Pitts Theology Library
Archives and Manuscripts Department

Earl D. C. Brewer
Papers, 1941-1993

Descriptive Summary
Creator:Brewer, Earl D. C., 1914-1993.
Title:Earl D. C. Brewer papers, 1941-1993.
Call Number:Manuscript Collection No. 095
Extent:5.2 cubic feet (13 boxes)
Abstract:Contains research papers, publications and studies by Earl Brewer.
Language:Materials entirely in English.
Administrative Information
Restrictions on AccessUnrestricted access.
Terms Governing Use and Reproduction All requests subject to limitations noted in departmental policies on reproduction.
Citation[after identification of item(s)], Earl D. C. Brewer papers, MSS 095, Archives and Manuscript Department, Pitts Theology Library, Emory University.
ProcessingProcessed by Beth Carpenter, December 1988; and Brandon Wason, October 2015.

Biographical Note

Earl David Clarence Brewer was born in Ansonville, North Carolina, on May 26, 1914, the son of John A. and Lydia Brewer. He attended Rutherford Jr. College from 1930-1932 and received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree. Brewer went on to Emory University, and in 1937 he received a Bachelor of Divinity degree. In 1947 he graduated from Duke University with a MA, and in 1951 he received a Ph.D from the University of North Carolina. Brewer married Ethel Kerr on August 28, 1938 and they had two children, Krista and David.

Brewer's career with the Methodist Church started in 1938 as a minister with the Western North Carolina Conference. He was ordained as a deacon in 1940 and as an elder in 1942. Then, in 1946 Brewer joined the faculty of Emory University. He was appointed as a professor of Sociology and Religion at the Candler School of Theology in 1956. At Candler, Brewer also directed the Religious Research Center. He was Director of Research in Religion of South Appalachian Studies under a Ford Foundation Grant in 1958-59. In 1982 Brewer was named Charles Howard Candler Professor of Sociology of Religion, and in 1985 he assumed Faculty Emeritus status.

Dr. Brewer died at 79, on 16 June 1993 at Emory University Hospital of complications after heart surgery.

Scope and Content Note

This collection contains four document boxes of essays, sermons, and lectures written by Earl D.C. Brewer. The section of Brewer's essays, sermons, and lectures is arranged alphabetically by title. The second section contains seven document boxes of publications and studies, many of which were published by the Religious Research Center or other organizations. Because the authorship of material in this section varies, the authors are listed in addition to the title of the work. The third section contains survey material that Brewer or his associates used in their studies. The fourth section contains material relating to Southern Appalachian Studies, which includes a draft for an unpublished work, Religion and Change in Appalachia. The penultimate section contains other studies that were not written by Brewer, and the last section contains newspaper clippings collected by Brewer and a euology commerorating the death of Dr. Brewer in 1993.

