Sermons, 1807.


EXTENT: .1 cubic ft. (3 small bound volumes)

ACCESS: Unrestricted

REPRODUCTION: All requests subject to limitations noted in departmental policies on reproduction.

COPYRIGHT: Information on copyright (literary rights) available from repository.

CITATION: William Douglas Sermons, MSS 058, Archives and Manuscripts Dept., Pitts Theology Library, Emory University.

Content Note

A collection of nineteen sermons delivered by  Reverend William Douglas, Prebendary of Westminister and Canon Residentiary of Sarum and Salisbury. The sermons are copied in three leather-bound volumes. The volumes are dated 1807, although one of the sermons was delivered in 1805.

Volume 1:
    Sermon 1      On the reasonableness, in some cases, of wanting to die.
    Sermon 2      On the just appreciation of the dignity of human nature, and the effect, which it
                             ought to produce on our conduct.
    Sermon 3      On the reasonableness of the duties required of man.
    Sermon 4      On the duty of acquainting ourselves with the scriptures
    Sermon 5      On Brotherly love.
    Sermon 6      On the advantages of public education.
    Sermon 7      On the inefficacy of a deathbed repentance.
    Sermon 8      On trust in God.

Volume 2:
    Sermon 9      On the objects, which Christianity was designed to effect, in the state of man,
                            and on the degree in which they have been accomplished.
    Sermon 10     Preached at second Visitations on the charges brought against the Regular
                             clergy by the dissenters.
    Sermon 11     Preached on the martydom of King Charles 1st.
    Sermon 12     On religious principle.
    Sermon 13     Preached at Sarum Cathedral on the 5th of Dec[ember] 1805 being the day
                            appointed for a general Thanksgiving for the victory over the combined
                            French and Spanish fleets.
    Sermon 14     Doing good proved to be the absence of Christian virtue.

Volume 3:
    Sermon 15     "and everyone, that hath this hope in him, purifieth himself, even as He is pure."
    Sermon 16     Adversity the best school for practical wisdom and moral improvement.
    Sermon 17     On the nature of the relation in which stand to God and on the effects which
                             it ought to produce on our religious opinions.
    Sermon 18     Preached at Nearington, Births [?], as a charity sermon, for the benefits of
                             the parochial schools.
    Sermon 19     We preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the
                             Greeks foolishness.

Last Modified: 10/08/00