, page 3;
                          "The Power of a Princely Passion," Acts 20:24, July 3, 1923, page 25;
                          "How Christ Revealed the Father," John 14:8, November 6, 1923, page 49;
                          "A Big Business Enterprise," Nehemiah 6:3, January 1, 1924, page 71;
                          "The Unsearchable Riches of Christ," Ephesians 3:8, January 9, 1924, page 93;
                          "The Pathfinders of the Soul Country," Hebrews 11:8, January 23, 1924, page 115;
                          "Men with Burning Hearts," Luke 24:32, January 28, 1924, page 137;
                          "The Influence of a Mighty Conviction," II Corinthians 5:14, January 31, 1924,  page 157;
                          "The Adaptability of the Gospel," Acts 4:12, February 8, 1924, page 177;

5/1                 Book of Prayers for his Wife and Children, by S.R. Belk

5/2                 Unidentified manuscript, ca. 1880's.

5/3                 Belk family genealogy.

5/4                 Council family genealogy.

5/5                 S.R. Belk's New Year's Resolutions.

5/6                 The Womans [sic] Missionary work, a tribute in memoriam of Dora Raukin,
                            by Catherine C. Belk, n.d.

5/7                 Photographs of S.R. Belk, 1893, n.d.

5/8                 Photographs from Belk family album, 1886-1892, n.d.

5/9                 Photographs from Belk family album, cont. and letter, 1903, 1912, n.d.

5/10               Photographs of Belk family members, 1888, 1903, n.d.

5/11               Photographs of Ruth Belk Griffin and others from envelope labeled
                            "Ruth Belk Griffin for Billy."

5/12               Newspaper clipping about S.R. Belk, incomplete.  January 16, 1928.

                      Oversized photograph of unidentified woman [c. 1920s possibly Ruth Belk]
                            removed to oversized box, location 1/E/9

Last Modified: 10/08/00