Container Listing

Essays, Sermons, and Lectures
11Appalachian Region and Religion1973         
12Attitudes Toward Inclusive Practices in the Methodist Church in the Southeast: Selected Tables1964
13The Bible in the Bible Belt1972
14A Brief Commentary on the Attached Table1983
15A Brief Statement About the Role of Research in Theological Education1972
16A Brief Statement of the Sect-Church Typology1963
17A Brief Statement on the Place of Theological Schools in the overall Strategy of Methodism1951
18The Challenge to the Methodist Church of the Changing Cultural Conditions in the Contemporary American Countryside1964
19Change and the Quality of Life1972
110Changes in Religion Over the Generations1964
111Chapel Talk: 2 Corinthians 2:16; 3:6 (Candler School of Theology)undated
112Chapel Talk: Seminary as Community (Candler School of Theology)1960
113Chapel Talk: Whose Leaven in What Lump? (Candler School of Theology)1965
114Chapel Talk: Communion Meditation (Candler School of Theology)1965
115Chapel Talk: Isaiah 61:1-4; Mark 7:1-9 (Candler School of Theology)1969
116Chapel Talk: Stories and Songs (Candler School of Theology)1973
117Chapel Talk: Luke 4 (Candler School of Theology)1983
118Chapel Talk: Seminary as Exile (Candler School of Theology)1984
119Christian Values and Rural Society1960
120The Church and Community Change1965
121Church Extension Strategy1962
122The Church in Challenge and Response1964
123The Church in the South1965
124Church Planning Strategies in Appalachia1970
125Circuit Churchesundated
126Conceptions of Today's Ministry1956
127A Comparison of Churches in the Buford Teaching Parish (Georgia) and the Westfield Parish Development Project (Connecticut)undated
128Conditions and Changes, Crises and Challenges for Methodism in Town and Country America1963
129Congregational Futures: Divine and Humanundated
130Constructive Plans and Programs for Ministerial Training in the Southern Mountain Areaundated
131A Cooperative Research Process Within the National Council of Churches1968
132Crises and Challenges of the Local Church and Christian Parishundated
133The Crisis of Methodism in Town and Country1962
134A Critique of Research Documents in the H. Paul Douglass Collection1970
135Elementary Forms of Everyday Life and Religion1970
136Evaluation in the Planning-Action-Research Process1968
137Everyday Life and Transcendence1974
138Exploring Religion in Everyday Life1973
139Exploring Religion: Some Intimations and Indications1973
140Exploring the Seminary as Transcending Community1975
141Ferment in the Mix of Ministry Formation1974
21The Function of Sociology in the Theological Curriculum [bound with other papers for a panel discussion on sociologists in theological education]1960
22The Future of Religion and Ministries1976
23The Future of Religioning and Aging as Transcending Processes1980
24Futures for Churches of Small Membership1983
25The History and Future of Theological Education for the Small Town and Rural Community1983
26Inclusiveness in Local Methodism1966
27Informal Group Leadership Operations1977
28Introductory Statement on the Development of Rural Sociology and the Major Textbooks in Rural Sociology1951
29Life Stages and Spiritual Well-Being1978
210Linking Church Data and Academic Research1979
211Meditation on Four Breads1980
212Methodism and the Candler School of Theology1959
213Methodism and Society--A Bicentennial Vision1984
214Methodism in the Space Age1960
215The Methodists in Southern Appalachia1965
216Mississippi Conference Council on Ministriesundated
217The Negro and Population Characteristics1966
218The North Alabama Annual Conference Futuresundated
219Parish Renewal and the Small Membership Church[1960]
220A Partnership for the Renewal of Rural North Carolina1968
221Pathways Toward a Dynamic Structural Pattern of the Local Church1966
222Planning and Performance in the Functioning Methodist Circuit Pattern1958
223Planning within the Methodist Circuit Patternundated
224The Planning-Research-Action (PRA) Process With Application to Parish Mission and Ministry1970
225A Praying-Planning Process Toward Church Community Futures1983
226Private Housekeeping and Public Ministry in New Congregations1968
227Problems of Communication and the Strategy of Churches1954
228Possible Futures for United Methodism in Town and Country1974
229Protestant Denominations' Policy Response to Aging1981
230Radio Talk1963
231Reaction to Keynote Address1969
232Reflections on Reports and Renewal1980
233Reflections on Theological Education1984
234Religion and Aging1979
235Religion and Atlanta International1976
31Religion and Churches in Suburbia1959
32Religion and Socializationundated
33Religion and the Southern Revolution1965
34Religion and Theology: Research and Planning1976
35Religion in Custom and Change in the Mountains1958
36Religion in Elementary Forms of Everyday Life1972
37Religion in the Southern Appalachiansundated
38Religioning and Planning1975
39The Religioning Process in Future Forms of Ministries in the Military1977
310Religious Attitudes and Social Change in Southern Appalachia1967
311The Religious Situation in the South1963
312A Report of A Symposium on Transcendence and Mystery in Modern Life1972
313Reports of the Nine Study Groups1949
314Research Documents in the H. Paul Douglass Collection Review of Religious Research. Vol 13, number 21972
315Rethinking Human Rights in United Methodismundated
316Revisioning Congregational Development1983
317The Role of the Rural Minister1960
318Sect and Church in Methodism Social Forum, Vol. 30, number 41962
319A Seminary Professor (Sociologist) Looks at Methodist Periodicals1963
320Seventy-fifth Anniversary, 1989: Candler School of Theology and Earl D. C. Brewer1989
321The Small Membership Church: A Summit View1979
322Social Determinates of Religionundated
323Social Indicators and Religious Indicators1972
324Social Setting of the Southland (earlier edition)1960
325The Social Setting of the Southland1967
326Social Theory and Theologyundated
327Social Trends and Transformationundated
328A Sociological Commentary on John Cobb's The Meaning of Salvation1969
329Some Background Considerations in Planning Strategies of Leadership Development1969
330Some Challenges Facing the Church in Modern Urban Culture1964
331Some Changes in America's Countryside[1958]
332Some Characteristics of Young People in the Southern Appalachian Region1965
333Some Exploratory Work on Research into the Nature of Religion in Everyday Life1971
334Some Facts Facing Methodism1961
335Some Ideas About Religious Leadership in the 1980s and Beyond1979
41Some Informal and Introductory Remarks on the Nature of Religion and Indicators of Religion1972
42Some Issues Facing the Church in the Southeast1964
43Some Major Issues Facing the Division of the Local Church1966
44Some Notes on Theoryundated
45Some Social Characteristics of the South1964
46Some Suggestions About Future-oriented Research in Religion1970
47Some Ways of Visioning the Future1980
48The Southern Region - A Laboratory for Ecumenical Christian Mission?1966
49Spiritual Well-Being and the Quality of Everyday Life1975
410A Study of Employment of Women in Professional or Executive Positions in the Churches at a National Levelundated
411Studying Changes and Visioning Futures with Application to Churches and Communities1979
412Suggestions Regarding Town and Country Work in the Southeast1963
413Toward a Sociology of American Catholicismundated
414Toward Understanding Elementary Forms of Everyday Life and Religion1970
415Transcendence and Mystery in Everyday Life1972
416A Transcending Planning Process1983
417A Transcending Religioning-Planning Process1981
418United Methodism in the Future of the Southeast in Town and Country1969
419Untitled paper on the Methodism in America[1955]
420The Virginia Annual Conference Futuresundated
421Vision and Rapid Social Change1973
422WAGA (material to be used in book review over WAGA-TV)undated
423What's New and What's Next with Small Membership Congregations?1975
424Where are we in our Environment?undated
425Whither Town and Country Methodism by 1975?1956
426Woman's Clubs and Community Organization and Planning1950
427A Working Paper for the Southern Appalachian Consultation1963
428A Working Paper for the Staff Consultation of the Division of National Missions of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church1963
429A Working Paper on the Study of the Methodist Churches in the North Georgia Conference1963
430A Working Paper on the Town and Country Methodist Parish of the Future1956
431World Religions and Emerging World Community: An Optimistic Scenario1980
Publications and Studies
51Earl D. C. Brewer and Clyde W. Faulkner, Jr., Attitudes Toward Inclusiveness in Local Methodism1968
52Grant S. Shockley, Earl D. C. Brewer, and Marie Townsend, Black Pastors and Churches in United Methodism1976
53Earl D. C. Brewer, Theodore H. Runyon, Barbara B. Pittard, Harold W. McSwain, and Marie Townsend, A Chartbook of Urban Parish and Rural Parish Prepared for Methodist Convocation on Urban Life in America1966
54Earl D. C. Brewer, Christian Rural Fellowship Lectures1952
55Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, The Churches of the Gastonia District, The Western North Carolina Conference1964
56Earl D. C. Brewer, Lance Webb, and David Manning White, Content Analysis of Selected Methodist Periodicals1963
57Harold W. McSwain with Harold S. Huff; preface by Earl D. C. Brewer, The Cooperative-type Ministry and Renewal in Town and Country Churches: A Report on Group Ministries1965
58Earl D. C. Brewer and Marie Townsend, The Family Ministry Project: Research and Evaluation1969
59G. Ross Freeman and Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, General Characteristics of the Methodist Ministry in 19631963
510Douglas W. Johnson and Earl D. C. Brewer, Image of the National Council of Churches: A National Survey of Opinions1969
511Earl D. C. Brewer, Inclusiveness in Local Methodism1966
512Clifton LeCornu and Marie Townsend; forward by Earl D. C. Brewer, An Introductory Study of Methodism in Dougherty County1964
513Earl D. C. Brewer and Douglas W. Johnson, An Inventory of the Harlan Paul Douglass Collection of Religious Research Reports1970
61W. D. Weatherford and Earl D. C. Brewer, Life and Religion in Southern Appalachia1962
62Earl D. C. Brewer, Methodism in Athens and Clarke County, Georgia1955
63Earl D. C. Brewer, Methodism in Surry County, Winston-Salem District, Western North Carolina Conference1954
64Earl D. C. Brewer with Florence Little, Methodism in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area, 1950-1970: A Study in Church Extension Needs1960
65Earl D. C. Brewer with William B. Jones and Sidney E. Sandridge, Methodism in the Changing Southeast: A Study Prepared for the Southeastern Jurisdictional Council1952
66Earl D. C. Brewer, Methodism in the Paducah District of the Memphis Conference1955
67Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, Methodism in the Tampa District of the Florida Conference: A Preliminary Study1961
68Earl D. C. Brewer, Methodism in Yadkin County, Winston-Salem District, Western North Carolina Conference1954
69Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, The Methodist Churches in Georgia: Georgia Conference1961
610Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, The Methodist Churches in Georgia: North Georgia Conference, Volume 11961
611Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, The Methodist Churches in Georgia: North Georgia Conference, Volume 21961
612Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, The Methodist Churches in Georgia: North Georgia Conference, Gainesville District1961
71Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, The Methodist Churches in Georgia: South Georgia Conference, Volume 11961
72Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, The Methodist Churches in Georgia: South Georgia Conference, Volume 21961
73Earl D. C. Brewer, Mission in the Seventies: A Background Paper on Some Trends and Issues1969
74Earl D. C. Brewer, Theodore H. Runyon, Marie Townsend, Harold W. McSwain, and Barbara B. Pittard, Preliminary Report and Working Papers for the Methodist Parish Project (South Georgia Conference)1963
75Earl D. C. Brewer, Preliminary Study of Methodism in Memphis1954
76Earl D. C. Brewer, Preliminary Study, First Methodist Church, Memphis, Tennessee1954
77Earl D. C. Brewer, A Program for the Local Rural Church: The Report of Commission Seven of the National Methodist Rural Life Conference1948
78Earl D. C. Brewer, A Report and Evaluation of the Crisis in the Nation Program, 1968-19691970
79Earl D. C. Brewer, Loyde H. Hartley, and Marie Townsend, A Self-study of the General Board of Education of the Methodist Church and the General Board of Christian Education of the Evangelical United Brethren Church: Report 1, Background Papers1967
710Earl D. C. Brewer, Loyde H. Hartley, and Marie Townsend, A Self-study of the General Board of Education of the Methodist Church and the General Board of Christian Education of the Evangelical United Brethren Church: Report 2, A Self-study of Organizational Units1967
81Earl D. C. Brewer, Loyde H. Hartley, and Marie Townsend, A Self-study of the General Board of Education of the Methodist Church and the General Board of Christian Education of the Evangelical United Brethren Church: Report 3, Opinions of Board Members, Staff Members and Others1967
82Earl D. C. Brewer, Loyde H. Hartley, and Marie Townsend, A Self-study of the General Board of Education of the Methodist Church and the General Board of Christian Education of the Evangelical United Brethren Church: Report 4, Summary and Suggestions1967
83John R. Sills with Earl D. C. Brewer, director, Studies in North Georgia Methodism1955
84Earl D. C. Brewer, A Study Guide for Use in Seminars on the Church and Agricultural Life1957
85Earl D. C. Brewer and Marie Townsend, A Study in New Church Development, The Methodist Church1967
86Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, A Study of First Methodist Church and St. Paul Methodist Church, Gainesville, Georgia1967
87Earl D. C. Brewer, A Study of First Methodist Church Decatur, Georgia1956
88G. Melton Mobley and Earl D. C. Brewer, A Study of Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church1983
89Earl D. C. Brewer, A Study of Mount Vernon Methodist Church, Danville, Virginia1955
810Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend and Clifton Lecornu, A Study of Park Street Methodist Church1964
91Earl D. C. Brewer with Shirley Chapman, A Study of St. John Methodist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee1960
92Barbara Payne and Earl D. C. Brewer, A Study of the Adult Members of the Congregations of the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church1984
93Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, A Study of the Churches of Dade County, Miami District, The Florida Conference of the Methodist Church1965
94Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, A Study of the Churches of the Gainesville District, The Florida Conference of the Methodist Church1965
95Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, A Study of the Churches of the West Palm Beach District, The Florida Conference of the Methodist Church1965
96Earl D. C. Brewer with Otis Turner and Marie Townsend, A Study of the Crusade Scholarship Program of the United Methodist Church1970
97Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, A Study of the General Superintendency of the Methodist Church, Part 2: Relation of the Episcopacy to Pastoral Charges and Special Appointments1963
98Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend and Brian Peck, Study of the Ministry, North Alabama Conference1962
99Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, Study of the Ministry, North Alabama Conference: A Supplement1963
910Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, A Study of Trinity Methodist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee1961
911Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, A Study of Two Downtown Methodist Churches of Jacksonville, Florida1962
101Earl D. C. Brewer with Marie Townsend, A Study of Wagg Memorial Methodist Church1963
102Earl D. C. Brewer, Survey of Snyder Memorial Methodist Church and First Methodist Church, Jacksonville, Florida1962
103Earl D. C. Brewer, Survey of St. Paul Methodist Church and First Methodist Church, Gainesville, Georgia: Manual of Instructions1965
104Earl D. C. Brewer, Up Ahead for Methodism: Studies in the Enlarged Parish or Modern Circuit Pattern in Town and Country Methodism1959
105Earl D. C. Brewer, A Vocational Rehabilitation Study of Prisoners, Probationers and Parolees1964
106Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1941-1942
107Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1943
108Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1944
109Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1945
1010Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1947, 1949
1011Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1951-1953
111Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1954-1955
112Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1956-1958
113Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1964-1965
114Earl D. C. Brewer, Publications in Periodicals1967-1968
Unpublished Survey Materials
115Knoxville District Survey1968
116New Church Study (survey materials)1966
117Sample surveys and course materials1968-1973, undated
Southern Appalachian Studies
121Monograph: Religion and Change in Appalachia draft and outline with correspondence1971
122Monograph: Religion and Change in Appalachia draft of chapter 11971
123Monograph: Religion and Change in Appalachia draft of chapter 21971
124Monograph: Religion and Change in Appalachia draft of chapter 31971
125Monograph: Religion and Change in Appalachia draft of chapter 41971
126Monograph: Religion and Change in Appalachia draft of chapter 4 (copy)1971
127Draft of Household and Belief Surveyundated
128Household Survey and Data1958, undated
129Household Survey Dataundated
1210Data and Analysisundated
131Publications and Essays related to Southern Appalachian Studies (not by Brewer), Part 11960-1969, undated
132Publications and Essays related to Southern Appalachian Studies (not by Brewer), Part 21960-1969, undated
133Publications and Essays related to Southern Appalachian Studies (not by Brewer), Part 31960-1969, undated
Studies and surveys (not authored by Brewer)
134Robert L. Wilson and William H. Willimon, The Seven Churches of Methodism [includes brief correspondence with Nancy Ammerman]1985
135Anonymous, Survey of local church pastors and appointment beyond the local church (ABLC) in the North Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Churchundated
Other Materials
136Newspaper and magazine clippings1965-1969, undated
137Obituary and eulogy of Earl D. C. Brewer1993 June

Last Modified: November 2, 2015 (bcw)